Sunday, November 1, 2020

My Breathtaking Vision

Precious Jesus...

I look up and see something beautiful before me..
It's exquisite, and rare like I've never seen before
Yet, my heart is curious, with more it wants to see
I can see the light of pure love at the very core.

I start to move closer and can see much more right now..
There is a figure of a man smiling at me
I have to try and see much more of this all somehow
That's when I see two hands motioning so perfectly.

I take another step, and two words are what I hear...
"Love you!" Which inspired my heart and spirit with delight
"You are my precious child who I will always hold dear!"
So I drew even closer now with all of my might.

Suddenly, I See my precious Jesus sitting there..
He quickly took me in His loving and warm embrace
"Don't worry about anything, you are in my care!"
As He slowly wiped every tear from my dear face.

"Just place your heart and your trust in my capable hands.".
"I will be there and take care of it all for you."
Right at that moment, I obeyed His mighty command
And just knew without a doubt that He would see me through.

I walked without fear or worry from that very day..
My breathtaking Jesus had come to bring peace to me
I know that somehow He will always make a great way
It is something wonderful that I'm longing to see!

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