Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Grandest Feast

Dear Jesus.....

The table is being set with the finest of everything...
It is a banquet of grandest style like never seen before 
Delicacies are being prepared and I hear the angels sing
There's a hand carved, breathtaking welcome sign that hangs upon the door. 

Many fine seats with name plates are being set with love so true...
Salvation's invitation is going out with grace from your heart 
Lord, I humbly accept my seat and give all joy unto you 
But, you want me to help before all of the festivities start. 

So, I open my heart and you fill it with your power divine...
And give me your anointing and your words to bring light to each day 
To tell the other guests they're welcome and the great things they'll find
They come as they are and given a brand new,  happy life's way. 

There are some that are busy and do not want to come at all...
Others want to think about it and maybe at a later date
But, the time is now to wake up and to heed your mighty loves call
But, there are those who yearn for your presence and come to your embrace. 

So, I accept my task and tell others about it all so true...
I welcome my precious seat with such gratefulness,  joy and delight 
This invitation is open with happiness, come now, will you?
Take your place by your sweet Saviors side and enjoy the great sight!

My Jesus... I give my heart and life to you today.   Thank you for accepting me just as I am.   Thank you for giving me a new life and a place with you in eternity.   Thank you for forgiving me and loving me.  Amen. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Heaven's Breathtaking Glory

My Savior.....

My yearning heart reaches out for your anointing and its life changing flow...
To become a deeper part of your heart and spirit in every way
Lord, this is my desire and there is so much more I have to know 
As I come before you please take me into your arms and teach me each day. 

I want to know about Heaven's breathtaking beauty and all the great glory there...
And how your power is moving like a light for other hearts to see
You give so much of yourself because you're great and truly care
Lord, make a humbled instrument and devoted student out of me.

So I can bring others to yearn for more of you every brand new day...
And when I come before you and see your breathtaking smile big and true 
I'll hear those desired words "well done,  I'm proud of you in every way!"
Sweet Jesus,  my greatest desire is to bring all honor unto you!

Friday, October 27, 2023

You Are My Strength

My Jesus.....

When I look at everything around me, my heart crumbles in many ways...
Sometimes I don't know which way to turn or what to believe any more at best 
I see many clouds trying to block out the sunshine of each new day 
And worldly things trying to take away your precious hope and happiness. 

But, then a miracle of such epic proportions suddenly takes place...
A brilliant light of love, grace and wonder shines out everywhere 
Your anointing flows all over and hearts can see your breathtaking,  sweet face 
As the beauty and wonder of your heart touches others with such great care.

I can see hearts and home's begin to welcome you into there presence more...
Clouds begin to fade and bright 🔆 sunshine spreads with hope and love so quickly 
It looks like a mighty revival is taking its strong roots shore to shore 
I can see the great confusion and sadness quickly taking leave of me.

I now see crowds of people drawing closer to know You in their hearts core...
Many lost lives are now being saved to live for you for eternity 
Jesus,  we're praying for more revival and for your spirit from Heaven's shore 
Train my heart to be your instrument and work a wondrous work within me!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Grateful ♥ Heart

My Jesus.....

Please grant me a heart filled with humility and perfect love...
Begin a wonderful restoration by the power of your great hands
Help me to realize your great anointing and wondrous grace from above 
Make me now into all that you want me to be and all you have planned. 

Instill within me a spirit of Thanksgiving for all that you have done...
Help me to be grateful for everything you've done and all that you will do
Lord, give me a divine understanding that such great things have now begun 
Help me to see the divine realization life is nothing without you. 

Lord, give me a grateful heart right now for great blessings that flow large and small...
Please provide a clear and concise vision to see all things so beautifully 
My heart truly wants to be attentive and heed your voice when you may call 
Jesus always see a humble and truly grateful heart deep within me!


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Blessings For The Heart


The greatest gift that you can give is the gift of yourself and a loving, caring heart.

** For one shared moment can mean a lifetime of inspiration
** One beautiful smile can mean an eternal light of hope
** One simple prayer can be a motivator to dream
** One kind act can be a stepping stone to excel beyond any limitations and boundaries
** One offer of friendship can change a life forever
It all starts with the gift of love so genuinely and abundantly given with nothing expected in return.  It will be the greatest fountain of blessing that you can imagine.  For when you place others first, you move the world.

