Saturday, December 26, 2020

Beautiful Blessings

My Awesome Jesus...

I stop for a true moment to reflect and think about what this all means to me...
Wondering what to give others that would reveal my ❤ heart and all about you
I look around at all of the commercialism and everything I see
That is when I made up my mind and knew exactly what I had to do.

I want to show others your perfect 💘 love and grace that are abundant and there...
They'll hear you're the greatest Father and best friend and everything their hearts call for
You are awesome always giving from your heart with joy and tender care
When they come searching before your throne room in Heaven they'll find an open door.

So I'll hand them a Bible and tell them the greatest 🎁 Gift so bestowed...
It is more valuable than the heart could ever fathom or dream of
It's the precious 🎁 Gift of your beloved Son born humbly so many years ago
And the beautiful gift of salvation for us that comes from your awesome love.

I will then tell them what a breathtaking power you are to my life each day...
And ask them if they would like that foundation and perfect love in their life too
When they say yes here is the prayer that I will reach out and walk them through this way.
Asking that you would work a wonderful work as only you can truly do.

Dear Lord, thank you for the perfect gift of salvation and your Son with pure love...
I want to know more of you so I give you my heart and all that I am in a great way
Right then, there is a beautiful light illuminating from the Heavens above
Another heart is welcomed into the Masters heart and Kingdom on that day!

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