Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Glass Of Promise

Precious Jesus...

As I look at the hands of time working diligently in their way..
My ❤ heart begins to reflect upon things minute by minute so true
I start to look at new dreams and hope to fill my life every day
Looking for innovations that will help me to grow and renew.

I can see your hands structuring my footsteps with 💘 love so carefully..
Your sweet presence is paving new pathways that were not known before
All that you are is working hard to strengthen everything that is me
I can see great blessings and wonder flowing now from Heavens mighty door.

Suddenly I can see a breathtaking light shining ahead of me..
And a rugged and prosperous foundation of dynamic dreams come true
Jesus plant in my heart great wisdom and help me learn now to succeed
I want to always bring great honor and praise my Saviour unto you.

Let each new day be a song of 💘 love that our two hearts will always share..
I dedicate every exciting moment Jesus unto you
Let me walk my journey with rugged faith and endurance to bear
Knowing that without a doubt in my heart your power will see me through.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

My Greatest Hope

My Jesus...

The greatest hope of my ❤ heart is to draw closer to you in every way...
To learn all that I can from your wisdom and unending grace
I want to fulfill my goal to bring praise and victory to you every day
I long to see your magnificent presence and the delight on your face.

I ask that your holy, sweet anointing now fill every part of me...
And restore all the 💔 broken and empty pieces better than before
Fill me to overflowing with your breath of life for all to now see
Let a great revival of your precious, pure 💘 love now come from Heavens door.

Jesus, I can feel something now happening before my eyes it is true...
You are my Saviour, my best friend, and everything that I need you to be
I want to see the great hope of my heart, your sweet spirit, my whole life through
Jesus see a beautiful work in progress every time you look at me.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The πŸ† Champion

Precious Jesus...

People strive every day to accomplish certain goals...
They search for ways to get to the top and be so 😊 Happy
They look for things that fill them and make them complete and whole
But suddenly there has to be much more that I see.

I have to realize that everything belongs to you...
You have control of everything around large and small
I am always in your loving care every day through
And by your heart, grace and love you will take care of it all.

You have a plan for my journey that is exciting..
It is a plan and purpose that only I can fulfill
Even though I've made mistakes you are forgiving and caring
So, I'm asking for your wisdom to follow your great will.

When someone asks me to briefly define my true success...
I think about seeing you with joy on that perfect day
You smile and say:  "We'll done my child!" with happiness
I have accomplished pure success in every way.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Beautiful Blessings

My Awesome Jesus...

I stop for a true moment to reflect and think about what this all means to me...
Wondering what to give others that would reveal my ❤ heart and all about you
I look around at all of the commercialism and everything I see
That is when I made up my mind and knew exactly what I had to do.

I want to show others your perfect 💘 love and grace that are abundant and there...
They'll hear you're the greatest Father and best friend and everything their hearts call for
You are awesome always giving from your heart with joy and tender care
When they come searching before your throne room in Heaven they'll find an open door.

So I'll hand them a Bible and tell them the greatest 🎁 Gift so bestowed...
It is more valuable than the heart could ever fathom or dream of
It's the precious 🎁 Gift of your beloved Son born humbly so many years ago
And the beautiful gift of salvation for us that comes from your awesome love.

I will then tell them what a breathtaking power you are to my life each day...
And ask them if they would like that foundation and perfect love in their life too
When they say yes here is the prayer that I will reach out and walk them through this way.
Asking that you would work a wonderful work as only you can truly do.

Dear Lord, thank you for the perfect gift of salvation and your Son with pure love...
I want to know more of you so I give you my heart and all that I am in a great way
Right then, there is a beautiful light illuminating from the Heavens above
Another heart is welcomed into the Masters heart and Kingdom on that day!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas is a special time to open the window of the heart and let its exquisite beauty convey its message of light.  The light of love so others may know its meaning.  The light of gratitude of an ever thankful heart.  The light of peace, and hope to make a difference.  The light of happiness for all blessings big and small.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Hardest Word

My Jesus...

Sometimes the hardest word to say is the smallest..yes.
We believe the most negative in all that we do
Yet we don't seem to realize just how we are so blessed
And the greatest of everything always comes from you.