Friday, October 20, 2023

A Prayer Of Promise

Dear Jesus...

Please fill me with a rugged strength that will never know an end...
Give me a distinctive courage that builds in all that I do 
Dear Lord,  please help my struggling, broken heart to quickly mend
And be sheltered and protected by the greatest part of you. 

Please fill me with hope and surround me with your love everywhere...
Take a special place in my heart for all that you will do
You lift me into your arms and inspire me with wondrous care
Lord,  all that I am or ever hope to be is found in you. 

You show me just how special that I am and your love that is true...
You're everything I'll ever need now and beyond and much more 
You'll take away my concerns and fears and give me your joy too
Make me everything you want with delight, and happiness in store!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

My Jesus, You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus.....

You are everything I will ever need each day through...
To fulfill me and give me great hope and so much more 
My brilliant ray of inspiration in all I do 
Jesus,  You are the meaning of life and so much more. 

You are my Heavenly father and my beautiful best friend...
My healer and my solution to everything at its best 
My provider and comforter on which I will always depend 
The powerful protector who provides hope and happiness. 

You are the time keeper who always has the best for me...
The great key to every door and window that this life beholds
Lord,  thank you for being more in every way, and more I see
I can't wait for this adventure that a life with you unfolds!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

In My Heart ♥

My Jesus...

In my heart ♥ I can see something wonderful now before me...
Two mighty hands are opening and the light is ever bright 
Your joy is beaming everywhere with love and grace perfectly 
My spirit's overwhelmed by this truly magnificent sight. 

Your voice proclaims that all are welcomed to come now in a big way...
There are no worries or concerns you are forgiven and new
We're to lay everything at your feet and look for a new day 
Where you'll plant seeds of hope and promise in all that we may do. 

I'm great because I know I'm a masterpiece in the making...
The old man has now been made so clean, so polished and brand new
In my heart, I can see perfect peace and all that serving you brings 
I have a brand new pathway just because of your mercy so true!

I reach out for your hands Lord. 
I love you!  Amen. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lord, You Are My Rock

My Jesus...

When I feel like the wind is cold and blowing stronger at times...
And I am now standing alone with no one else to talk to 
There is no consideration or courtesy that I find 
My heart feels so broken and lost the entire walk through. 

Just then a light begins to shine brilliantly all around me...
I can see your breathtaking presence in a mighty big way 
The joy of your welcomed smile is a precious sight to see
You put your arms around me with some caring words to say.

You tell me how much you love me and to not be down at all...
I should lean on you and look to you with such great happiness 
For you know all my needs and will be there whenever I call
Taking care of all heart's desires and working on the  best. 

Lord I've learned that you are my great strength my lifetime through...
I never have to face anything on my own Lord again 
For you are my Savior who will help me in all that I do
You are my source,  my strength,  my reason for life and my best friend!

My Saviour's Gifts

My Jesus...

The breathtaking gifts from your heart are precious,  beautiful and rare...
They show your perfect love and grace in such a magnificent way 
Each one is a unique and special blessing that shows you do care 
And that there are many more words from your heart that you want to say. 

The greatest gift is salvation for each heart without boundaries...
It shows your great patience and how much we will always mean to you 
The gifts of mercy and forgiveness have our spirits new  and set free
Heartfelt compassion has our bond stronger,  tough, rugged and true. 

There is the gift of true eternal life by your side forever more...
Made to be your instrument so vibrant and walking in your great light 
Jesus thank you for your gifts and blessings that flow from your 💕 hearts 🚪 door 
I will give you praise, glory and thanksgiving with all of my might!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Lord, I Need Healing


Precious Lord I need a flow of your miraculous healing power from above...
To flow in to me now like warm perfect oil from the window of Heaven true 
A sacred, wondrous gift coming from your heart of joy with grace and unending love 
To refresh,  restore,  and rebuild everything to miraculous health like brand new.

You see my pain that is immense and want me to feel better and be all that I can...
So send your anointing to me now I am waiting with anticipation 
As I pray I can see your power moving and the opening of your great hands 
I know that you are always with me precious Father and the battle is now won!

