Thursday, December 28, 2023

You Are My Inspiration

My Lord...

You are everything my heart yearns to be and so much more...
You are my mentor and King that my spirit respects and loves
The greatest dream and success that my soul is now reaching for 
My refreshing rain shower of motivation from above. 

You're the light of discovery that forever guides my way...
My awesome source of comfort that makes me so complete and whole 
My greatest reason for taking each new step every day 
That tender care and warmth whenever things may turn bitter cold. 

You are my fortress and stronghold that I depend on with might...
My steady, rugged anchor of strength on which I can  now stand 
My sweet happiness and joy that blesses me with such delight 
Sweet gracious, mighty Father that has great promise and a plan. 

You are everything I hope to be and all that defines me...
Jesus I want to bring you such honor in the greatest way 
You are my breath and every breathtaking 🌅 sunrise that I see
Lord I will praise and exhault you with honor all of my days!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Just One Word

My Jesus...

I need you in every moment more than words can say...
I need the beauty of your love, your tender grace, and much more 
You're the brilliant ☀ sunshine that brings promise to each day 
My breathtaking Savior You're all that I'm yearning for. 

I need your breath of life that brings desire for each new day...
The refreshing flow of your anointing to make all seem new
My mentor and guiding light who will always make a true way 
I give all that I am now with pure humbleness unto you. 

I need your mighty power like great dreams and success so grand...
Your embrace to hold me in your protection with such delight 
A mighty move of miraculous seeds from your holy hands 
Lord restore me and let me be so pleasing in your great sight. 

I need only one word to start everything with happiness...
Lord let you know how much I reach for and greatly adore you 
That one simple word that teaches my heart and helps it to be blessed 
I'll carry that word "yes" as I venture on my journey so true!

Monday, December 25, 2023

When My Heart Receives Your Love

My Blessed Savior...

When my heart receives your pure love so true...
It is the greatest gift and so much more 
A breathtaking blessing that comes from you 
Overflowing with excitement in store. 

It's a gift that has no limits in mind...
Just seeds of hope where new things begin 
And a sweet mercy that's great and so kind 
Receiving your love is a gift that wins.

Savior thank you for this beautiful gift...
I can never thank you enough It's true 
It gives such promise and always uplifts 
I send all praise and Thanksgiving to you!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Christmas Hope

The perfect gift was given many years ago one fine day...
It's worth more than anyone can ever think about or soon believe 
Yet it's available to seeking hearts in a special way 
The Greatest gift for those who with a humbled heart will receive. 

Perfect love came from God's heart for His children everywhere...
Bestowing salvation through his Son so all would be set free 
A wondrous gift and sacrifice because He truly does care
And wants his children to live the best life that can surely be.

The beautiful gift of Christmas is a sweet hope from above...
A gift that means more than anything in life forevermore 
It is the greatest picture of a Saviors mercy and love 
A rainshower of true forgiveness that comes from Heaven's 🚪 door!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lord, When I Reach Out For You

My Precious Jesus...

When I reach out for you my spirit rises higher than ever before...
My heart fills with a delight that mere words cannot give real justice to 
A true sense of completion begins to fill perfectly at my heart's core 
And I want to know every essence of who you are that is great and new.

When I reach out for you my soul yearns for your anointing with such great might... 
My whole being awaits the fountain of your tenderness in a great way
I long to be so pleasing and truly delightful in your holy sight
And see the beauty of your goodness making great miracles every day.

When I reach out for you I begin to see new things now take great control...
I begin to see something truly wonderful expanding so clearly 
I see your perfect love making me stronger, rugged, complete and whole 
My Savior when I reach out for you I see a truly better, happy me!

Your Perfect Love

My Jesus...

Your love fills me to overflowing with a special joy I cannot contain...
It gives me a great and mighty example of everything that is so real 
It is a perfect reminder of what I mean to you as you call my name 
A perfect representation of the delight and wonder that I now feel. 

Your love is my source of everything that my yearning heart always reaches for...
It is my shining light of promise and my rainbow 🌈 of refreshment so true 
A breathtaking gift that gives me everything I'll ever need and so much more 
My perfect gift of blessing and new beginning as I draw closer to you. 

