Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Master Craftsman

  A 🎁 gifted Master Craftsman was 🚶 walking along one fine day...
And He noticed something so interesting yet odd on the ground
He bent down to investigate since it was on His way
And He was amazed, yet saddened by what He had found.

He picked it up and carried it with 💘 love to His workshop so true..
There He cleaned it and caressed it to become something so great
He repaired all the broken parts, and made everything just like new
As the hard work and concern could be seen upon His sweet face.

He wiped away all of the damage that things had truly done..
And put new and exciting things in every dark and broken place
Suddenly something so truly wonderful had now begun
As He reached and took His creation into His loving embrace.

A masterpiece began to take shape before His guiding eyes..
A beautiful new creation in which His heart was well pleased
And He continued to work with excellence and some surprise
As the new creation fell before Him on bended knee.

"My child, I 💘 love you.  You are very special and dear to me."
As He instructed never to be afraid, He would be there
The Master Craftsman is always working so diligently
He will take care of every concern and each burden He'll bear.

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