Precious Jesus...
I come before your mighty throne and lay all of my burdens there...
They are too burdensome and heavy for me to carry, it's true
I come on my knees asking for forgiveness because I know you care
I ask for a wash of 💘 love and ✌ peace that can only come from you.
Lord, I don't want this 🌎 world to define me anymore..
But instead I want all that you are to be who I am
Jesus, let the power of your heart flow mightily from Heavens door
Let my ❤ heart and spirit know and understand your great plan.
I want to follow exactly all that you truly want for me..
Let your word speak to me and be a nourishment for my soul
For when your 💘 love and presence fill my heart then I will truly see
Solid, unending joy comes from you that makes me complete and whole.
I come before your throne every day my own joy station...
My heart and spirit prepare to be worked upon by your great hands
I learn and understand that because of your grace the battles won
Armed with your awesome joy I'm ready to follow your great plan.
I love this!