Monday, June 29, 2020

Sometimes It's Hard


Sometimes it's hard to be exactly just like you...
To pray for those who treat you bad and love them so
When you want to rip them apart with all that's you
And talk about them badly wherever you go.

Sometimes it's hard to be exactly just like you...
To do your will instead of my hearts delight
I want a humbled heart of your presence so true
But I have to seek your power with my might.

Sometimes it's hard to be exactly just like you..
But I know it's worth more than anything for sure
You give me a life that is hopeful and endures
You are my Heavenly Father forevermore.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Tears Of My Heart

My Loving Jesus...

Sometimes when my heart feels like shedding tears of sadness...
I feel so down and miserable like no one cares
The world and its burdens are weighing on me at best
I don't know how much I can truly take or now bear.

You see the great pain Lord that I am suffering through...
It causes you more discomfort than it does to me
You're my Father who wants the best in all that I do
So your hands begin to open with love perfectly.

Your spirit comes in with peace that is great and so pure...
The heavy burdens become yours now forevermore
Your love gives me great strength and power to so endure
My sadness is gone and has been left at Heavens door.

Father Of My Heart

The beauty of your presence brings peace to my heart each day
The light of your love is the great source of my happiness
Your power is a bright beacon that always guides my way
Step by step I am truly grateful to be yours, and blessed.

Your sweet grace completely fills me and satisfies my soul
Your anointing refreshes me and gives me hope a new
All that comes from your mighty hands makes me complete and whole
A true best friend who is always with me my whole life through.

Your forgiveness is the foundation upon which I stand
My heart can truly dream with your my Lord always so near
I look toward your breathtaking glory and your wonderful plan
You are my Lord, my Saviour, and everything I hold dear.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Saviour's Love And Patience

Merciful Lord...

When I think about all of the things that come from your heart for me...
My heart can't truly fathom just how amazing each one comes through
They're beautiful gifts of promise from above given so lovingly
Each one is a perfect verse of hope that can only come from you.

When I think about all of the times you gave me the strength to endure...
And walked with me all along the way until we got to the end
Your faithfulness and adoration were powerful and pure
You are everything I will ever need and my awesome best friend.

When I think about the time I wasted not saying what I can...
Telling you how much I need and love you for always being there
I'll always be grateful for everything and the works of your hands
Jesus I want to say thank you for your precious love and great care.

The Points That I Have Learned

Precious Lord..

There's one thing that I've learned that's important to me..
I know my many limitations, large and small
But through every step I take there's one thing I see
You are there with love and grace to work on it all.

You know everything before I even ask you..
And want to give the best because you do love me
Your hand of hope will be there in all that I do
I only have to come to you so lovingly.

The one thing that I've learned and to know above all..
There's only one perfect truth to see in the end
You are my great Father who is there when I call
I can rely on my everything and best friend.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

One Thing That I Want

My Jesus..

The one thing that I want is more of you..
I'm jealous of those who have it perfectly
My heart wants to be yours in all that I do
I want our sweet bond to be something to see.

The one thing I want is more of your delight..
To see your awesome face always through my eyes
I want to be so pleasing in your great sight
Please help me to be obedient and wise.

The one thing I want is you and nothing more..
The wonder of your spirit to take first place
My spirit is knocking on Heavens great door
Lord let my heart now see your beautiful face.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sometimes I Wonder..


Sometimes I wonder why I get up each day..
I don't have much to take joy in any more
Things are not always ideal in any way
I humbly place all of my worries at your door.

Suddenly your spirit flows into my heart..
And works on removing the despair from me
You work diligently with love from the start
Something wonderful starts to happen I see.

Even though I can't see anything so true..
I feel like such amazing things have begun
You'll make wonderful things out of what I do
Instead of the clouds I need a lot of Son!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Perfect Father

Breathtaking Saviour..

How do I offer gratitude for all that you do for me?
You are always there with a pure, sweet love that never dies
Working for my good with devotion so diligently
Writing each day's story with a knowledge so great and wise.

