Friday, May 12, 2023

Lord, You Are My Focus

My Beloved Saviour...

When I take a step and view the winds and rain so powerfully...
And the clouds seem to grow gray and more intense with every hour
There is a decision that must be made within the heart of me
To what source am I going to give the mightiest of power.

Will I keep my focus on you and know that you will take care...
Or doubt and become a statistic from the destruction by fear
Lord I know with all that I am that you will always be there
You are everything to me and at all times I hold you dear.

Strengthen my faith to not rely on my human side...
Lord I want to take your hand and walk with you my whole life through
Touched by your anointing in your presence I will abide
Lord help me to always keep my eyes and my focus on you.

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