Sunday, November 22, 2020

When I Look Into My Heart


When I look into my ❤ heart, what do I truly see?
Are there great things that would please you with glory and care?
Are there things that need work taking a toll upon me
Depleting all of who I am and what I can bear.

So, I stop and carefully take a look at it all...
Remembering who I truly am your precious, loved child
I can feel my spirit yearning and my heart now call
So, I sit and begin to examine for a while.

I remember all the things that fill my life each day...
And how fortunate I am that they are always there
I'm grateful for them big and small in so many ways
And realize now just how blessed I am beyond compare.

I know those are 🎁 gifts of 💘 love especially from God's hands...
And know that everything is His and He's in control
So, I must give thanks at all times for His mighty plans
For it is He who will take care of me and make me whole.

So, I repent right now and am starting fresh, a new
Jesus I want to thank you so much for everything
No matter what clouds come, the Son will always shine through
I'll have a thankful heart each day, and this Thanksgiving! 

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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