Friday, April 7, 2023

Love's Great Sacrifice

My God...

When I truly consider the depth of your great 💘 love for me...
Its purity is so fragile and breathtaking to behold
You made an awesome sacrifice for all the world to see
To declare your faithfulness and amazing true strength untold.

You sent your beloved Son to bear our sins in every way...
To be persecuted and put to death so we may be set free
My Saviour, how can I say thank you with love every day?
And show you with grace and thankgiving how much you mean to me?

You are alive with a joy and great power that is so strong...
Thank you for your grace and understanding you have just for me
Plant in my ❤ heart all that you are so that I may sing your song
Let me tell the resurrection story for eternity!


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