Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Most Awesome Thing


The most awesome thing is that I can come to you at any time,
You are always there for me with outstretched arms whenever I call
I can talk to you like a friend about whatever's on my mind
And you'll give me peace and reassurance you'll take care of it all.

You'll turn my heartache into smiles and make me happy always
The reassurance from your heart is a promise I can count on you
You'll be there for me with hope and blessings everyone of my days
Then there will be your courage, strength, and endurance to get me through.

I can always come before your throne as the person I am
You love me with a beautiful love so unconditionally
You will wrap me in your arms of love and show me your mighty plan
There's a breathtaking future serving you that's ahead for me


Friday, August 30, 2019

Wisdom Words

When you have the Lord in your heart...

You can accomplish anything you put your mind to

Just take a step...

Activate your faith to full force

and know...

God will provide
He will make a way
He will see you through


great success and victory.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lonely Heart

Sometimes I may feel alone as if no one seems to care
Yet Father that's when I don't realize just how blessed I seem to be
You come so sweet and lovingly to tell me you're always there
and all of your beautiful angels are around me.

All I have to do is call out your name so sweet
and your presence comes flowing in so tender and true
Lord you are my friend my family my everything I can't beat
I give all of my thanks and praise unto you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Failure Syndrome

Today's society makes it very easy for the human heart to feel like a failure.  People are always measuring one person against another.
Have you heard the contradictory lines?  Well look at the job so and so has.  Look at the progress so and so is making in college.
So when you make mistakes you feel like a failure.  Remember you are not a failure.  You are a beloved child of God.  He has forgiven your mistakes.  Why shouldn't you forgive yourself?
Never measure yourself by others.  Measure yourself by God.  You are his precious child.  He loves you so much!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Thought To Ponder

When you feel like giving up and don't have any more energy, remember one thing.  The best is yet to come.  God comes in and begins working even harder to make you bigger than before.

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Greatest Dream


My greatest dream is to bring all honor and glory to you,
To make you smile and know that Lord you are delighted in me
I want to show your love and grace in everything I do
and to be an example of you that shines so perfectly.

I want to let your happiness guide my heart forevermore
and never let anyone or anything take it away
May the beauty of your power always open every door
and your wisdom and blessings be my greatest guide for each day.

Help me to define success by what comes from your mighty hands
For anything well worth having can only come Lord from you
I can't wait to see what you have laid out in your master plan
For I know without a doubt I'll have success in all I do.


The Worry Box

Okay, now that is an interesting title.  First, consider this question.  If you could design the world's most beautiful box, what would it look like? 
You can use whatever you want: jewels, gem stones at no cost.  But it must have a hinged cover. 
Take a moment to design this in your mind now.  I think mine will be simple and plain with a latched hinge on the front.
Now, once you have done that here is the next step.  Take all of your worries, burdens, concerns and fears
and place them in that box. 
Latch the box tightly and give it to God.
You cannot take it back.  Your concerns are His now.  He will return the box with more peace, happiness and joy then you can imagine.

Try it today!

Devoted Friend

No one can ever dispute the power and blessing of friendship.  This is especially true when you are fortunate to find a faithful and devoted best friend.

A best friend is someone who compliments the very essence of who you are.  They accept you and honor you for the beautiful person that you are.

They are always there to encourage and inspire you through the good times and not so good times.  You are truly blessed to have them in your life.

They will listen to you, stand by you and help you to carry your burdens. 

Now consider the ultimate best friend.  He always be there for you and provide you with everything you need.

He will give you incredible joy, happiness and peace that no one or nothing can ever take away.  He will bless you, take care of you and be your everything.

He will not only bear your burdens and worries.  He will take them for you.  How could you not want a best friend like that?

Invite him to be Lord of your life today. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Message Of Love

I want to feel the tender touch of your presence all around me,
Like a beautiful handcrafted cloke of peace and comfort so true
Cover me with your sweet grace like a shield wherever I may be
Father, my spirit yearns so diligently for much more of you.

Let your anointing flow like pure water to quench my soul so grand,
May your wisdom be like a teacher's guide to teach me how to pray
Ignite my life for you to be your instrument by your great hand
Father I want to be a beautiful light for you every day.

This prayer comes from a humbled heart who wants to learn and grow,
I'm ready to learn and develop from all you want to give me
I come before you now and humbly seek all I am to know
I want to exhault and praise
You Lord for all of eternity.

When You Are Looking For The Sunrise

Have you ever been so tired and worn out that you wonder when you'll ever see the sun again?  If you live down south that can seem so prevalent. 

Yet I am in this case talking about the ins and outs of everyday life.  As we walk along our pathways it can seem that there are always clouds around.

After all nothing is smooth even for Christians.  Yet when the clouds seem to thicken that's when the sunrise begins.

The Lord wants us to be illuminated by the light of his presence and love. 

So just when you feel like you had enough take joy. Your beautiful sunrise and rainbow are coming.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Food For Thought

The presence of the Lord:

* is the breathtaking beauty for the eyes to behold
* is the water of life and nourishment for the soul and spirit to grow
*is the seed for the heart to flourish and develop
* is the peace and serenity that the mind needs to succeed
*is the source of every answer to every question
*is the fountain of eternal life and everything wonderful

So here is the question...