You are there to pick me up, direct and light my pathway
You are always available to listen when I call
Everything I will ever need to be a success each day
No matter the climate you are always there through it all.

You will never leave or fail but grow more wonderful still
Sharing my happy times and drying my tears when I'm sad
Granting me the best of your heart is by far your great will
Seeing the delight in my heart always makes you quite glad.

You are my perfect Father and I praise you with my love
Thank you for everything you give and do and much more
I am sending Father's day greetings to you now above
You are my perfect breath of life sitting at Heavens door.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Healing Rivers

Merciful Jesus...

Please let your healing spirit flow across our land so true,
May your beautiful presence fill every heart with sweet love
Let them all see your hands of peace in what they attempt to do
Let a dynamic revival begin now from above.

Let everyone see the only answers come from your heart..
And true direction can only be found through heart felt prayer
Give each of us your perfect wisdom now right from the start
Let it be seen with clarity how much you truly care.

Lord we are asking for your mighty healing for our land..
Let the light of your love heal the brokenness perfectly
May there be health and wholeness according to your great plan
Merciful Jesus we seek you now with love so humbly.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Just Remember...

When you hear rain falling from above..
And thunder to a greater degree
There isn't much that you can think of
Or very much hope that you can see.

But suddenly a miracle takes place..
And the darkness seems to be no more
You see a beautiful work to embrace
And open the port of blessings door.

A beautiful rainbow is in sight..
A gift of God's promise has begun
Look past the darkness with your great might
To the light of God's only sweet Son.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Important Thing

My Jesus...

I pick up the shield of my faith so lovingly..
And ask that you strengthen it so much more with love
Under your great presence is where I want to be
To accomplish your great plans from Heaven above.

Prepare me as your instrument by your sweet grace
Ready to glorify your Kingdom by your plan
I completely wrap myself in your warm embrace
And go on with diligence as I take your hand.

The important thing that I know forevermore
Your light must shine for other hearts so brilliantly
I'm prepared as your vessel waiting at your door
Let my life glorify your Kingdom perfectly.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

One More Step

Precious Jesus...

As I take a step each day upon my pathway..
Sometimes my mind fills with doubt and uncertainty
I want to succeed and win more than words can say
But even if I dream it is so cautiously.

Suddenly my heart gets a message from your love..
I pause and listen to everything you bestow
You let me feel your power from Heaven above
But there's so much more that I desire to know.

You take my hand and say you're by me step by step
I can reach for the highest stars up in the sky
I need to have confidence to work at my best
For you will always be my greatest life's surprise.

One more step to a champion you see in me..
I can do anything Lord on your team so true
I don't need limits when I trust so perfectly
We are a great team Father in all that I do.

***** 1-800-MY- JESUS *****







Thursday, June 11, 2020

Visible Love


You see something truly special in me,
I know as I look in your eyes of love
A breathtaking, rare kind of real beauty
That you nurture so from Heaven above.

I don't see all that's visible to you
Others can't see any of it at all
But my heart pleads with a yearning so true
Please hear my desiring soul as it calls.

I want to see that beauty every day
And have others open their eyes wide too
Help me see my worth in every dear way
So I can shine at all things I must do.

I want to see how much I mean to you
I am your child endowed to be so blessed
A masterpiece with a purpose so true
Destined to live with peace and happiness.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Most Beautiful Moment


The most beautiful moment is when I look into your eyes,
And I see you smile and your precious love all around me
I can see my purpose in your heart so breathtaking and wise
Father deep in your presence is where I always want to be.

The most beautiful moment is when your grace fills all of me
And your perfect peace begins to calm my hurting, restless soul
I can see your power working in my life diligently
I yearn for more of who you are to make me complete and whole.

The most beautiful moment is that I am in your great care
I need only look at the wonder of your hard working hands
You will take care of it all perfectly and always be there
The most beautiful moment is in the outline of your plans.


Just One

My Precious Saviour..

Just one word and all of my desires are before you,
Just one thought and my feelings are a part of who you are
You already know everything in all I say and do
Lord your sweet presence and divine power are never far.

