Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Most Amazing Thing

My Precious Jesus..

The most amazing thing my Lord is that I can always come to you...
I can talk to you so genuinely any hour of each new day
I can tell you all of my cares and worries and every thought that I have too
And you will always be there to listen attentively in your sweet way.

You'll send the sunshine at just the precise moment when I need it so pure..
And bring refreshing rain to enrich my spirit with hope so vibrantly
You'll then take my hand and give me strength and encouragement to endure
You are my confidant and best friend who will always be there to take care of me.

My sweet Jesus you love me true just as I am so humble, real and complete..
I don't have to make any major adjustments to who I am at all
I can come now before your throne and lay all of my burdens at your feet
You will always be there to be my inspiration and come when I call!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Healing Oil

My Lord...

You see the extreme pain in my heart and the burdens that I carry so true...
You feel the real stress and anguish that is taking the greatest toll upon me
Every moment of my intense suffering is hurting you Lord strongly too
You want me to feel peace and a great abundance of your love so perfectly.

Suddenly your anointing begins to flow like sweet oil from you above...
I can feel a sense of complete healing and restoration everywhere
As I am taken into your embrace and surrounded by your mighty love
My heart is overwhelmed by your adoration and how much you truly care.

As healing oil flows from my Lord's hands his mighty glory takes full control...
Failure and disappointment no longer have a place where they're to be
His magnificent power gives me purpose and helps me feel complete and whole
I am a new person in Christ Jesus every day for all eternity!

Friday, April 28, 2023

My Greatest Desire

My Jesus...

The greatest desire of my heart is to bring all joy unto you...
To honor you and praise your name with love and thanksgiving on high
I want you to know that I will love and adore you my whole life through
And I will serve you with all of my heart and soul each day that passes by.

You are everything I could ever want or need and so much more...
I call you Master, Saviour, Healer, Deliverer and my best friend
I take your hand and join you anticipating what's in store
When I am in your presence and have your love good things will never end.

My greatest desire is to be like you in every wondrous way...
As I give my heart to you I can feel something awesome taking place
I am being restored and renewed through Heavens glory
Tears roll from my eyes as I imagine the smile now on your face!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

When I Look Into Your Heart

My Jesus...

When I look into the very depths of your breathtaking, beautiful heart so true...
I see every great thing I ever wanted or dreamed of being and so much more
I see strength, wisdom and grace and a light of a beautiful love coming from you
And I know that when I take your hand there is happiness and pure joy that is in store.

You give me great direction and mighty guidance as I take every step each day...
Telling me with great adoration all along just how much I mean to you
You provide everything I'll ever need or want and so much more in every way
Lord you are my lighthouse of hope and promise for me to reach for my whole life through.

When I look into your great heart I see shadows of my own heart in the making...
Being restructured and striving to be like your heart more and more
Reaching for the greatest of BLESSINGS and miracles that a life with you can bring
My Jesus help me to be just like you and see the greatest heaven has in store.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Rugged Trust

My Jesus...

Take me into your presence and begin a fine work so true...
Plant the seed of your great love within me to blossom  so grand
I want to have a solid trust in you in all that I do
Let me sit at your feet to learn mightily about your plan.

I want to know from the beginning that you are in control...
I don't have to bear things on my own shoulders in any way
You are working mightily so that stress never takes a toll
Your grace and glory will bring me to a new and brighter day.

So I'm listening and watching with all of my strength and might...
As you are guiding me across this great pathway Lord at best
Restoring and rebuilding with all things pleasing in your sight
My Jesus I'm learning to trust in you with sweet happiness!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Plan And Purpose

My Jesus...

I want to know so intimately what is on your heart today...
How do I fit within your mighty and grand plan?
What really matters is found in all that you might do or say
So Master I'm listening attentively for your perfect command.

As I watch your hands unfold I know that true success is in sight...
For anything that is worth having always must come Lord from you
I give all honor and glory and great praise to you with delight
The greatest desire of my heart is to seek you my whole life through.

Jesus prepare me to be ready to accomplish your great plan...
My one and only goal is to see delight in your eyes of love
Instruct me to hear the wisdom of your voice and your mighty command
My Saviour I look to your sweet presence and your powerful will above.

Friday, April 14, 2023

What Do You See?

When you take a moment and look at me, what is it that you find?
Do you see just what your eyes tell you to be factual and true?
Do you look at things as so ugly and passable by design
Or see something awesome and interesting that looks intriguing to you.

You are seeing a devoted child of God standing with delight...
Now look at the real person as he would into the heart with great care
For there is where you'll see real beauty and his precious love's mighty sight
And know that true definition is found in God's presence being there.

Now look at the tenderness, devotion and all things wonderful from above...
You can see God's handywork in such a marvelous way
A caring masterpiece that is made by the Saviour with real love
Look at the precious presence of God in everything day by day.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

At That Instance

My Jesus...

