Friday, April 5, 2024

Jesus You Are My Healer

My Beloved Savior..

You are the great healer whose anointing renews every part of me...
Like pure honey it comes to me with care from your mighty heart ♥ above
And begins a miracle work restoring everything completely 
Through a great bestowing of your power more than the heart can dream of. 

You are the great healer who with one word can make everything brand new..
Creating something wonderful nd amazing never seen before 
Making beautiful masterpieces that are breathtaking and so true 
Letting your grace and greatest blessings flow freely from your heart's core. 

You are the great healer who is always there for me when I may call...
I never have to worry or be concerned about things day by day
My great Savior will solve the problem and be by my side through it all
Whenever I have any problem I know that he will make a way. 

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