Tuesday, September 29, 2020


My Jesus..

Lord, I need a miracle I don't know what to do..
I need more of your grace, hope and sweet love every day
I'm sending my great burdens and worries all to you
I know you'll take care of it for me in a great way.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

๐ŸŒž Brightest Blessing

My Glorious Jesus...

You are the sun that always illuminates my sky..
My breathtaking hope that fills my heart with happiness
The promise that brightens every day that goes by
Being your child is the greatest reason I'm blessed.

You are the breath that gives me power for great success..
My reason that everything is worth it and so much more
Lord you are my grace and my love that gives me your best
I send my greatest Thanksgiving with joy to your door.

Jesus you are my blessing and all that I hope to be..
I belong to you with honor and fervent true praise
My whole life through may you see your presence in me
I want to serve you and live for you all of my days.


  A young boy sat on his front stoop with tears streaming from his face.  He held in his hands something that was obviously very precious to him.

  Person after person walked by.  No one stopped for even one moment despite hearing the cries of pain. 

  Suddenly, two feet slowly shuffled past the young boy.  They stopped, and someone sat down beside him.  "What is wrong son?"  The gentleman asked.

  The young boy opened his hands.  "My Mom gave me this toy.  I was told to take care of it.  Now I broke it.  She may not be back."  He answered crying louder.

  "Calm down son." The man said with a big smile.  "Let me have it."  The elderly man took the toy.  He turned for a moment.  When he turned around the toy was as good as new.

  The boy smiled brightly and leaped for joy.  "But what about my Mom?" He asked.  "She'll be alright."  The man answered smiling.

  The boy quickly ran inside to tell everyone the good news.  But when they came out again, the old man was gone.

  Just then,  his Mom arrived home from the hospital.  The little boy simply looked up and 😃 smiled.


  This is similar to present day life.  You may be hurting so badly.  It may seem like you can't go on.  No one seems to care.

  But then a beautiful miracle begins to slowly unwind.  You may not even be aware of it.  God comes in with his love and grace.

  Sometimes we don't stop to look for the little things.  We see the problem not the one who holds the solution.


  Most gracious Lord, please bless all of my friends.  Help them to see your presence always with them.  Amen

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Can You See My Pain


My Lord, can you see the pain that I feel today...
It fractures the essence of who I am at best
I am hurting beyond words in every way
I can't find the joy of life and the happiness.

You feel every sorrow that fills my heart's core...
And understand all that I am now going through
You reach for the portal of Heavens mighty door
And try with your mercy to make all things brand new.

You surround me with your love and peace in a great way..
And let me know that you're working so very true
No matter where I go or such every day
I can always without a doubt depend on you.

You are the answer even if failure takes hold...
I just need to come with a humbled heart before your throne
And you will bring great miracles and things untold
Drawing me to your embrace to be your very own.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Lord, I See You

My Jesus..

Lord, I See you in the beauty of a morning start..
And the sweet air that gives me life to greet a brand new day
The wonderful things that give great energy to my heart
Lord, I can see you moving so greatly in every way.

Lord, I can see you in the wonderful people around me..
They fill my world with happiness and a special delight
I can see you as I look around at the beauty I see
I give you my heart and all that I am with my might.

Jesus, I know that you are always there by my side..
Your love and grace make things refreshing and ever brand new
Even though I may not know it you're always there to abide
My Lord where would I be now and forever without you.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Plans And Prayer

  Drew picked up his tablet during a study break.  Unlike other young guys his age,he liked to read the latest headlines.  This is especially the case since it is a Presidential election year.

  Drew was raised in a strong Penecostal family.  Yet, he was always encouraged to have his own individual opinion.  But it wasn't hard to determine what matters.

  It seems like the world is going haywire.  Even the news media is unrelentless.  Drew listened to the broadcast and became more annoyed.

  He knew the President didn't deserve all that he has had to endure.  His parents had always taught him the importance of respect, especially for leaders.

  Yet he was so outraged the way adults were behaving like preschool children.  Drew felt so lead that he should do something.  But what could he do?

  Drew prayed to God for guidance.  He was walking to class one day when he had an idea.  He saw the announcement board.

  During his class he wrote out an announcement and posted it when the class was over.  He was starting a prayer group to pray for the nation and the President.

  When it came time for the actual meeting he was concerned no one would come.  But instead two hundred students showed up.

  The number slowly grew as the weeks passed.  They prayed for the President with heart and dedication.  Drew decided to get a sign up drive started.

  He made arrangements to borrow two of the school buses.  They were for the trip to bring people out to vote.  This would include kids parents and teachers.  So far two hundred and eighty people have signed up.

  Drew felt really amazing.  He thanked God for everything.  He had always been taught that he could make a small difference.

  But Drew didn't like the word small. When I have such a mighty God and his love and grace the biggest things are attainable.

  I can make an difference.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Suddenly And Forever


Suddenly I look and there you are right near me..
The beauty of your smile just takes my breath away
Everything else is gone and love is all I see
The light of its power is my guide every day.

Suddenly I look and your hands reaching for me..
Ready to teach and help me in every way
Filling me with your great power so perfectly
And giving me hope and promise for each new day.

