Sunday, November 29, 2020

Searching For The Path Of Hope


My ❤ heart is searching for the pathway that holds everything...
True happiness, joy, blessings, and peace beyond compare
Something that is real, no matter what the gray clouds may bring
And fills every heart with a breathtaking love so rare.

I know that I am your child, this fact is greatly true...
And you are my Father, my everything, my best friend
But I realize I must have a much closer bond with you
My ❤ heart desires a relationship that will never end.

For in that shared adoration, my hope will come so strong...
You are the perfect hope that holds all good things large and small
My Jesus, in your embrace daily is where I belong
You're ready to intercede for me when I call.

So Master I rededicate my life now unto you...
You are the hope I seek please fill all emptiness you see
Let our special bond of love be like a breath of life so new
Please open great new pathways of beautiful hope for me.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Battle Of Faith

There's a battle raging through my heart that motions day by day...
It is the battle of bad and good raging with great power
It attacks every part of me in a most horrific way
And brings more tension that's growing bolder hour by hour.

Just then a perfect love comes in and sees all I'm going through...
You reach out with a sense of peace and comfort so very dear
Assuring me your right there all around me in all I do
And you will help me fight 1the war and wipe away every tear.
Your grace and hope will be my shield to boldly take every step...
Your love and care will grow my faith more powerful than before
Leaning on you and trusting you is my greatest sure bet
Success and victory from you will be there at every door.

Jesus, I hear the trumpet sounding in the distance loudly...
I take your love and your word and wait for your mighty command
Now I know I can fight the battle of faith so perfectly
Nothing built upon your toughest foundation will lose its plan!

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Hardest Thing


The saddest thing I could see is not having you..
Not being able to reach out and know you're there
If I had knowledge of that I don't know what I'd do
That is something I could not even for a moment bear.

Jesus, you are the truth and life's only real way..
You make the moments better than the one before
You are the sunrise and breath for every new day
I want all that you have to offer me and more.

Ignite me with the fire of your sweet spirit true...
Let me be your instrument to save other souls
I want others to see your spirit in all I do
And how your great love makes me so complete and whole.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Grateful Heart


I am so thankful and grateful for all that comes from your heart of 💘 love..
Your grace and mercy are beautiful and know no limits or boundaries
I send my love and humbled adoration to your throne room above
Expressing all of my thoughts on how much our special bond means to me.

Your love is a beautiful shield of hope that's everlasting and strong...
It gives me the strength to take another step and face a brand new day
Your presence is my energy to maneuver every day long Jesus, my love for you is breathtaking more than words can ever say.

Thank you for everything with all of my heart and all of my soul...
You are my Saviour, my best friend, my Provider, and my everything
You are the reason for my living, and make me so complete and whole
My Jesus, I give you all praise, thanks, and gratefulness this Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Answer Manual


Sometimes my ❤ heart gets conflicted every day by what I see...
I have so many unanswered questions I need answers to
My struggling spirit wants to give up so disparingly
The 😢 tears of my ❤ heart are many when I have no one to turn to.

Suddenly, a light shines upon my empty corner so true..
A warm feeling of pure love completely takes control of me
You fill me with a life changing strength that is complete and new
And show me a great direction I've been unable to see.

You speak the breathtaking beauty of your word unto my heart...
And show me the brilliance of your heart in a magnificent way
The only answers worth having come from you right from the start
And they are available at any time every day.

Suddenly, a happiness I've not known filled me completely...
You've made all of my conflicting thoughts quickly become so clear
When I feel 😨 afraid and need answers so understandably
I will come to you Jesus, and draw Your life changing word near.

When I Look Into My Heart


When I look into my ❤ heart, what do I truly see?
Are there great things that would please you with glory and care?
Are there things that need work taking a toll upon me
Depleting all of who I am and what I can bear.

So, I stop and carefully take a look at it all...
Remembering who I truly am your precious, loved child
I can feel my spirit yearning and my heart now call
So, I sit and begin to examine for a while.

I remember all the things that fill my life each day...
And how fortunate I am that they are always there
I'm grateful for them big and small in so many ways
And realize now just how blessed I am beyond compare.

I know those are 🎁 gifts of 💘 love especially from God's hands...
And know that everything is His and He's in control
So, I must give thanks at all times for His mighty plans
For it is He who will take care of me and make me whole.

So, I repent right now and am starting fresh, a new
Jesus I want to thank you so much for everything
No matter what clouds come, the Son will always shine through
I'll have a thankful heart each day, and this Thanksgiving! 

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Promises And Blessings

My Awesome Jesus...

Thank you for another beautiful day...
Although the sun is not shining brightly
I see your movement in a perfect way
Ready to do amazing things for me.

I see your finger on tomorrow's 🚪 door...
Just the thought puts a 😃 smile on my face
I see your power on the wind and more
And every moment I want to embrace.

I see your love like a star in the sky...
And all the mighty things you want to do
I place my hand in yours as you go by
And pledge to keep pace in my heart so true.

So even though the sun's not bright right now...
I'm beginning to see in a new light
You will be my compass and show me how
To travel each journeys day with delight!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Lord, You Are My Life

My Jesus...

You are the breath of life that fills every part of who I am...
The beautiful energy that gives me strength for each new day
You try to guide my steps with mercy according to your plan
And expect attentiveness to every word that you say.

Sometimes I may not see your love and grace and it brings me down.
I feel so alone like no one cares about me at all
But at that precise moment a light of love comes around
And your hand of joy reaches out for me whenever I call.