Why wouldn't you want to invite Him into your heart and life today?


How can you count all of your blessings?
There is only one true way.
Give the Lord praise in everything
Through every circumstance and every moment of the day.
He is your Father forever more
Not just in those times that are good
He will take care of everything at its core
As only a loving Father would.
He will then take it all and make it better still
Keeping everything in His glorious hands and care
He delights in our trust and devotion to His will
Knowing He will always be there.
He wants us to always have the very best
And for His mighty Kingdom the greatest glory along the way
Faithfulness brings pure joy and happiness
And greater enrichment each and every day.
An adventurous walk makes you stronger and wiser too
It gives you endurance to make it to the end
If you give it all to God in all that you do
He will see you through and be your foundation and friend.😊

A Grateful Heart

My Lord I see the beauty of the sun arising in the sky
I bow my head in humble adoration and pray
I begin to contemplate as tears fill my eyes
You have given me another breathtaking awesome new day.

Your goodness and grace know no limits or boundaries
The best is always there for me because of your great love
Your mercy and compassion are given so abundantly
I am so grateful and thankful for everything from above.

I want to live as you would have me to in every way
Prepare me with your great hands to follow my dreams and succeed
You are my source and reason each brand new day
Father you are my provider and give me all I need.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Morning Thoughts


I dedicate this day to you.
Please make it as great as it can be
Fill it with your presence and love so true
Bless each moment so perfectly.

Guide my footsteps with your mighty hand
Anoint each moment of the day
Take control according to your plan
Cultivate all that I do and say.

Make everything an exaltation to you above
and a great blessing and benefit to me
I want to serve you and please you with all my love
I am yours for eternity.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

What Words Can I Use?


What words can I possibly say
To express what you mean to me
You are my stronghold for every day
My only true source that I see.

You are my foundation and more
The love that I yearn for so grand
I call out now to Heavens door
Please show me your will and command.

I need your direction so true
I want to see you now so near
Help me with all that I must do
Take away my stress and my fear.

Please come into my heart right now
I need a refreshing of faith
Show me your thoughts Father somehow
I want to see your mighty grace.

I'm asking with a humbled heart
Let us walk these steps as a pair
Hold me close to you from the start
I know how much you truly care.


The Unknown

Have you ever gone through a dark tunnel?  It can seem a bit daunting when all of a sudden everything goes black.  Yet you are not necessarily fearful because you know that whoever is in the driving position will get you through just fine. 
We sometimes feel that way in life.  We come upon different points that can seem intimidating.  We become concerned and burdened.  Yet someone is there right by our side ready to offer comfort. 
All we have to do is realize that he has it all in his hands.  Just give it over to him.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Breathtaking Revelations


When I look into your eyes..
I see something special there
A beauty and wonder that's no surprise
and the best of your love, grace and care.

I see the light of my dreams so true
and a great purpose I know nothing of
I can feel a strong power coming from you
So many blessings flowing down from above. 

I can see a great hand reaching out for me
and a sweet tenderness coming my way
My heart wants to know more so abundantly
I want to walk with you every day.

Suddenly two hearts are connected as one
Something wonderful begins to take place
A new life of aspiration has begun
and it all begins with one glimpse of your sweet face.

Amen. God bless you😊

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Most Amazing Gift

The most amazing gift

Have you ever thought about what the most amazing gift would be?  It is something that cannot be purchased for any stated amount.  Yet it's value is worth more than the human mind can ever phantom.  It is free and is available in abundance upon asking.  Think about all of the gifts that you have ever received.  Has anything ever come close?

The most amazing and awesome gift is the precious gift of God's love and grace and salvation.  Wouldn't it be great to have such an awesome gift and hold it in your heart forever?  Please take a moment to pray this prayer.

Father God thank you for loving me.  I want to know more of you and your breathtaking presence.  Please come into my heart and be Lord of my life forever.

Rejoice!  Feel the wondrous peace and joy as the most awesome gift infiltrates and renews your life forever

God bless you

Monday, August 19, 2019

At The End Of It All

Have you ever been in a circumstance where you just couldn't figure out the right solution?  You weighed all the pluses and the minuses.  Nothing you look at seems to be ideal.  Yet you continue to try and figure it all out.  It is at that point when you feel a tug at your heart.  The Lord wants to help you and end your pain.  You keep struggling.  But you feel the tired feeling taking over.  You let go and give it over.  Suddenly a feeling of peace fills you

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Power Of A Positive Heart

Have you ever considered what would happen if you put the wrong type of gasoline in your car?  That is something that you probably don't want to think about.  It would likely mean damage to the engine.  This is something you definitely don't want.  No one would.

So let's consider something else for a moment.  What happens when you put negative thoughts and feelings into your heart and mind.    Well remember that it is a form of darkness.  You are thinking about the worst of things. 

Darkness is not a natural part of the average human mind.  It is definitely not part of the believers life either.  We generally want to find the good.  When we have the Lord we always will have the best of him.

