Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Battle Of Faith

There's a battle raging through my heart that motions day by day...
It is the battle of bad and good raging with great power
It attacks every part of me in a most horrific way
And brings more tension that's growing bolder hour by hour.

Just then a perfect love comes in and sees all I'm going through...
You reach out with a sense of peace and comfort so very dear
Assuring me your right there all around me in all I do
And you will help me fight 1the war and wipe away every tear.
Your grace and hope will be my shield to boldly take every step...
Your love and care will grow my faith more powerful than before
Leaning on you and trusting you is my greatest sure bet
Success and victory from you will be there at every door.

Jesus, I hear the trumpet sounding in the distance loudly...
I take your love and your word and wait for your mighty command
Now I know I can fight the battle of faith so perfectly
Nothing built upon your toughest foundation will lose its plan!

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