Your love is my guide and seed for dreams and reaching for the best I can be...
It is my true answer and referral as to what you think and so much more 
A wondrous and cherished gift I'll treasure for now and all of eternity 
My Jesus your love is my fortress and opportunities great open door!

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Miraculous Light

I look up and see a breathtaking light so wondrous and true...
An awesome illumination bringing peace sweetly to me
It fills my heart to overflowing and makes me feel brand new 
My spirit yearns to know much more about it so completely.

Just then  I see your sweet grace trying to reach out with great care...
I begin to realize there's much more to this light than I see
As I walk in closer you show me with such depth you are there 
Walking in your light Jesus is where I always want to be.

Suddenly  that light glows brighter with a special kind of love...
Wrapping me in everything that comes from you and so much more 
I realize this light is a Christmas blessing from above 
I drop to my knees with all thanks and praise like never before!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Greatest Blessing

My Beloved Jesus...

The greatest blessing of my life is knowing everything about you...
This beautiful gift flowing from Heaven given with love unto me 
A most breathtaking gift tailored to me and offers life a new
The best expression of my Saviors glory for all hearts to now see.

It is a precious gift that never stops bestowing things from above...
A gift that has no limits or boundaries but is always so sweet and pure 
It gives the best feeling of belonging that one can ever dream of 
An extension of the Saviors anointing that is strong and endures.

The greatest, precious gift is one that will last forever and all time...
It's the gift of salvation and knowing we're precious in God's sight
We're forgiven and made whole by his compassion and mercy in kind
And given promise and new hope by his sweet, great power and his true light.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Lord You Are My Lifeline

My Beloved Ä´esus.....

When I think about the refreshing life that comes from your anointing..
My heart yearns for more of the breathtaking beauty that it gives 
To ignite with Heaven's fire my spirit with all that your heart brings 
And be a dynamic light for your kingdom in which your love lives. 

I want to be a powerhouse filled with your mighty wonder and grace...
Ready to be attentive to all you say whenever you may call 
Being renewed and restored by your mighty sweet hands for just a time and place 
Learning to be a loyal, faithful and trusting child through it all.

I want to be more like you in every way and grow with every step...
My greatest desire and goal is for you to always be quite pleased 
Jesus please look at me with a big smile and sweet happiness 
For my most determined spot is humble and before you on my knees. 

Healing Love

My Jesus...

This pain inside of me becomes so intense at times...
I feel like quitting and not facing another day 
My heart just cannot see any real goodness to find 
My spirit searches frantically for the perfect way. 

Tears flow from your eyes as you see my pain so true...
You begin to surround me with your loving embrace 
Empowering me with your strength and promise each day through 
Standing right by my side in a very special place. 

You begin to heal the pain with your gentle sweet touch.. 
And make me a brand new person by your great glory 
Lord you put your arms around me and love me so much 
Helping me to know that there's so much real good to see.

Suddenly  songs begin to come back to my heart's core...
There's sweet joy that I haven't seen in quite a long while 
Jesus because you believe in me I will try more 
Just the thought of your adoration brings a new smile. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Greatest Aspiration

Dear Jesus.....

How do I describe what my dreams are supposed to be?
What are the true goals of my inner heart at its best? 
Sometimes I try to know what is important to me
But it is in your presence where there's true happiness. 

You're the definition of life in totality 
Great Creator! Mighty Provider and Healer too.
So there's no definition in actuality
My Lord, unless the heart seeks with focus all of you. 

I come with humility and kneel before your grace...
Knowing the Craftsman will make something extraordinary
Seeking all wisdom as I enjoy your sweet embrace 
Understanding you'll do great things because you truly care.

So there are seeds by your adoration above 
Cultivated each moment of every new day
A great harvest worth having comes from your purest love 
My Lord whenever I need wisdom you are the way!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Lord, Make Me Ready

Lord Jesus...

Prepare me to hear your voice so perfectly and clear...
I want to know everything that you have to say 
Teach me your greatest wishes now and please draw me near
I want to be your strong instrument in every way. 

I want to know your plans and desires to the core...
And all of the wonderful things that you think and see
Reveal your presence to me and show me so much more 
In the light of your glory is where I want to be. 

