Friday, May 26, 2023

Lord I Give Up

Precious  Savior...

My heart  is very  discouraged  by all of the  things  I see...
I just  don't  know  what  to make  out  of everything  anymore 
I'm  hoping  you'll  provide  some  wisdom  and direction  for  me
I'm  looking  for  the  peace  and delight  that  only  you  can  restore. 

I know  the world's  not  perfect  and we're  only  here for  a brief  while..
But I want  to be an instrument  of your love  for  all the  world  to see
So Jesus  I'm  asking  for  you  to help  me with  joy  and a smile 
I want  all hearts  to see the best  of you  when  they're  looking  at  me.

Suddenly  I feel  a warmth  and movement  within  my heart  so true...
I can  feel  your  power  and anointing  at its  very  best 
It is then I hear  your  voice  that  you  will  help me in all I do
I just  need  to take  your  hand  and  put  my heart  and  spirit  at rest!

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