Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Jesus You Are My Purpose

My Jesus.....

You are my life's complete mission and purpose in every way...
Every thing I should be or ever hope to be comes from you 
Your sweet anointing paves the pathway for every brand new day 
The light of your sweet love and grace is what will always see me through. 

You are my life's great desire and focus in every way...
Your power sees promise in me that no one can comprehend 
And gives me beautiful gifts that make me a new person each day 
A wondrous and fresh revelation from my true and mighty best friend  

You are my life's meaning and definition in every way...
Great vision comes from my heart on who you truly see me to be 
When I am obedient to your will and what you have to say 
That's when I'll find out who I am and always be very happy!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Greatest Tool Of Hope

My Jesus...

I can see breathtaking blessings flowing from your heart like living water for me...
It enriches me with the power to be restored, refreshed and renewed again 
It opens up the portal of purest love and grace for all of eternity 
And gives me the greatest opportunity and honor to bond with my best friend. 

The greatest of blessings is the gift of prayer in which I have a strong tie to you...
Coming before your throne room on bended knee with a humbled heart ♥ so dear 
Laying all of my cares before your feet with a dedication that is so true 
Knowing and believing that you will take care of everything and you are so near. 

The greatest of blessings is knowing you're listening and I can hear your voice call...
I can be a prayer warrior not only for myself but to bless others too
For you are my Savior and my everything Jesus and have control of it all 
By faith and in prayer, I will watch for the opening of your hands and look to you!


Monday, January 29, 2024

My Breathtaking Sonshine

Precious Jesus.....

Thank you for being my Breathtaking Sonshine that's always there sparkling just for me...
Like a beautiful gift of purest love that comes directly from your heart with care 
It's a bestowing of your anointing light and power for all the world to see 
A wondrous promise that you will take care of everything and will always be there. 

Thank you Lord for my Breathtaking Sonshine that gives me mighty hope for each new day...
Showing me I can do anything and any possible new dream can come true 
All I have to do is place my faith and trust in you always 
And walk according to your great and mighty word in everything that I must do. 

Thank you Lord for my Breathtaking Sonshine that's a lifeline for me forevermore...
It gives me a closer and much more intimate link to a greater bond with you 
I am sending my purest thanks and humble gratefulness from my heart's sweet core
Thank you with all sincerity for always being there with strength and joy so true!


Saturday, January 27, 2024

My ⚓ Anchor And My Foundation

My Savior...

When I feel like giving up your hand of compassion is there with such happiness...
It surrounds me with a peace and adoration I've never known before 
And shows me the deepest part of your heart filling me with your anointing at best 
Suddenly my heart cries out and yearns to explore everything and discover more. 

Your presence is a mighty strength that gives me everything I'll need every day...
Like a rugged ⚓ anchor it provides peace and patience to stay focused and upbeat
Your power gives me hope and promise that you'll always be there in every way 
You're the rugged foundation on life's pathway that brings stability to my feet. 

So when I feel like giving up I simply look up and keep my eyes on you...
Trusting in you and knowing without a doubt that you'll take care of it all and me
I should never want to quit or give up but stand strong with joy in all I do
For you are my great stronghold and all I need to rest upon for eternity!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Gift Of Mercy

My Jesus.....

The precious gift of mercy is like a beautiful rose 🌹 given freely from your heart with incredible love...
It is nurtured and multiplied without limits or boundaries and made perfect by unending sweet real grace 
An outpouring of your anointing and your power like fresh rain ☔ from Heaven above 
It keeps me ignited by 🔥 flames of your presence and has my spirit yearning for your mighty embrace. 

The precious gift 📦 of mercy is like a lifeline that keeps getting stronger and brighter with every brand new day.....
It is a catalyst of great things that grows from seeds for the Master Gardener to cultivate and grow 
It is a breathtaking gift 📦 that keeps showering blessings and making life better in so many wondrous ways 
It's an overflow of wisdom and knowledge that the heart and spirit really want to know. 

The precious gift of mercy is like food 🍲 for the soul and spirit that flows from a true best friend that really does care...
It's a lifeline from a bond that brings us closer and dedicated with compassion like never before 
A great foundation upon which to stand and prosper and make it difference by someone who's always there 
My Jesus we all need your infinite wisdom and mercy like never before!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Refreshing Water

My Beloved Jesus.....

Thank you for your sweet mercy and patience that are always there for me...
I'm grateful for the beautiful blessings that come from your heart each day 
I'm honored by your eternal love that surrounds me so perfectly 
And the flow of wondrous grace that seems to surround me in every way. 

Thank you for forgiveness that looks past imperfections to hope so true...
I'm humbled by your compassion that surrounds me so abundantly 
I'm in awe by the peace and care that are present in all I do
My Jesus I am thankful for just how much I truly mean to thee.

Thank you for the living water that flows from your heart so happily...
It allows a broken vessel to be whole and start new again 
You are my refreshing breath of life that ignites hope and promise in me
Thank you for being my Blessed Savior and my wonderful best friend!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Lord Help Me To Be Ready

My Jesus.....

