Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Hardest Lesson

My Jesus.

Sometimes when I journey out and I can't see my way,
There are clouds beginning to take shape along the path
I slowly take each footstep trying to start the day
But something working in my heart tells me to go back.

I can see these obstacles that are blocking my view
Things that trouble my heart and cause me worry and fear
It takes away peace and happiness in all I do
And keeps me away from the assurance you are near.

But I need to look to you and not to what I see
You are my Father, my protector and so much more
You'll always be there no matter what to care for me
You will take care of everything just like before.

But the hardest lesson that I must learn now so true
How to have a great trust in my heart so perfectly
I need to give all that I am Lord now unto you
You will give the greatest lesson of hope just for me.


  1. What a beautiful piece of writing, thanks for sharing!

  2. I loved reading this and seeing you put your faith in action.


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