I may not see the miracles taking shape all around me...
But you are working on my heart and spirit with your great hands
Helping me grow better and stronger with all certainty
Lord make me a new person as only you possibly can.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Thanksgiving Table

I see a beautiful table set before me,
It's all arranged with detail; so lavish and fair
The food dishes have been placed down so perfectly
Each chair has been positioned with the greatest care.

Yet, something feels to be somewhat different this year,
There's a breathtaking light that seems to fill the room
I look at it all and begin to shed a tear
My curious heart yearns to know much more and soon.

At the head chair, there's a crown shining brilliantly,
As I walk around, things begin to grow more clear
The next spot was mine and all that God's done for me
Looking at it all, I shed another tear.

I saw a space for all of my friends and loved ones
and all those from day to day I don't truly know
There was a clear picture of what God's love had done
A true sense of promise and hope began to show.

As I walked further around the room, on my way,
Your presence and mighty power grew brighter still
I dropped down to my knees not knowing what to say
I gloried in your presence and masterful will.

You showed me to be thankful in all that I am
To see your grace and love in all things, with great care
and not to complain at all, for this is your plan
But, trust in you and know that you are always there.

I proudly took my place at the table that day,
For I'd learned what Thanksgiving truly means to me
Giving thanks to God for it all on life's pathway
and doing it humbly and with purity.


Sunday, November 15, 2020

What Defines Me?


If I had to define myself completely to someone else today..
I ask myself the important question what would my exact words be?
I reflected for several brief moments on just what I would say
And nothing so challenging or surprising really came to me.

I'd mention where I was born or my job but nothing really brand new...
Then I can hear a still, quiet voice in the greatest part of my ❤ heart
"Please remember what truly does matter in all that you do."
This is the great wisdom with love and grace that you have tried to impart.

I stopped for a moment and thought about just how much you mean to me..
Nothing else can ever come before your unbelievable power
So I took the task to redefine everything so perfectly
Realizing you are the answer and the true ❤ heart of every hour.

Jesus, I'm sorry and rededicate my life right now so true...
I define myself by the bond we share, and who I am by grace
I am your beloved daughter and my heart will always belong to you
Who I am will always be found in the shelter of your great embrace.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

What Do You Behold?

My 💘 Loving Saviour...

I come before your throne with a humbled heart, and look to you...
My eyes widened and saddened with 😢 tears looking for mercy
Trying to offer this broken, and shattered vessel so true
But I don't know if you would see promise and hope within me. 

I haven't been perfect by any real means along the way...
My greatest disappointment was not being pleasing to you
I want a beautiful future with you more than words can say
I hope you will take on this project and make something so new.

You 😃 smile, and reach down to cradle me in your arms of 💘 love...
Your mighty hands begin a work like no one has seen before
Suddenly, I feel you working in me from Heaven above
And great things begin to flow perfectly from Heavens sweet door.

I can see the mighty light of your anointing every day...
And hear your words in my heart on how I am so dear to you
Suddenly, I can see myself in a breathtaking new way
I am your precious child under your care in all I do.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Searching For A 🌈 Rainbow

My Breathtaking Jesus...

Sometimes when I take a 🚶 step, I don't know where I should go...
It is so very cloudy as far as the eyes can see
Fear begins to fill my ❤ heart, and uncertainty to show
There are moments when I don't even feel like the real me.

I want to turn with great speed and begin to 🏃 run away...
I can feel everything inside of me come tumbling down
My spirit looks for the light of a much better new day
The beauty of my bright 😃 smile becomes a bitter frown.

All of a sudden, I feel a strong hand reaching for me...
I can feel the great power taking over me with care
A love lifts me up and takes all control so perfectly
Telling me these burdens alone I will not have to bear.

Like a beautiful, new life emerging for the first time...
When I take a step I see a wonderful shadow near
Suddenly, endurance and confidence my ❤ heart soon finds
There is a special, beautiful sweet voice that I now hear.

My sweet Jesus is my guide each step of every new day...
He will be the bright 🌞 Sun to outshine the ☁ clouds all around
I need to look up and have faith in him in every way
For through His ❤ heart are all good things and many blessings found.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Refreshing Spirit

My Jesus...

Your spirit washes over me with waters of purest love..
Casting out every mistake and burden that has taken hold
Filling me with an abundance of your power from above
And bringing a perfect peace and the purest, sweet love untold.

Your hands take every guilty, broken part and make something great..
Taking away the great sadness that's been there for far too long
And putting a breathtaking smile and new hope upon my face
Helping my heart dream and have an eternal happiness song.

I am forgiven and made new by all that you are so grand..
Please help me to heal inside and forgive myself perfectly
You've made me brand new by the mighty hope of your open hands
Now Jesus help me to see that brand new promise within me!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

My Breathtaking Vision

Precious Jesus...

I look up and see something beautiful before me..
It's exquisite, and rare like I've never seen before
Yet, my heart is curious, with more it wants to see
I can see the light of pure love at the very core.

I start to move closer and can see much more right now..
There is a figure of a man smiling at me
I have to try and see much more of this all somehow
That's when I see two hands motioning so perfectly.

I take another step, and two words are what I hear...
"Love you!" Which inspired my heart and spirit with delight
"You are my precious child who I will always hold dear!"
So I drew even closer now with all of my might.

Suddenly, I See my precious Jesus sitting there..
He quickly took me in His loving and warm embrace
"Don't worry about anything, you are in my care!"
As He slowly wiped every tear from my dear face.

"Just place your heart and your trust in my capable hands.".
"I will be there and take care of it all for you."
Right at that moment, I obeyed His mighty command
And just knew without a doubt that He would see me through.

I walked without fear or worry from that very day..
My breathtaking Jesus had come to bring peace to me
I know that somehow He will always make a great way
It is something wonderful that I'm longing to see!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...