I look at the ever changing dark world before me and the many things to behold...
My heart ♥ looks to you for clarity as something definitely is now taking place 
You reach out to me with such peace and assurance that you are in complete control 
As love surrounds me and fills me and you take me into your complete and whole embrace. 

I can see your mighty hands opening like a gateway I've never seen before...
And a cascade of wondrous blessings from your heart just flowing down now over me 
I can't wait to see your answer to prayer and all of the things that you have now in store 
My heart ♥ begins to marvel with adoration as you mold and help me lovingly. 

You show me that a table is being set and there's a foot on the threshold of times door...
But my tie and all that I am grows closer and more tighter to your heart
Time is growing shorter and the light is getting dimmer as I want to know much more 
I need to stay close to you and trust in you and from those ways never to depart.

Be a light and tell others who you are and everything you mean to me...
So that they can pledge their ♥ heart and life, come to know You and be ready as well 
To behold your breathtaking smile and embrace you as you come lovingly 
As you take us to your magnificent feast with such great stories to hear and tell. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Just One Touch Of Your Glory

My Jesus...

Sometimes when I see the clouds in the sky, my heart ♥ fills with sadness in every way...
I can't find the happiness and joy that my heart ♥ so richly craves in great degree 
The 😯 worry and stress that are taking a toll and gripping my heart every day 
It is tearing away at the greatest part of who I am truly meant to be. 

My spirit reaches out with anxiousness for just a small glimpse of your perfect light...
A touch of your anointing like 🔥 fire coming over me with your mighty love
My soul longs to be strengthened, restored and so pleasing in your sight
To see the cascading of a glorious miracle sent from Heaven above. 

Every part of me longs to hear your voice calling with grandeur and wisdom so true...
Slowly those ⛅ clouds begin to disappear and the ☀ sun starts to shine brightly again 
I'm learning to completely trust you and to rest in your presence in all I do
I can always be happy and see the sun because you are there and my best friend!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Lord, By The Unfolding Of Your Mighty Hands

My Breathtaking Jesus.....

By the unfolding of your wondrous hands, great things begin to take shape so mighty and true...
The seeds of a unique miracle now start to take hold so perfectly 
The Master Craftman's gifts will shine so preciously in all that he must do 
As something so breathtaking is unfolding for all the world to see. 

A willing heart is being purified and filled with the best tools there are...
A yearning soul is being ignited with spiritual fire 🔥 so grand 
Unique peace ✌ and wisdom are being planted to carry the spirit far
Lord great things are happening by the sound of your voice and your command. 

By the unfolding of your hands I'm becoming an instrument for you...
Being made perfect and just as you are with every working new day 
My Jesus show me how I can help the creative work in all I do
I dedicate all that I am and want to be like you in every way!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Each Step In Your Presence

My Precious Jesus.....

Each step in your presence is illuminated with the brilliance of your love and grace...
There is strength and endurance in your power to never give up in any way 
The gifts of pure happiness and joy are seeds of your promise found every place 
Your brilliant anointing is the horizon that lights up each brand new day. 

Each step in your presence is enforced with the blessings that flow from your heart so true...
Like a beautiful, refreshing cascade of your power rebuilding all of me
You give me all of the great instruments and tools that I will need to make it through 
And fill me with peace, faith, and trust so I will always see things with clarity. 

Each step in your presence is being set for dynamic things to take shape and grow...
To make a difference so others can see your Kingdom and glory and much more 
To receive the greatest answer to prayer that every heart ♥ will come to accept you and know 
And see a magnificent revival as your power spreads like never before!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Lord You Are My Fortress


I come before your throne on bended knee with tears so pure and true...
My heart is so crushed and greatly broken more than I can now stand 
I've been treated so miserably and poorly and don't know what to do 
I'm here now to take this burden and release it into your sweet hands. 

I see the peace and love in your eyes as you dry my tears away...
Your smile is like a calming rainbow 🌈 bringing such new delight
You raise me to my feet and assure me there will be better days 
And tell me how much I'm valued and am precious in your sight. 

Suddenly I can see a bright light coming in to my heart's core...
The broken pieces are made whole and divine healing takes place 
I begin to reach out for your anointing and want to know more 
Your loving arms surround me with love and wrap me in your embrace. 

I begin to offer gratitude and praise my Lord unto you...
I yearn to grow in your spirit and become what you want me to be 
Thank you for giving me new hope and a mighty dream that is true 
You'll always be my greatest desire for all eternity!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

My Heart Is Grateful

My Jesus.....

My heart is so grateful that you are my mighty Savior and King...
You are everything I'll ever need in my life and more 
The encouragement and inspiration that makes my spirit sing 
I yearn for you and cannot wait for what our close bond had in store. 

My heart is so grateful that you are my best friend and my delight...
You are faithfully by my side always and take good care of me
I am always covered by your blood and cared for with all your might
Protected by your power and nurtured sweetly and perfectly. 

