Saturday, April 1, 2023

Reaching For Mercy

Precious Jesus...

Sometimes I feel so tired and drained that I can barely stand up at all...
I sense this incredible weakness and nervousness taking over me
I don't know where to turn then I stumble and start to fall
That's when I see something ready to change my heart like the movement of your sweet mercy.

Your mercy like a great wind begins to move in a magnificent way...
Spreading your love and grace tenderly with great joy everywhere
Bringing  a mighty wave of your anointing with desires and interest for each day
Wrapping me in your spirit and power to show how much you care

So when I think of Your glory and majesty so awesome and so true..
I can see it making a new person out of me even as we speak
My tense heavy burden is melting away and making me so brand new

Thank you Lord for all that you've done I'm ready for life at its peak!

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