So I claim divine healing and the victory is mine with untold happiness...
Jesus you are here with your goodness touching it and taking care of it all 
I don't ever have to worry about pain because I am your child and blessed 
You will help me, give me strength and endurance and always be there when I call!

My Greatest Desire


My greatest desire is to bring all glory and honor to you...
And to thank you for your goodness and your mercy in so many great ways 
I want to be a light that praises you in everything that I do 
And to follow you and serve you every hour of all my days. 

I know I've made mistakes and haven't been perfect Jesus which is true...
But your forgiveness is always fresh and without limits or boundaries 
You've made me something wonderful reborn in your power and brand new
Jesus an exciting new life serving you is just ahead of me.

So I give you all that I am with desire and great happiness...
You take my hand as tears flow from your eyes with a smile and delight 
I can now sense the feeling of being touched by you and truly blessed 
As I finally begin to see that all is pleasing in your sight!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Just One Anchor


Just One ⚓ anchor can make all the difference in the end...
It can set the stage for real success beyond compare 
Opening the door of hope upon which all depends 
Providing great solutions with happiness and care.

It is a lifeline straight to unending perfect love...
A communication connection to a great heart 
Where promise flows abundantly from Heaven above 
And a sweet eternal friendship flows right from the start. 

The anchor in its glory is called prayer and it's true...
Coming before God's throne with humility above 
Bringing him our needs and thoughts that are old and new
And watching his spirit move with such Heavenly love. 

Now it shouldn't be fancy but simply at its best...
Believing in all God says he is and so much more 
And waiting with expectation and such happiness 
For God's greatest blessings to flow from Heaven's sweet door. 

So get down on your knees knowing what faithfulness holds...
Bring it to God with devotion and mighty care
Knowing he will meet you with anointed hope untold 
No matter where you go set down the anchor ⚓ of 🙏 prayer!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Lord, Help Our Nation


We need the great fire of your anointing to flow mightily from shore to shore...
Fill every heart to overflowing with your sweet spirit, love and true grace 
Warm every home with the knowledge of who you are so hearts will want to know much more 
Let there be a great desire for your presence so a revival takes place. 

Let everyone be covered completely by the protection of your great hands...
May provisions flow from your heart with care to take care of souls so abundantly 
Let the light of your power provide wisdom and guidance as you unfold your plan 
Jesus Let each and every person be attentive to your voice perfectly. 

Savior, please protect our nation and provide the greatest help as only you can...
Bring us back to the place where you want us to be with you as our central core 
All we have to do is place our faith and trust in you and follow your command 
And fear will never have a place because you will take care of it all and much more!

Phone Line To Heaven

Precious Jesus...

I want to hear your great voice and feel all that you are pouring into me....
Like the beauty of a new rain ☔ filling an empty vessel to overflow 
But I have to learn everything I need to do to come closer to thee
And there's so much wisdom you want to give me and things I should know. 

Your love surrounds me as you welcome me to come to you in every way....
Helping me to have a true humbled heart on bended knee in sincere prayer
Teaching me the importance of doing this faithfully every day 
Showing me that this is a tool of communication proving you care.

It's a stepping stone that connects your heart to mine in a tight knit great way...
Allowing you to see my devotion and me to hear more from you 
This is my telephone line to your heart to focus on all that you say 
Lord I want the connection to be clear and concise in all that I do.

Thank you for having patience with me and allowing me to come to you...
May our connection always be clear and strong and last for eternity 
Jesus thank you for the gift of prayer and my connection in all I do
As I get on that phone line to Heaven may you always see pureness in me!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

When I Feel Alone

My Jesus.....

On those days when I feel alone like no one seems to care...
Looking for someone to talk to but no 💕 hearts can be found. 
I am filled with feelings of emptiness that I cannot bear 
A sense of stress and great uselessness just seems to abound. 

Just then it feels like a sense of love is pouring in me...
A perfect breathtaking love that is so sweet and rare 
I reach out with my heart so that I can always know more wondrously 
Seeking to feel that beautiful peace that you're always there. 

You fill every part of me with your sweet anointing...
You show me that you're all that I need and are by my side 
My heart wants to exhault you and your glory always sing
I release my emptiness and in your love I'll abide!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...