Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Passage Of Time

  It is so hard to believe that another fourth of July is upon us.  Have a 😊 Happy and safe fourth!  Yet it is alarming to hear people say that it's 'just another day' and it doesn't mean anything this year.

  Okay, our country is in disarray.  There doesn't seem to be any unity, brotherhood or respect for one another and those in leadership.  Yes, it can be frightening to see it all.  We've probably never seen it so bad to this extent.

But, if you let someone stick a nail in your tire you will never get where you want to go.  Let's consider a couple of key points.  We live in the greatest nation in the world.  We have been through rough patches before.  The most important fact is God is in charge.

  Why would He let such things happen?  Remember we live in a lost and imperfect 🌎 world filled with sin.  Yet, the most awesome fact is that we can come before Him and 🙏 pray for peace, happiness and tranquility once again.

  Through it all we need to keep our focus on Him and not on what's around us.  If that means not listening to your local news as much then so be it.

  We need to realize how blessed we are.  We live in a land of freedom.  We can walk and talk.   We are surrounded by those who 💘 love us.  The list goes on.

  I want to challenge you to a little activity.  Take a notebook and pen and jot down all that you are grateful for.  I will bet you come up with quite a list.

  Take a few moments each day to thank God and ask Him to help 🇺🇸 America.  It will help you to realize that you have even more reason to celebrate this fourth and every day.

Happy Fourth!  God Bless 🇺🇸 America!

1 comment:

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...