Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Door Of Promise

My Lord...

When  I don't know what to do you are right there with me...
You put your arms around me and fill me with your wonderful, perfect kind of love 
You take away my confusion and give me such real certainty
That the glory of your anointing is always with me from  above. 

My heart is then engulfed by the 🔥 flames of your presence and your great power...
Suddenly a true sense of hope and joy my spirit begins to now see
I don't have to ever be confused because by your sweet grace you will empower 
Lord you are my answer and everything I've ever wanted to be.

So now I'm seeing more of your mighty hand moving every new day...
There's a fresh, exciting new light of hope and promise shining through 
I want to experience your precious mighty glory in every  way 
Lord you are the guiding hand who will always be with me in all I do!

Monday, May 29, 2023

My Heart 🎶 Sings Your Praises Forever

My Jesus...

The  beauty  of your  sweet anointing fills my heart so completely..
It gives me a feeling of promise in my soul I can't explain 
Directly under the cover of your power I want to be
You are my fortress and my shelter always from all falling rain ☔ 

Your great love nourishes my spirit like a life fountain ⛲ so true..
The wisdom of your heart is my lighthouse to guide  me day by day 
Your grace fills my soul with the very essence of all that is you 
Jesus  you are my teacher who guides my feet upon life's pathway. 

How can I offer gratitude enough for everything you do...
For all of the many wonderful things that you are and will be
My life will forever sing all praise and gratitude to you 
For every day upon my pathway and all of eternity!

Sunday, May 28, 2023


My Jesus.....

I shed tears  for this  great nation that I so love...
It's strength  is being torn  apart  in many  ways 
So I'm sending my prayers unto  you  Lord above 
To provide  insight  and healing  for  coming  days. 

Stop  them  from  destroying our foundation  so true..
Let real freedom  always  remain  the  solid  core 
May all see the beauty of your  love shining through 
Let rain of your anointing come from Heaven's shore.

Praying for revival for hearts and home's to see...
More would be saved and pledge to live for you 
To rebirth our country for eternity 
To be true to your kingdom in all that they do. 

It is for great protection we're  making this call...
Help our unsaved enemies  to now understand 
You  are the true  leader and in charge  of it all
Jesus please protect our freedom and our great land!

Friday, May 26, 2023

Lord I Give Up

Precious  Savior...

My heart  is very  discouraged  by all of the  things  I see...
I just  don't  know  what  to make  out  of everything  anymore 
I'm  hoping  you'll  provide  some  wisdom  and direction  for  me
I'm  looking  for  the  peace  and delight  that  only  you  can  restore. 

I know  the world's  not  perfect  and we're  only  here for  a brief  while..
But I want  to be an instrument  of your love  for  all the  world  to see
So Jesus  I'm  asking  for  you  to help  me with  joy  and a smile 
I want  all hearts  to see the best  of you  when  they're  looking  at  me.

Suddenly  I feel  a warmth  and movement  within  my heart  so true...
I can  feel  your  power  and anointing  at its  very  best 
It is then I hear  your  voice  that  you  will  help me in all I do
I just  need  to take  your  hand  and  put  my heart  and  spirit  at rest!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Heavenly Eyes

My Saviour...

When I look at everything going on all around me...
My heart becomes very concerned to find answers that are clear
I simply don't understand all the confusion I see
My hurt spirit reaches out for your great mercy to draw near.

Suddenly I can feel a hand of concern so lovingly...
You wrap me in your arms of love with peace and great care
Assuring me that by my side is where you'll always be
There is nothing around me that I will ever need to bear.

I just need to keep my eyes and heart on you every day...
And remember the fact that you have it all under control
You will pave the pathway and provide for me in every way
Jesus you are my answer and the true source that keeps me whole!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Pain Filled Tears

My Precious Jesus...

Lord this powerful pain that I have is getting too much to bear...
I can feel my spirit being tortured and ripped apart inside
It feels like no one wants to be bothered or even really cares
On a path with a new horizon is where I want to abide.

