Wednesday, July 22, 2020

True Beauty

My Jesus..

Help me to reflect true beauty as you would see it from above,
So that others may really understand and want to know much more
A genuine picture of your creation made with your great love
Nurtured and cultivated by your great hands from Heavens mighty door.

Help others to look at me with such clarity and sweet wholeness,
Ready to see the real person that I am and all that is you
I want them to see the reflection of your love and grace at best
And know I am your child and deep in your presence in all I do.

Let your beauty shine like a brilliant light so perfectly in me,
So that others will embrace it and desire it for themselves too
Then they will be a brilliant light that shines onward so happily
And true beauty will ignite dreams and hope the whole world through.


  1. What a beautiful way to express your faith. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I wish we would all pray this earnestly and aspire toward it. Our world would be so much better if we tried to see Jesus in each other.


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