Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Port Of Hope

Most Gracious Saviour...

Sometimes I feel like a ship gliding across a cloudy and stormy sea...
I am being overwhelmed by the very powerful and mighty waves
Trying to find some hope and new direction while searching so hopelessly
There just doesn't seem to be promise along the way.

Suddenly I see on old lighthouse come alive on the shore...
I looked at it all with wonder, amazement and delight
There is perfect reflection reaching out for me and I have to know more
I start to see a breathtakingly beautiful and encouraging site.

A perfect pure love begins guiding me home with joyous grace and great care...
Showing me that I can travel through without any worry or great fear
I have a Shepherd who loves me and with confidence will always be there
So I follow the light and let it move into my heart dear.

Now the clouds are moving away and I see the horizon sweet and new...
I can rest with peace that I can travel on my journey successfully
The lighthouse is showing me the steps for a pathway that is fresh and true
My beautiful Captain my Jesus you are always taking care of me!

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