Monday, August 26, 2019

Devoted Friend

No one can ever dispute the power and blessing of friendship.  This is especially true when you are fortunate to find a faithful and devoted best friend.

A best friend is someone who compliments the very essence of who you are.  They accept you and honor you for the beautiful person that you are.

They are always there to encourage and inspire you through the good times and not so good times.  You are truly blessed to have them in your life.

They will listen to you, stand by you and help you to carry your burdens. 

Now consider the ultimate best friend.  He always be there for you and provide you with everything you need.

He will give you incredible joy, happiness and peace that no one or nothing can ever take away.  He will bless you, take care of you and be your everything.

He will not only bear your burdens and worries.  He will take them for you.  How could you not want a best friend like that?

Invite him to be Lord of your life today. 

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