You plant a little seed called faith at our hearts true core...
And nurture it to grow strong and grand in every way
Then send divine blessings and power from Heavens door
So we can see the best of what you have every day.

There are times when it can be hard and trying to do...
In our own way we can seem so stubborn at our best
But your love, grace and patience always come shining through
Ready to put my humbled heart and faith to the test.

So I give everything to you right now with delight..
Together we can work it through with such victory
I want to serve you every hour with all of my might
Jesus thank you for seeing such great things in me.

πŸ“œ Declarations

My Jesus...

When I think about this time of year, many things come to mind...
Commercialism is all around me every where I go
People worrying about 🌳 trees and 🎁 presents, and what they seem to find
They have no peace, and stress follows them wherever they go.

The holidays come in and pass by without pure happiness...
The heart seems very hurtful and so burdened just as before
There is no joy or the real meaning of feeling very blessed
So the spirit so cold and empty is reaching out for more.

Just then, a loving Father reaches down His caring, pure 💘 love..
And reminds the heart of what the true meaning is meant to be
He fills an empty heart with His presence from Heaven above
Suddenly, something so beautiful everyone can soon see.

The greatest gift is quite free yet is costly beyond compare...
But, it means more than any one heart can so think of
Your Heavenly Father gives His only Son with grace and care
That's a very special 🎁 Gift of salvation for you with 💘 love.

Thank you Lord for everything you have done and have yet to do...
Your beautiful heart holds many wonderful joys and blessings
The most precious gift and celebration is the pure gift of you
For it is a gift that is eternal and makes the heart sing!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Feelings and Faith


There are days when I can't see hope in any way..
My ❤ heart feels so broken, down, and in despair
I have no thoughts or words that I can really say
There is no one that understands or truly cares.

Tears flow from my eyes like a sea of great sadness..
But just at the time it seems to all fade away
You come in with glory and pure love at its best
Your great joy highlights the light of a brand new day.

It is a day of breathtaking new things to see...
A great time when the light of your love conquers all
I just need to let faith take over perfectly
And you'll be there whatever time I may call.

So, you calm me and fill my heart with faith so true..
You give me your rugged strength so abundantly
When I need a rock Lord I turn always to you
For you will be the joyful beginning I need.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Christmas Pledge

I hear the sound of a crying heart on the chilly air,
It's reaching out for love and gentleness in every way
and then I see your presence come with precious, tender care
I'm in awe of your breathtaking hope, more than words can say.

At that moment, my heart sees and learns what it all means so true,
The lights and pageantry are not important anymore
Being a bright source of inspiration like you would do
That is the perfect goal that my heart is now striving for.

I make this special pledge to you now with all that I am,
I'll listen for the needs of other souls attentively
I'll look to you at all times, and take hold of your great hand
For now my heart really knows what Christmas is meant to be.

It's about a precious baby born many years ago,
The most precious gift of love was given to everyone
Now, we must let that beautiful, great love blossom and show
For that's when you know the meaning of Christmas has begun.

Father, thank you so much for this special time of the year,
I make this special Christmas pledge, right now, Lord, unto you
Thank you for all of my blessings and that which I hold dear
I'll be your Christmas light in all I am my whole life through.


God bless you all!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Joy Station 😊

Precious Jesus...

I come before your mighty throne and lay all of my burdens there...
They are too burdensome and heavy for me to carry, it's true
I come on my knees asking for forgiveness because I know you care
I ask for a wash of 💘 love and ✌ peace that can only come from you.

Lord, I don't want this 🌎 world to define me anymore..
But instead I want all that you are to be who I am
Jesus, let the power of your heart flow mightily from Heavens door
Let my ❤ heart and spirit know and understand your great plan.

I want to follow exactly all that you truly want for me..
Let your word speak to me and be a nourishment for my soul
For when your 💘 love and presence fill my heart then I will truly see
Solid, unending joy comes from you that makes me complete and whole.