My heart is so grateful that you are my source and great lifeline...
The brilliant light of promise that eternally guides my true way
My Breathtaking happiness and the greatest real peace that I'll find 
My Jesus I'm grateful for you and your blessings every day!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Your Perfect Love

My Jesus.....

Thank you Lord for your perfect love to which nothing can compare...
It's a breathtaking gift that's freely given from you to me 
It comes with pure grace and understanding that's precious and rare 
And a Saviors true, caring heart that's open for all to see. 

Thank you Lord for a love that never fails or falters at all...
It makes all things new and brings a promising new day 
A special lifeline to my best friend whose there when I may call 
And tools from His heart for strength, and encouragement to guide the way. 

Thank you Lord for a real love I can count on forevermore...
A foundation and stepping stone to achieve the very best 
My heart yearns for more of your presence and all you have in store 
I am grateful for your love which always brings me happiness!

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Birthday 🎂 Prayer

My Precious Jesus.... 

Thank you for the perfect blessing and gift of another year...
It is a light of hope and promise from your heart just for me 
A pathway of new beginning with you that I hold so dear 
A gift 📦 to live for you and serve you so purposely. 

Thank you for the perfect delight to follow your will and plan...
Listen for your voice and seek all that you truly want to say 
See the miracle and joy of the unfolding of your hands 
As you lead me and prepare me for a new and brighter day. 

Thank you for the perfect wonder of your unending pure love...
It is the greatest birthday 🎂 gift just for me and so much more 
You are my greatest strength and source flowing from Heaven above 
Jesus you are my breath of life and everything I live for!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Reflection

My Beloved Jesus...

The greatest gift that I can get is knowing I belong to you...
I am your precious child so adored and greatly loved by grace 
You keep me in your tender care with anointing and joy so true 
I can always find peace and your presence within your strong embrace. 

The greatest gift I can get is knowing I can serve you each day...
And be a brilliant light to tell others of the bond we share 
Make a difference for your Kingdom in this world in a special way 
And always be surrounded by your perfect pure love that is rare 

The greatest real gift that I can get I'm holding forever more...
It's having a place in your sweet heart for all of eternity 
And one day seeing your face smiling ☺ on Heaven's breathtaking shore
Dear Jesus that is by far the greatest gift that means much to me!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

My Strength For Every Moment

My Jesus...

You are my strength that uplifts me and places me on my path every day...
The encouragement to believe in great things and horizons that are true 
My inspiration to hope for dreams, and a new and exciting way 
My wondrous Jesus I would not be anything if I didn't have you. 

You are my endurance that keeps me going and trying a little more...
The peace that calms my heart and spirit and gives me assurance of good things 
The healing anointing and prosperous power that has good things in store 
A best friend who's always there for me with love, grace and unending blessing. 

You are my fountain of life and light of promise that shines so brilliantly...
You are the holder ot life's road map and the manager of everything 
The greatest Savior and Lord a child could have and everything to me
Jesus you are the beauty of heaven that forever makes my heart sing!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Blessings Of Your Love

My Jesus.....

Your love blesses me with peace and tranquility every day...
It shelters me with your anointing and keeps me safe and whole 
It restores me and makes me new in many wonderful ways 
The greatest message of hope and promise my heart will be told.

Your love blesses me with happiness and amazing glory...
It gives me mighty healing waters that flow so completely 
It's the mighty anchor that guides my pathways greatest story 
The beautiful Potters hand that shows the very best in me.

The blessings of your love are abundant and many it's true...
It brings me ever closer to what we will forever share 
My foundation and strength in everything that I must do 
A precious gift of grace from a Savior who truly does care. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

You Are My Heart ♥

My Breathtaking Savior...

You are the light of life that fills my spirit with such happiness...
The purest breath of energy that gives me strength for each day 
The wondrous anointing that brings me healing at its best
My great ⚓ anchor that gives me direction and shows me the way. 

You are my source and wisdom in which I place my trust and more...
My confident and best friend that I tell all my great needs to
The planner of my pathway with so many great things in store 
Savior I need more intense moments to focus upon you. 

You are my delight and everything I aspire to be...
There's one pledge of determination I make now with such grace
My goal is to praise you and exhault you with such certainty 
Lord, come now and let your love flow into every time and place!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Dear Jesus 

We dedicate every minute of each day unto you...
Please fill them with your love and peace, your anointing and so much more 
Give us your guidance for everything we say and do 
Help us to see the many good things that you will have in store. 

Give us sight to realize we are your creation and your love...
We have so much value and purpose and a plan from you 
Help us see that you'll provide and take care of us from above 
You will be our great light of hope and wisdom our whole life through. 

So now we say thank you for this special year and gift so true...
A breakthrough year of peace, success and new beginnings so grand 
Please use me as your instrument to bless other lives too
I'm excited Lord as I see the unfolding of your hands!

Happy New Year everyone!  God bless you all!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...