But when we have negative thoughts they tare away at the very essence of who we are just like the wrong gas damaging an engine.

So what is the solution?  Fill your self with everything wonderful that comes from God.  Let his word fill your heart.  Let his praises infiltrate your system. You will find your personal engine getting an awesome overhaul

Stay positive. God bless😊

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Heartfelt Prayer

Lord. Please give me the strength to start my day.  Bless my footsteps with each venture I take.  Let your love be
my guide each step of the way.  May your glory fill every moment I partake.  Let me feel your power more and more.  Help me to be just like you.  I want to bring my praises to Heavens door and serve you in all I do.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Putting Your Best Into Practice

Based on Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." 

     Trust is a small word.  Yet, it has so much meaning.  It can be hard in our human nature to totally rely upon someone else.  It would be like putting on a blind fold and walking through a winter storm.

   You have someone else plan on where and when you should take another step on your journey.  We all have encountered various trust situations in our own lives.  

  But, take a moment to think about the ultimate trust.  Do you believe in the Lord and trust in him?  He is the creator and authority over everything.  He is all-knowing.  We are not that way.  

   He knows what is best for us.  He wants what is best for us.  How can you not place your trust in him?  He will take care of everything in his own time and way.  This is for our greater good and for the glory of his kingdom.

  The best part of all is that he wants us to continue to be the beautiful and unique individuals that he created us to be.  Aren't you excited to place your trust in him?  He loves you so much and wants the best for you always!

  Give your heart to him today.  Start a new and exciting path of your journey guided by the breathtaking beauty of his great love!  God bless you all!


Sometimes things may seem so difficult if we perceive it all through our eyes.  Remember one important point that nothing is impossible with God.  If he is Lord of your life and your best friend all you need to do is look to him.  Put your best foot forward.  Give it all you've got.  Let God take care of the rest and you.  He will do it in his time and way.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Thought For The Day

No matter how many clouds there are in the sky remember there are always 🌈 rainbows after the rain. The Lord 💘 loves you.  His greatest masterpiece is a work in progress.  So take the hand of the master artist and trust him always.  You will never be disappointed

Friday, August 9, 2019


As I take each step throughout the hours of the day,
Let the power of your love and grace completely cover me
Like a beautiful light of sweet protection to guide my way
and keep me safe and within your care wherever I may be.

May the light of your power be my armor and shield so true,
Give me strength and peace to know you're with me always at all times
I never have to fear but simply keep my eyes upon you
You will be the joy and calm I need for my spirit and my mind.

I never have to focus on those things that may be around,
But keep my heart focused on you and know I'll always be safe and loved
You are my answer and the greatest friend I have ever found
I am your cherished child watched over from Heaven above.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

The most genuine beauty does not come in something you can buy.  It comes from the heart.  It originates from the precious love of the Lord bestowed to you that makes you the reflection of him

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Searching For Hope

     Okay, so here is an important question.  Do you have something in your life that you need to 'figure out'?  Perhaps it is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed, and dealt with. Yet, you have gone over the possibilities and nothing seems to make sense.

    You try to find an answer yet cannot.  You become increasingly nervous and worried, and very burdened.  What do you do?  Let it all go.  What does that mean?

   Place the burden in the hands of the one who truly does hold the keys.  He controls everything and holds it all in his hands.  So why are you nervous?

  Remember that prayer is an important lifeline.  It is our 'spiritual communication center' if you will, to the Lord's precious heart.  So give it all to him.  Trust in him.  There is nothing that you and he can't handle.




Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Fear is the opposite of faith.  It is a dagger that slowly rips at the heart of everything good.  When you allow it to take hold it tears your self esteem down till it is virtually nothing.  Take action and put on the Jesus shield.  Know that the Lord is in control.  When you turn to him and depend on him fear should never have a place!

Monday, August 5, 2019


Never give matter what

You can make it through

God is with you every day

He will take great care of you!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Mirror Of My Heart

Can you look deep into my heart
Take a moment to discover something grand
Let the spirit of love come and impart
An awesome revelation so grand

Discover the kindness and grace that is there
The definition of beauty at its best
Love joy tenderness and care
A love of life and happiness.

Find God's presence at the center of it all
A strong dedication to him and his love
A yearning to seek him whenever he calls
and all the praise sent to Heaven above

Don't define me by what I look like outside
or who you think I should be
But know that I am my Father's child with pride
Come join me and serve him for eternity😊

Friday, August 2, 2019

Dear Lord,
Please protect my dear friends today
watch over them in all they do
Be their foundation of hope in every way
and their best friend to call upon so true
Give them a peace that is always there
and a strength that grows more as they go
Show them with your love how much you care
and all of your compassion let them know.
Let them feel your presence so strong and bright
and your grace with such unending happiness
Help them to feel pleasing in your sight
and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.
Dear Lord, bless my dear friends today
give them all they need right from the start
be their protection in every way
keep them so close to your heart.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thought For The Day

The greatest thing that you can do is give the gift of yourself...your most amazing gifts that God has bestowed to benefit the lives of others.  One smile can lift someone to happier times. One kind deed can turn their day around.  Take a moment. Make the world a better place😊

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...