Tuesday, April 30, 2024

When I See Rain

My Jesus..

Traveling along my pathway, sometimes fear grips my heart ♥ in a powerful way..
At that moment, I'm filled with worry and anxiety and can't see your  hands 
Feeling alone and sad without the joy to greet each new day 
Not able to clearly see the light of your love and grace or the miracle of your sweet plans.

Suddenly,  your heart ♥ opens and takes away the rain ☔ and brings some extra son light..
Mercy overflows and takes the anxiety and worry now forever more 
I begin to feel like a brand new person so pleasing in your most holy sight 
My Jesus,  I am working on building my faith in you and can't wait to see what's in store. 

When it rains upon my pathway I begin to look for my rainbow 🌈 so bright and grand...
It's the special time for you to show your magnificent anointing and beauty 
All I have to do is take a few steps back and watch the unfolding of your hands 
My Savior, you are picking up the broken pieces and making great things for me!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Lord I Need Your Healing Power

My Jesus.....

I'm yearning for your sweet anointing to begin to flow perfectly within me...
Like a breathtaking fountain of life cascading into every part so true 
Restoring everything to brand new and giving new hope and joy lovingly 
Jesus my heart ♥ desires to come before you to worship and adore you. 

I need a renewal of your fresh power more than ever before every day...
To touch me with your mighty hands and make me increasingly more and more like you 
I want to be all that you desire in the most dedicated and loving way 
My Savior,  take me into your presence and do the great work that you want to do.

My Jesus,  I need your healing water to wash through me and bring promise so grand...
I desire something wonderful as only you can give to now come my way 
Let me feel the miracle of your mighty healing now flow from your hands 
Lord,  I'm suffering and need a brand new start and a brighter exciting day!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My Jesus, Thank You For Always Being There

My Beloved Savior...

Whenever I call out your name, I know that you hear my sweet cries so perfectly...
You come to my side with passion in your heart ♥ and great love and grace to bestow 
I know that you desire magnificent things and wondrous blessings just for me 
And want to give me strength and endurance so I can be your light wherever I go. 

Whenever I call out your name all of Heaven sings a song of joy and delight...
And you quickly surround me with your compassion and wrap me in your warm embrace 
Your anointed hands open and begin to restore me with wonder and great might 
As I look into your precious eyes of peace and take such joy in your holy face. 

Whenever I call out your name a great future begins to be planned with such flair...
Your divine presence and anointing fill my heart in every possible way 
I get to see your plans unfolding and just how much you care 
You're there to take my hand and show me to a new and much brighter successful day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Perfect Patience

My Jesus...

When I look through the window of my pathway, there's one thing I clearly do see...
As we try by our own will to wait on things nothing ever seems quite right 
True patience is not something that the human heart ♥ can manage properly 
Our spirits call out for your intervention and to be in your sight. 

Perfect patience can only come from your love that is so honorable and true...
It's the faith and trust to know that your in control and always to the end
It is the willingness to walk by your side and then wait in all that we must do
Such a beautiful, breathtaking song of submission with a real best friend. 

Perfect patience is a tool that slowly grows stronger and rugged over time..
It gives abundantly like an instrument with a grace that never does end
A tool that bestows the greatest blessings for the soul that one can find 
Thank you Jesus for working on my patience and being a perfect best friend!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Lord, Help Me To Be A Blessing

My Sweet Jesus...

My greatest desire is to know more of you and to feel that in every way...
I want to be your vessel that is ready to be filled with your amazing love 
I want to see your spirit working in my life wondrously with each brand new day 
And feel an overflow of your amazing anointing washing down from above. 

My greatest true desire is to see all that you are become all that I am...
And every time I see myself I start seeing more and more of wonderful you 
Suddenly I start to see the mighty movement of your unbelievable hands
And the light of your perfect love shines brightly and becomes a great joy in all I do. 