I come before your throne every day my own joy station...
My heart and spirit prepare to be worked upon by your great hands
I learn and understand that because of your grace the battles won
Armed with your awesome joy I'm ready to follow your great plan.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

An Instrument For The Mission


Please take this 💔 broken vessel into your Potters Hands right now..
And see something so breathtaking in someone so broken and low
Please begin a great work and create a masterpiece true somehow
Help me to be your great servant who will continue to grow.

Place my feet upon the path that you would have for me so great..
Plant your divine word right now within my heart so true
Help me to be worthy to see your divine presence and face
And to be an accreditation to your Kingdom so true.

Help me to be an instrument for the mission with 💘 love..
Plant all that is you upon my heart and spirit so fair
Let your presence flow so mightily from Heavens door above
Carrying the greatest peace and assurance that you'll be there.

Questions And Uncertainties

     Carol sat back in her chair and took another sip of her ☕ coffee.  The room was dark and quiet.  Her kids slept peacefully in their beds.

     Her face looked tired, worn and aged far beyond her youthful years.  She never thought she be a widow.  Having lost her beloved husband last year to cancer was more than she could bear.

     The gentle light of the moon illuminated the tears streaming down her face.  She thought they would enjoy their family together.

  But an even harder challenge came when her company closed because of what was going on in the nation.

  She was able to get another much lower paying job.  But how was she going to take care of her kids?  How was she going to tell them there would be no Christmas.

     But Carol knew she had to try and be strong for them.  Those kids were her beautiful gifts from God's ❤ heart and reminders of the love she and her husband had.

     She knelt down before God and dedicated the day to Him.  She didn't cry or complain.  Carol simply asked that He let her be a light in someone else's 🌎 world today for Him.

     So she got her kids ready for 🏫 school and went to work with a 😃 smile.  She greeted everyone with delight.

     A new customer came in about mid point of the day.  He was an elderly gentleman that she had never seen before.  He seemed somewhat distraught.

     When she asked him what was wrong, he told her he misplaced his wallet. 
He was on his way to visit his wife at a nursing home in the next town.

     Carol reached into her pocket and pulled out the last twenty dollars she had.  She gave it to the man. The delight on his face was amazing as he thanked her.

     When Carol got 🏡 Home that evening, she found packages behind her door.  There was a large grocery order, a large Christmas tree, wrapped presents, an envelope with a large check and a job offer.

  The elderly customer turned out to be a very wealthy business owner.  He was so impressed by Carol's kindness.  He had to help.  She got a better career position with more pay!

     Carol looked up to God and thanked Him!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Beautiful Melodies

My Jesus...

I can hear a beautiful melody echoing sweetly all around...
It brings me bright tunes of hope when I have been down such a long time
It carries me to a special place where only peace and beauty are found
And tells me about the mercy and forgiveness that I will surely find.

My ❤ heart looks for the signs of the perfect light of true love to see..
The light that opens the door of God's heart with wonder and amazement too
And reveals a grace that nurtures, cares and inspires for eternity
A breathtaking adoration that is with me whatever I may do.

I see the signs of something breathtaking and wonderful right before me...
It is your power Lord taking this 💔 broken vessel and making something new
I just need to come before your throne with a heart for all to truly see
And show with Thanksgiving that you are my compass in everything I do!

Thought For The Day

Don't ever lose hope on what you thought was possible..

Because just at that last moment

Right at that final hour

When your faith and trust have been steady throughout

The Lord's love comes shining through

More beautiful and breathtaking

Your miracle is at hand!

Reaching For The Finish Line


When I feel like throwing in the towel on those hard days..
And giving up on myself and the possibilities
My loneliness and despair grow in so many real ways
I lose track of anything special that could be in me.

Tears begin to flow from your eyes with love abundantly..
It hurts you to see my heart in such sadness and despair
You reach out with a Saviour's hands and spread your love for me
Letting me know that no matter what you'll always be there.

Suddenly my heart is willing to take a step once more...
Even though there really isn't very much I can see
There are new plans ever flowing from your hearts core
I can do all things through you because you believe in me.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

My Greatest Desire

My Saviour...