Take my pain into your hands and start to make something so brand new...
Let your sweet mercy and your love and grace now wipe it all away
You are my brilliant breathtaking star who'll help me my whole life through
I'm taking your hand to walk now to an exciting brighter day.

The pain begins to be replaced by sweet Heavenly happiness...
The Lord's presence becomes my major focus in every hour
He's taking my pain healing it, and helping me to now feel blessed
Through your glory and honor your great anointing you will empower.

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Prayer Lesson

My Jesus...

I am kneeling before your throne with a student's humbled heart so grand...
It is with eagerness and great yearning that I want to learn the best
Teach me the important and proper way to pray as only you can
I want to live according to your word and forever be blessed.

Prayer is a great lifeline and my connection to a proper bond with you...
It helps me to hear your voice and heart and to be touched by your great love
I want to feel your presence in a deep way in all that I may do
So I'm asking for your teaching lessons and sweet guidance from above.

I need to make each one unique and express my needs and wants so true..
Even though you already know you want to hear my wishes and more
Lord you want to hear all my desires and whatever is new
For you are always there when I call waiting patiently at Heavens door.

My Saviour I am truly grateful for everything that you are to me...
I pledge to make prayer and our bond a high priority every day
Please instill within me now all of the good things that you want to see
Lord continue my lessons and be my guide to learn always how to 🙏 pray.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Greatest Lesson


When someone brings me such inner pain that destroys me to the very core...
Their great hatred and evil nature are always at work against me
Every part of me wants to make them pay with misery and much more
I truly want to make them suffer for the grief that they spread so freely.

When you find this in my heart you become very saddened it is quite clear...
You want me to grow in our relationship and become so much more like you
You understand the great pain I feel and my tears have struck you so dear
But you want me to learn at your feet and trust you in all I do.

So you heal me of all anger and fill me with your love and peace at best...
You give me a perfect outlook to now see all things through your eyes
When I need real guidance , true direction and the light of happiness
I simply turn my focus with a seeking heart towards Heavens sky.

For if I want to be forgiven I must forgive others it's true...
It's not easy but you'll be there to help me every step of the way
I just need to place everything into your hands and depend Lord on you
You will give me the inner strength, hope and new joy for each bright new day!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

My Lord, I Give It All To You


There's a heaviness upon my shoulders that I cannot bear anymore...
It is making me so miserable and robbing me of real happiness
I cannot bear it all and this real pain of my heart I cannot ignore
Lord I am coming before your throne and making my heart felt true request.

Please take everything into your hands and take control with such great might...
Work it all out in your time and by your will through your power and perfect love
That everything would be so delightful and pleasing to your great sight
My best friend, I have bestowed it all into your wondrous heart above.

Now there is sense of peace coming into my spirit with such delight...
I welcome it as a refreshment of promise that only comes from you
Lord you are the light of inspiration that I want always in my sight
Instead of trying alone I'll present everything in all that I do.

Friday, May 12, 2023

How Can I Say Thank You?

My Breathtaking Saviour...

How can I say thank you for the patience that you show me every day?
Your beautiful heart is always open and filled with sweet love and new grace
Your mercy provides me with forgiveness and blesses me in every way
You reach out with a caring delight and wrap me in your mighty embrace.

You plant seeds of promise within my heart to grow into something so grand...
And fill me with wonderful gifts and blessings to help me my whole life through
You provide, protect and comfort me everything I'll need for a life's plan
My Saviour, I can't possibly think of a moment of life without you.

How do I say thank you and express with love everything you mean to me...
There are no words that tell of my gratitude and adoration at best
I give you my heart and pledge to bond with you for all eternity
My Saviour, you are my life, my happiness, my heart beat, and my every breath!

Lord, You Are My Focus

My Beloved Saviour...

When I take a step and view the winds and rain so powerfully...
And the clouds seem to grow gray and more intense with every hour
There is a decision that must be made within the heart of me
To what source am I going to give the mightiest of power.