Lord I want to hear you speak move now with such delight...
For the greatest things come from your heart of purest grace 
I want to know your will and be pleasing in your sight 
Jesus let your anointing now fill every place. 

The Music Of My Heart


There's an eerie sense of silence in my heart right now...
A strong sense of pain is beginning to overflow 
I've got to find a sense of tranquility somehow 
And such great happiness that I really should know. 

I reach out and take your hand Lord with delight so true...
Believing in you I lay it all before your throne 
Knowing with your help I win and will make it through 
You fill me so that I am never really alone. 

Your sweet love plays an orchestra within the great core...
Suddenly all silence and pain quickly disappear
My heart becomes so enriched and alive Lord once more
You bring dreams alive and the strength to hope and persevere.

You are the eternal music of my heart so true...
I can hear the encouragement playing every day
I want every moment to be shared by me and you 
I love the eternal sounds of your heart and all that they will play!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

You Are My Guiding Star

My Jesus.....

When my heart is burdened with heaviness that's too hard to bear...
And my spirit just cannot seem to rise and plummets further down 
My soul looks to the brilliance of your loves star with hope and care
Knowing that in its light there's such wonderful things to be found. 

I see the light of your grace to show me what I need to do...
I see your loves sweet light bringing me peace and guiding my steps 
I see the light of your glory bringing me joy so true 
I see the light of your wisdom trying to show me the best.

My  eyes forever focus on your precious Heavenly star...
It blocks out any cloudiness and helps me see clearly 
Jesus help me to always be in the realm of where you are 
Together hand in hand we'll work on all you want me to be. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

My Christmas 🤶 Wish


I have but one important Christmas wish on my heart this year...
I yearn for your glory like a beautiful rain from above 
That refreshes me with your anointing that I hold dear
And restores me with your incredible grace and perfect love. 

I long to draw closer to your sweet, breathtaking heart so true...
And learn valuable lessons of wisdom at your very feet 
To be a reflective wonder of the beauty that is you 
And be submissive to your presence and amazing sweet peace. 

My  greatest Christmas wish is to praise your name in everything...
And be your vessel of promise and hope wherever I go 
Just the real thought of you makes my heart and spirit want to sing 
I want my testimony and excitement to always show!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Thankful Heart

My Precious Jesus.....

There's disappointment and sadness taking a strong hold on me...
As I look deeply into who I am I don't see much that's there 
I wanted to be something special for your great eyes to see
But, the hurt and failure I feel is too much for me to bear.

Suddenly,  an cascade of great light seems to be all around...
Two breathtaking hands open and reach out with grace unto me
There a great sense of joy and peace that seems to abound 
As I watch  a miracle there that I thought I'd never see.

You take my hand and tell me that you cherish all that I am...
I am forgiven and now have begun a life that is new
I have so much potential to fit in to your master plan 
Lord, how can I say thank you enough for your mercy that is true. 

You take my hand and tell me that you have so much just for me...
I just have to have faith and trust for every brand new day 
And when I look in your eyes there's a new horizon I see
I'm a brand new person because you have made a brighter way!

My Heart’s Prayer
Sometimes my heart feels so distant and alone
Searching and not understanding with all care
Yearning for something special to call my own
Lord, you see the unsettledness my heart bears.

Nothing seems to make too much sense anymore
My heart searches for purpose with clarity
Lord, you feel my heaviness at your heart’s door
And lovingly open your arms wide for me.

You begin to provide insight by your grace
And show me just how special I am to you
It will become clear at the right time and place
A heart of Faith, Trust, and Love will see me through.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

You Are My Strength

My Beloved Savior...

Your love is the strong ⚓ anchor that I need to get me through another day...
Your breathtaking grace is the stepping stone to help me do my very best 
Whenever I feel like giving up your strong mercy always makes a way 
Strengthening and rebuilding my heart with the greatest of sweet happiness. 

Your strong joy is my rock upon which my feet will always have a place...
Your anointing is my inspiration to always be willing to try 
When I look into your eyes and feel the forgiveness of your kind embrace 
I know that I can have success for every great moment that passes by.

Lord,  you are my strength that's working to make me all that you want me to be...
Your anointing is moving and making something beautiful by your great love 
I can have assurance and peace because you are always right there with me 
Thank you for being the strength behind my steps and my glory from above!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...