If I could look into your eyes, I would see a love my ❤ heart yearns for...
If I could open up my soul I would hear the words you are so longing to say
Master, my spirit wants to learn at your feet, and see your grace and more
I want to become your humble servant of hope with every day.

I know there are important things that I need to keep within my mind...
I need to learn to trust in you and never worry, fret, or fear
For you will provide the strongest faith for my heart that I'll ever find
And always hold me in your hands and heart with love so precious and dear.

So Lord, I reach out now and take your hand eager to begin it all...
I brand new walk with great dreams and promises that will come true
I want to draw closer to your side and hear your mighty, perfect call
I should never doubt or be anxious for you will always see me through!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Heart Song

My Beautiful Jesus...

I can feel someone tugging at my ❤ heart so lovingly..
Yet I hurt so much inside I really can't feel at all
There is 💔 brokenness fear and emptiness tearing at me
But through the dark my yearning spirit hears you when you call.

You whisper and something in me rises up with power...
You take my hand in yours and fill me with peace happily
The tension and burden disappear hour by hour
Love begins to work a miracle for all to soon see.

Grace now weaves everything together stronger than before...
A Saviour's guiding hand is always right there to abide
I never have to live in fear but ask God for more
My Heart can be confident that He'll be there by my side.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

One 🚢 Step Beyond Tomorrow

My Awesome Jesus...

There's a window that no one seems to see that fills life beyond compare...
It is a gateway to breathtaking beauty and hope so great and true
A special place where promise, hope and possibility are all there
And perfect peace and pure happiness fill every wonderful thing that you can do.

There is a special key to unlock the gate and move into the light...
But, such a dynamic key can be accessible to one and all
All a heart has to do is be humbled and devoted in your sight
And reach out for your power and presence when the spirit surely calls.

For anything worth having only come from your heart and grace above...
You hold the best of everything wonderful in your perfect sweet hands
We can have the key to goodness when it is blessed by your mighty love
My Jesus I follow in your presence and seek out your perfect plan.

The Grace Covering

💘 Loving Jesus...

I feel the cold and darkness all around me...
It frightens me and tears my tender heart true
There are times that I feel lost and cannot see
I just don't know what my spirit is to do.

Your hand reaches out for your sheep you adore...
And send your perfect love with joy and great care
You begin to send your presence and much more
Along with great strength and endurance to bear.

You wrap your grace around me with such light...
A light that penetrates all dark that may come
I will go forward with your love as my sight
I'm wearing the grace 🛡 shield and all fear is done.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Lord, I Need A MiracleπŸ™

My Jesus...

Lord, I need a miracle of the biggest size, I pray...
It is a touch from your hands that can only come from you,
I have a burdensome need that seems to cloud up each day
You're the only one with your great love that can see me through.

I've been suffering such great pain and sickness through it all...
Fear and worry are taking the best part of who I am
But, I know you don't want that and hear when I may call
Suffering and sadness were never part of your great plan.

So I'm asking for a miracle of the epic kind...
The one that only you can give with 💘 love and so much more
May you bring healing to my body, spirit, and mind
And let your spirit flow so perfectly from Heavens door.


The Christmas Pledge

I hear the sound of a crying heart on the chilly air,
It's reaching out for love and gentleness in every way
and then I see your presence come with precious, tender care
I'm in awe of your breathtaking hope, more than words can say.

At that moment, my heart sees and learns what it all means so true,
The lights and pageantry are not important anymore
Being a bright source of inspiration like you would do
That is the perfect goal that my heart is now striving for.

I make this special pledge to you now with all that I am,
I'll listen for the needs of other souls attentively
I'll look to you at all times, and take hold of your great hand
For now my heart really knows what Christmas is meant to be.

It's about a precious baby born many years ago,
The most precious gift of love was given to everyone
Now, we must let that beautiful, great love blossom and show
For that's when you know the meaning of Christmas has begun.

Father, thank you so much for this special time of the year,
I make this special Christmas pledge, right now, Lord, unto you
Thank you for all of my blessings and that which I hold dear
I'll be your Christmas light in all I am my whole life through.


God bless you all!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...