Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lord, When I Reach Out For You

My Precious Jesus...

When I reach out for you my spirit rises higher than ever before...
My heart fills with a delight that mere words cannot give real justice to 
A true sense of completion begins to fill perfectly at my heart's core 
And I want to know every essence of who you are that is great and new.

When I reach out for you my soul yearns for your anointing with such great might... 
My whole being awaits the fountain of your tenderness in a great way
I long to be so pleasing and truly delightful in your holy sight
And see the beauty of your goodness making great miracles every day.

When I reach out for you I begin to see new things now take great control...
I begin to see something truly wonderful expanding so clearly 
I see your perfect love making me stronger, rugged, complete and whole 
My Savior when I reach out for you I see a truly better, happy me!

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