Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Perfect Father

Breathtaking Saviour..

How do I offer gratitude for all that you do for me?
You are always there with a pure, sweet love that never dies
Working for my good with devotion so diligently
Writing each day's story with a knowledge so great and wise.

You are there to pick me up, direct and light my pathway
You are always available to listen when I call
Everything I will ever need to be a success each day
No matter the climate you are always there through it all.

You will never leave or fail but grow more wonderful still
Sharing my happy times and drying my tears when I'm sad
Granting me the best of your heart is by far your great will
Seeing the delight in my heart always makes you quite glad.

You are my perfect Father and I praise you with my love
Thank you for everything you give and do and much more
I am sending Father's day greetings to you now above
You are my perfect breath of life sitting at Heavens door.

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