Sunday, April 2, 2023

Lord, You Are My The Light Of My Heart

My Beloved Jesus...

I look into the deepest portal of my heart and don't see promise there...
Instead there is rugged brokenness and sadness in which I can't abide
It just seems like there is no one that has compassion and does care
Sometimes I feel like a failure, and want to give up and truly hide.

But then your love reaches down like a shelter of escape for me...
It picks me up and helps me to stand on your foundation for something new
You become my heart's core where your light will shine great for all eternity
Jesus you are my bright anchor of hope that will guide me my whole life through.

You are my mentor and my fortress that I'll always look to every day
No longer am I empty and broken but healing and mending so perfectly
Jesus you are the source of all I am or hope to be in every way
How can I say thank you enough for bringing your light of joy just for me.

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