You know all the concerns that attack my heart every day
And the vast number of solutions I sort in my mind
But before I even try to think you've already got a way
You are attentive to it all with your sweet love so kind.

You are my great Saviour, my father and my dear best friend
There is nothing more breathtaking and dear will I now see
You'll be right by my side walking with me until the end
I just need to look up and trust in you so faithfully.

Sunday, June 7, 2020



Your promises I stand firmly upon every day
And trust in all things that you say with my heart so true
My mind rests in the fact you will always make a way
No matter what, where or when Lord you will see me through.

I don't look at all that is going on around me
And nothing that tries to make my own life upset
But focus all my thoughts upon you so perfectly
For you are where I find my perfect peace and my rest.

You have tight control over everything I know
You never fail or leave your children in any way
So I stand with you and hold your hand where I must go
You will see me through to a new and much brighter day.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Precious Jesus..

There are days when I feel so lost and alone inside,
I feel like holding and hiding all the pain in me
Yet there are moments when it seems someone's by my side
Offering a comfort that right now I cannot see.

Tears begin to flow down my face from sadness and more
I don't feel like on my own I can take one more step
Yet suddenly something is knocking at my hearts door
I want to open it and find out just what is next.

You are standing there with a smile and so much love
Your arms are open wide by grace to bring me much hope
I know I can lay my cares before your throne above
And you will bless me with sweet peace and help me to cope.

I don't ever have to feel lost or alone again
You have your arms wrapped around me with blessings so true
You are everything I need my Father and best friend
And will take care of me and provide in all I do.

Friday, June 5, 2020

A Breathtaking ❤ Heart

My Jesus...

Its beauty is more breathtaking and pure than mere words can say,
A home where pure love and grace freely flow out so perfectly
A chamber that welcomes other hearts in great, wonderful ways
Your heart is always kind and welcoming to someone like me.

I am not perfect yet you call me your child who you adore,
You are always by my side to give me strength and promise too
Mercy flows from your heart and so much more
My humbled heart fills with your spirit and reaches out to you.

Suddenly, that breathtaking beauty becomes a part of me
I become more like my Heavenly Father in every way
That breathtaking heart grows even more for everyone to see
Thank you Lord Jesus that I am a part of it with every new day.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Consider This

  The hardest thing to do is to do nothing.

We pray..waiting on an answer from the Lord

He doesn't always answer when we want

So we try to do things in our own way


We are imperfect..
He is perfect..

He is never late
He is always on time

Keep praying
Have faith
Don't quit

Wait upon the Lord

You will always be glad you did!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Another Day

I look out of the window and what do I see?
Something that I so adore more than words can say
I see the Lord's breathtaking work all around me
And my heart's truly thankful for another day.

It's a day unlike any other it is true,
For something just amazing is now taking place
I can see the Lord's blessings in all that I do
I can feel His sweet love and joy, and His embrace.

My heart becomes humbled and filled with happiness,
I realize how truly fortunate that I am
For the Lord calling me His child is the best
I'm an important part of His family plan.

So this is not another ordinary day,
It's the day I realize what's important you see
I belong to Jesus in every way
And that dear bond is what completely defines me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Enemy

  Father.. The fear is gripping my heart right now
I feel frightened like I just want to go away
I know that I need to have faith through it somehow
But I just can't see any light in each new day.

  I need a refreshment of your presence so true
Please cover me with your mighty, sweet holy blood
Be my shield of strength Lord in all that I may do
Saturate me with the power of your great love.

  Let the fear and the sadness leave by your great might
Let something so breathtaking now quickly begin
Everything is beautiful and sweet in your sight
By your power and sweet love I will always win.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Thoughts To Ponder

  Precious Lord...

You are the sunshine that brings light to each one of my days...

You are the precious breath that fills my lungs to start a new..

You're the fulfillment that nourishes me in many ways.

You're the happiness that gives me great things to aspire to.

You are the bright hope that puts brilliant stars in both my eyes..

You're the rainbow that gives me sweet promise to follow through

When I need you I simply look up to the Heavenly skies..

You will always be there to hold my hand and see me through.

Father. I never want to consider life without you.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...