My greatest true desire is to be a blessing to all that I know and more..
To tell them everything about you and your perfect love, sweet goodness and real grace 
So that they can live for you and their lives will be much better than ever before 
And feel the tender anointing of your loving, caring, and masterful embrace. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Thank You For Your Compassionate Heart


Thank you for the beauty of your breathtaking heart ♥ of pure love..
It's open and ready to overflow with all that I'll need 
Like an eternal gift of hope from Heaven above 
A wonderful source of everything that's needed to succeed. 

There's perfect, unending compassion there with great joy it's true...
Sweet understanding and mercy that's never been seen before 
A forgiveness that takes everything and makes it all brand new
A gift of love and grace that gives such promise and so much more. 

Jesus thank you for your great heart ♥ which I yearn for every day..
I want to copy each and every amazing quality 
Thank you for giving me a glimpse of you in a great big way 
My Jesus,  in your wondrous presence I always want to be!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lord, I Exhault Your Name

My Savior...

I can't exhault your mighty name enough it's true..
You're the joy of my heart ♥ to the greatest degree 
I want to give you all of the praise You're due 
My sweet Lord you are forever so good to me!

I can't exhault your name enough with happiness..
You're everything my spirit desires and more 
Being able to serve you makes me truly blessed 
Together we have many good things to explore. 

I can't exhault your name enough until the end..
You're my provider and always there when I call 
My Jesus You're by my side around every bend I'll exhault you, praise and lift you up through it all!

Monday, April 15, 2024

What Is My Purpose?

My Precious Jesus...

Sometimes my heart questions and searches for answers throughout the moments of the day...
What is my purpose for being here and the plan that must be enabled with care 
I yearn to see your magnificent hands working and moving in such awesome ways 
As I try to sort everything out I want to see the light of your love there.

Show me what you see in my heart and how I can be your instrument so true...
Help me to see myself through your eyes as a seed that you are preparing to grow 
Be the great manager of my life and my greatest light in all that I must do 
Take this broken vessel into your hands and fill me with all that I now must know. 

Let there now be a restoration where my heart ♥ and life are rebuilt for great things...
Help me to see myself in a beautiful way Jesus sheltered by your sweet love 
Give me a heart ♥ of understanding for all of the wonderful blessings you bring 
Reveal to me your mighty vision in a breathtaking bestowing from Heaven above. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Where Would I Be Without You

My Jesus...

You are the bright 🔥 flame of life that ignites my heart ♥ with pure love every new day...
The refreshing breath of restoration that fills all parts of who I am 
The provider of great things that blesses me richly in every way
The Lord of everything that has a great and wonderful special plan.

My perfect best friend who always inspires me with joy to do my very best...
The gentle peace that calms my soul and spirit with hopeful expectation 
An eternal source of awesome things that always has such happiness 
My Jesus when I place my hand in yours no matter what I will always win.

My Jesus where would we be from day to day taking each step without you..
You are all that anyone could ever desire in life and much more 
Thank you for your goodness and grace and for your sweet mercy that sees us through 
My sweet Savior I want your great presence in my life more than ever before. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

My Lord, You Are My Peace


When my heart ♥ is deeply burdened by the 😯 worry and fear that daily life may bring...
I feel like I don't have the inspiration or motivation for one more step 
And I seem to have lost the joy and gladness that used to make my heart ♥ sing
My down spirit calls out to your heart ♥ for anointed blessings and sweet happiness. 

Heaven's purest grace and love begin to illuminate around me everywhere...
Suddenly, the sweetest calm comes over my heart ♥ like I have never known before 
I can feel your wondrous power moving through me to show how much you really care 
And a mighty miracle of faith begins to flow down from Heaven's mighty door. 

Just then,  all of the burdening fear and worry began to go far away..
That hold over me has permanently ended thanks to my Savior and best friend 
My Jesus,  thank you for being my brilliant light of hope for every new day 
Having you as Lord of my life I know now that my peace and calm will never end!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Let Me Hear Your Mighty Voice

My Jesus...

Let me hear your mighty voice in my spirit so plain and true...
Every essence of who I am wants to know now exactly what you have to say 
My Savior I want to pattern my footsteps exactly like you would want me to 
Please touch me with your anointing and power and help me every step of the way. 

