Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Greatest Blessing

My Beloved Jesus...

The greatest blessing of my life is knowing everything about you...
This beautiful gift flowing from Heaven given with love unto me 
A most breathtaking gift tailored to me and offers life a new
The best expression of my Saviors glory for all hearts to now see.

It is a precious gift that never stops bestowing things from above...
A gift that has no limits or boundaries but is always so sweet and pure 
It gives the best feeling of belonging that one can ever dream of 
An extension of the Saviors anointing that is strong and endures.

The greatest, precious gift is one that will last forever and all time...
It's the gift of salvation and knowing we're precious in God's sight
We're forgiven and made whole by his compassion and mercy in kind
And given promise and new hope by his sweet, great power and his true light.

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