Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Grateful ♥ Heart

My Jesus.....

Please grant me a heart filled with humility and perfect love...
Begin a wonderful restoration by the power of your great hands
Help me to realize your great anointing and wondrous grace from above 
Make me now into all that you want me to be and all you have planned. 

Instill within me a spirit of Thanksgiving for all that you have done...
Help me to be grateful for everything you've done and all that you will do
Lord, give me a divine understanding that such great things have now begun 
Help me to see the divine realization life is nothing without you. 

Lord, give me a grateful heart right now for great blessings that flow large and small...
Please provide a clear and concise vision to see all things so beautifully 
My heart truly wants to be attentive and heed your voice when you may call 
Jesus always see a humble and truly grateful heart deep within me!


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