Will I keep my focus on you and know that you will take care...
Or doubt and become a statistic from the destruction by fear
Lord I know with all that I am that you will always be there
You are everything to me and at all times I hold you dear.

Strengthen my faith to not rely on my human side...
Lord I want to take your hand and walk with you my whole life through
Touched by your anointing in your presence I will abide
Lord help me to always keep my eyes and my focus on you.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

A Calling For The Heart

My Jesus...

I want to know the special calling that you have just for me...
I want to hear your deepest thoughts and wisdom in every way
My greatest heart's desire is to please you so perfectly
Lord I want to start right now upon your mission for me today.

I lay all of my sins before your merciful throne above...
By your grace and forgiveness I have become so brand new
You have touched me with your anointing and wrapped me in your love
Lord I want to be your instrument of hope my whole life through.

Teach me to hear your voice so clear and precise when you may call...
Help me to have a heart for ministry that will never end
Give me the passion to draw closer to you through it all
Let me be a great light of your love for all to comprehend.

Lord I am waiting now for the first words from your heart so true..
I know I will be so happy whatever those words may be
I want you to be pleased with me in everything I do
I want to hear 'well done! when one day your sweet face I see.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Port Of Hope

Most Gracious Saviour...

Sometimes I feel like a ship gliding across a cloudy and stormy sea...
I am being overwhelmed by the very powerful and mighty waves
Trying to find some hope and new direction while searching so hopelessly
There just doesn't seem to be promise along the way.

Suddenly I see on old lighthouse come alive on the shore...
I looked at it all with wonder, amazement and delight
There is perfect reflection reaching out for me and I have to know more
I start to see a breathtakingly beautiful and encouraging site.

A perfect pure love begins guiding me home with joyous grace and great care...
Showing me that I can travel through without any worry or great fear
I have a Shepherd who loves me and with confidence will always be there
So I follow the light and let it move into my heart dear.

Now the clouds are moving away and I see the horizon sweet and new...
I can rest with peace that I can travel on my journey successfully
The lighthouse is showing me the steps for a pathway that is fresh and true
My beautiful Captain my Jesus you are always taking care of me!

Friday, May 5, 2023

The Faith Shield

My Loving Jesus...

As I venture out along my pathway, every moment of every day...
Sometimes I feel so burdened, conflicted, and fearful at its very best
I seem to have lost my purpose and my heart is empty in every way
I long to find perfect tranquility, balance and wholesomeness.

Suddenly, a glimmer of breathtaking light begins to peak through the clouds core...
The beauty of such unique wonder is something for my eyes to now see
My heart could feel some calm and I desperately wanted to know so much more
I could see the gentle reach of a powerful hand of great mercy.

Lord, you put your hand around me and told me everything would be alright...
You showed me the strength of my faith shield and showed me how to use it with love
You told me that putting my trust in you is pleasing in your holy sight
I never have to worry because all is taken care of from above.

So I looked at my faith shield and started to put everything in its place...
Suddenly things didn't seem so overwhelming in my spirit for me
When I start to feel out of sorts I just imagine my Saviours sweet face
And my faith shield becomes stronger and brings me wondrous peace so perfectly.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Humble Love


I have never felt so broken and alone in my soul...
Some days deep within it doesn't even feel like it's me
I want so desperately to feel happy, complete and whole
But I feel like I'm breaking further which is hard to see.

I'm reaching out for the greatest Lord that comes right from you...
By my own way I just can't seem to do it anymore
I'm asking you to cleanse me and fill me up so true
Let your power flow within me and touch me to the core.

I can feel something stirring like a river so grand...
Something seems to be rising like a burning flame so true
Lord I can clearly see the movement of your mighty hands
The answers to my great requests are being sent by you!

I starting to feel happiness and joy with all my might...
A new person is being born Lord by your command
I want to be pleasing and always bring you such delight
Thank you for giving me your foundation on which to stand!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...