Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Each Step In Your Presence

My Precious Jesus.....

Each step in your presence is illuminated with the brilliance of your love and grace...
There is strength and endurance in your power to never give up in any way 
The gifts of pure happiness and joy are seeds of your promise found every place 
Your brilliant anointing is the horizon that lights up each brand new day. 

Each step in your presence is enforced with the blessings that flow from your heart so true...
Like a beautiful, refreshing cascade of your power rebuilding all of me
You give me all of the great instruments and tools that I will need to make it through 
And fill me with peace, faith, and trust so I will always see things with clarity. 

Each step in your presence is being set for dynamic things to take shape and grow...
To make a difference so others can see your Kingdom and glory and much more 
To receive the greatest answer to prayer that every heart ♥ will come to accept you and know 
And see a magnificent revival as your power spreads like never before!

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