The greatest desire of my ❤ heart is to hear two strong words from you...
On that day when I step into your presence and look into your face
Words of delight that I've brought glory to your name my whole life through
And I can enjoy your breathtaking beauty and your great embrace.

I want to feel the warmth of your great love and hear the angels sing...
Give all praise to you singing in the heavenly choir so grand
I want to feel the greatest wonder that being in your presence brings
And watch the unfolding sweet grandeur of your great and mighty hands.

So now I'm asking you to please forgive me for everything...
Help me to be the person that you foresee me in life to be
I want to see success and hear those words more than anything
I want to look and see your smile for all of eternity.

Monday, April 10, 2023

You Are The Answer

My Lord...

You are the perfect answer to all of the questions that fill my days...
When confusion tries to burden my mind you are the point where I start
My Lord, you are the light that is forever there to show me the way
My King, you are the comfort and peace that gives great purpose to my heart.

My Saviour, You are the craftsman that restores me to something brand new...
You are the Father of eternity that has for me a great plan
The breathtaking heart of mercy that helps me in all I may do
The compassionate symbol of love and grace that has me in his hands.

My Lord, you are the answer to all I need forever and again...
Even though I'm not worthy it's there without limits and boundaries
You are my Saviour,  who helps me to succeed 
and my best friend
It's with a grateful heart that I express my love so abundantly.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Blessings And Promises

My Jesus...

Sometimes I feel so distant, alone and empty to the core..
There is a strong sense of sadness like nothing seems to be left
My ❤ heart feels like trying but my spirit can't go any more
I seem to have lost all my endurance and my happiness.

But then I see your hand of grace and blessing drawing closer to me...
Your mercy surrounds me and your great 💘 love has so much in store
As I reach out for understanding it's compassion I see
A miracle is flowing from your heart from Heavens great door.

You tell me You're with me and will care for me all of the time...
So my heart begins to lighten and I look unto your will
I can take another step and do anything now in kind
I just need to listen for your voice, be in peace, and stand still.

Love's Great Sacrifice

My God...

When I truly consider the depth of your great 💘 love for me...
Its purity is so fragile and breathtaking to behold
You made an awesome sacrifice for all the world to see
To declare your faithfulness and amazing true strength untold.

You sent your beloved Son to bear our sins in every way...
To be persecuted and put to death so we may be set free
My Saviour, how can I say thank you with love every day?
And show you with grace and thankgiving how much you mean to me?

You are alive with a joy and great power that is so strong...
Thank you for your grace and understanding you have just for me
Plant in my ❤ heart all that you are so that I may sing your song
Let me tell the resurrection story for eternity!


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Three Keys Of Victory

My Jesus...

Your ❤ heart is a beautiful portal from which all good things and blessings flow...
As my Saviour, Protector, and Provider you know exactly what I need
But there is a perfect journey lesson that you really want me to know
I need to stand on the throne keys from your kingdom in order to succeed.

Key one is the wondrous gift of your power that's with me forever more...
It provides and inspires and does help me personally
Key two is the perfection of your love that has great miracles in store
One can't wait to see what's in my Saviours heart for everyone to see.

Key three is the fragile gift of peace that's needed more every day...
It is needed for the mind, the soul and the spirit in total so pure
Jesus teach me to use the three keys you've given in a successful way
I want to walk in the light of your presence and there forever endure.


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Lord, You Are My The Light Of My Heart

My Beloved Jesus...

I look into the deepest portal of my heart and don't see promise there...
Instead there is rugged brokenness and sadness in which I can't abide
It just seems like there is no one that has compassion and does care
Sometimes I feel like a failure, and want to give up and truly hide.

But then your love reaches down like a shelter of escape for me...
It picks me up and helps me to stand on your foundation for something new
You become my heart's core where your light will shine great for all eternity
Jesus you are my bright anchor of hope that will guide me my whole life through.

You are my mentor and my fortress that I'll always look to every day
No longer am I empty and broken but healing and mending so perfectly
Jesus you are the source of all I am or hope to be in every way
How can I say thank you enough for bringing your light of joy just for me.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Reaching For Mercy

Precious Jesus...

Sometimes I feel so tired and drained that I can barely stand up at all...
I sense this incredible weakness and nervousness taking over me
I don't know where to turn then I stumble and start to fall
That's when I see something ready to change my heart like the movement of your sweet mercy.

Your mercy like a great wind begins to move in a magnificent way...
Spreading your love and grace tenderly with great joy everywhere
Bringing  a mighty wave of your anointing with desires and interest for each day
Wrapping me in your spirit and power to show how much you care

So when I think of Your glory and majesty so awesome and so true..
I can see it making a new person out of me even as we speak
My tense heavy burden is melting away and making me so brand new

Thank you Lord for all that you've done I'm ready for life at its peak!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...