Sunday, May 21, 2023

Pain Filled Tears

My Precious Jesus...

Lord this powerful pain that I have is getting too much to bear...
I can feel my spirit being tortured and ripped apart inside
It feels like no one wants to be bothered or even really cares
On a path with a new horizon is where I want to abide.

Take my pain into your hands and start to make something so brand new...
Let your sweet mercy and your love and grace now wipe it all away
You are my brilliant breathtaking star who'll help me my whole life through
I'm taking your hand to walk now to an exciting brighter day.

The pain begins to be replaced by sweet Heavenly happiness...
The Lord's presence becomes my major focus in every hour
He's taking my pain healing it, and helping me to now feel blessed
Through your glory and honor your great anointing you will empower.

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