Let me hear your mighty voice like an expression of sweet love from your perfect heart ♥ 
I want to have all of the tools that I need to be a successful person as planned
Give me great strength and endurance and all of the real peace I'll need right from the start 
Precious Jesus I am waiting for the grand unfolding of your mighty bold hands.

Let me hear your mighty voice like a bold lighthouse to my heart that will forever shine..
I want to take every new opportunity to be exactly like you 
To make every wonderful and amazing thing that you are Lord to always be mine 
Always have faith and trust and seek your majesty in everything I do. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

I Delight In Your Glory

My Jesus...

The beauty of your anointing illuminates every step of each new day...
It is a captivating shelter where my spirit can find sweet love and grace 
A breathtaking, refreshing fountain that gives new life in every great way
A source of care, compassion and peace and your amazing ♥ heart felt embrace. 

The beauty of your anointing is a source of all things wholesome and true...
It is sweet music for the soul and seed for the heart ♥ to have forevermore 
A spiritual connection that leads sweet Jesus directly to you 
Precious blessings and power that flows abundantly from Heaven's great shore. 

The beauty of your anointing is a source of all things that I will soon need...
It is perfection and delight with wondrous joy and awesome sweet happiness 
The sum total of everything that I will desire to succeed 
My Jesus I am so grateful and honored for this gift and all of your best.

Jesus When I Reach For You

My Jesus...

When I feel so alone and I reach out for you with great care...
I never have to wonder or question if you have the time 
Through such incredible dedication you are always there 
Showing a Saviors pure love that is always so sweet and kind. 

When I feel alone and I want to give up every day..
Your patience is there to always make sure my heart ♥ does get through 
I reach out for your mercy and consideration always 
Your mighty power is my great stronghold in all I do. 

When I feel alone and that I'm not worthy anymore..
Your happiness surrounds me like a shield of wondrous delight 
Seeds of new beginning flow like amazing things are in store 
Jesus thank you for loving me with such strength and great might!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Jesus You Are My Healer

My Beloved Savior..

You are the great healer whose anointing renews every part of me...
Like pure honey it comes to me with care from your mighty heart ♥ above
And begins a miracle work restoring everything completely 
Through a great bestowing of your power more than the heart can dream of. 

You are the great healer who with one word can make everything brand new..
Creating something wonderful nd amazing never seen before 
Making beautiful masterpieces that are breathtaking and so true 
Letting your grace and greatest blessings flow freely from your heart's core. 

You are the great healer who is always there for me when I may call...
I never have to worry or be concerned about things day by day
My great Savior will solve the problem and be by my side through it all
Whenever I have any problem I know that he will make a way. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

You Are My Best Friend

My Jesus.. 

You are my best friend who stays by me in every true way...
My beautiful light of perfect love in my heart ♥ there for me 
The breathtaking inspiration that I need for each new day 
A motivator that lifts me up to be all I can be.

You are my best friend who helps me and is my great joy so grand..
My source of wondrous peace that restores me and makes me so whole 
I place my life and everything I am into your sweet hands 
The majesty and sweet anointing that has it all in complete real control. 

You are my true best friend who is my source of everything..
One upon which I can lean on so strong and always depend 
My breath of life and source that makes every part of my heart ♥ sing
Jesus thank you for being there and with all of my love I'll serve you till the end!

One Step Into Your Presence

My Jesus...

Just One step into your presence and suddenly I'm made brand new..
I'm not like the person that I was before in every way 
I'm becoming in every essence more and more just like you 
And the great work is bringing me to a new and brighter 🔆 sweet day. 

Just One step into your presence and suddenly I'm made whole..
The pain is replaced with peace and many great things that are in store 
The wondrous beauty of your power is beginning to unfold 
And I can see such amazing blessings flowing from Heaven's door. 

Just One step into your presence and suddenly there's great success..
The seeds of such hope and promise are there in the greatest degree 
My heart and spirit are filled with an incredible happiness 
And now precious Jesus you have created a great brand new me!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...