Suddenly and forever I pledge all so true..
You are everything my soul needs and more
I watch and study all the good things that are you
And pledge to walk with Thanksgiving on Heavens shore.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Looking At The Waves

My Jesus...

I stand and look at the waves around me..
And sometimes my Saviour they can get high
But then my spirit calls out perfectly
Keep your eyes on the beauty in the sky.

I look and see a breathtaking light there..
And that's when my soul reaches for much more
Rays of perfect love flow with wondrous care
It calms the seas on every far shore.

Suddenly a warmth flows all over me..
And I can feel something grand taking place
A miracle is there for all to see
Then I see your wondrous, smiling face.

You reach out and say don't worry at all..
No matter how many waves around you
I will be there whenever you may call
It will be a footstep strengthened by two.

Friendship Beyond Boundaries

  Jennifer sat quietly staring at the phone.  A small tear slowly trickled down her face.    Her heart and mind were filled with pain and confusion. 

  She just couldn't understand why her best friend had become so distant from her.  Alexis had been her best friend since childhood.  They were inseparable.

  But, now things have changed so dramatically.  Several months ago, everything stopped.  Alexis doesn't bother with her at all.  Sad part about it is she doesn't bother with anyone.

  Jennifer knows deep down that her friend is hurting.  Question is how can she reach her?

  She quietly knelt down by her bed.  Tears began streaming from her face.  She begged God to please show her why her friend is hurting so much.

  The next day, Jennifer saw Alexis as she was walking to class.  She called out to her.  Alexis just ignored her and kept walking.

  Just then one of the school counselors was passing by.  "Are you ok Jennifer?"  She asked.  Jennifer told her of her concerns for her friend.

  The counselor told her what was wrong.  Alexis had been laid off from her job.  She was having trouble paying her bills and even buying food.  Now she was possibly going to lose her scholarship.

  Jennifer understood now and immediately went to work helping her friend.  She went to the grocery store and ordered three big boxes of food.  She had them deliver it to Alexis.

  Jennifer then called her uncle.  He is a local doctor who is looking for help for his new office and is willing to train.

  She told him about Alexis whom he fondly remembered
from when they were growing up.  "Sure she's got a job!"  He said.

  Jennifer then took a thousand dollars out of her own account.  She went down and brought some of her friends bills up to date.

  When Sunday morning came, Jennifer was getting ready for church when the door bell rang.  She opened the door to find Alexis standing there.  Her heart began to fill with joy.

  Alexis tried to speak.  She broke out in tears and embraced Jennifer.  "But how???" She tried to say.  "You don't have to say anything more!" Jennifer said.

  "It's a God thing!  What an awesome God we serve!"  Alexis smiled brightly.  The two friends went to church together.  Alexis dedicated her life to the Lord!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Breaking Hope


Sometimes when I look at everything that is around me..
My hope seems to disappear a lot quicker than before
I feel like there is no real promise that I can now see
So my spirit seems to feel sad and be down more and more.

A sense of overwhelming failure seems to take hold now..
I am beside myself with such intense burden and worry
I have to try and face each day with faith and courage somehow
No one seems to care whether or not I am happy.

You can't stand to see my pain anymore now it is true.
Tears slowly trickle down your loving face
And slowly draw my broken spirit closer unto you
You wrap me in your breathtaking, peaceful embrace.

Suddenly things begin to feel better every day..
I know that you love me Lord and I can have all the best
I lay it before you and look to you in every way
Lord you are my life my hope and my pure happiness.



Sometimes I wonder and have questions about many things..
Why do things have to be so complex and can't go my way
My heart starts to wonder and my soul anxiously sings
I need a pathway to a new and brighter day.

But then I see your precious word before me...
Something just seems to call out with extraordinary love
Suddenly there is a brand new light trying to shine on me
I'm truly being restored and rebuilt from above.

All the answers I've ever needed are before me now
There may be some extra ones too
I can take another step. If I lean on you somehow
All I need to do is rest in my Saviour so true.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cries For Peace


You see the anguish in my ❤ heart and soul...
Sometimes I can't take the pain that's there
Fear and worry are taking a big toll
Now it's becoming more than I can bear.

I reach out for your love so perfectly...
Desiring the void to be filled with grace
You come in ready to heal all of me
And calm me with your beautiful embrace.

Suddenly it's not about me each day..
But a Saviour teaching something so new
My joy comes from you in every sweet way
And you'll be there with strength to help me through.

So I should just concentrate on above...
You're the only thing that matters to me
You'll mend it all with your wondrous pure love
Some awesome miracles I expect to see.

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Precious Jesus...

I look at all the things around me and my heart begins to cry...
There doesn't seem to be any happiness or peace anywhere
I reach out for something to hold onto with sadness and a sigh
But when you think about it all it seems like no one truly cares.

Suddenly I hear "Stop!", and a light begins to shine so greatly...
I look around and your love is pouring in with great happiness
You draw me unto you saying "keep your eyes always upon me!"
For I will take care of it all and protect you and keep you blessed.

So I let go of everything burdening me and lean on you...
Sometimes it gets very difficult more than I thought it would be
But you shadow my footsteps in everything I set out to do
You keep your true word and are always there watching out for me.

All at once my great burdens and worries began to disappear...
I felt a perfect peace when I began to lean on your great plan
There's joy knowing I can take each step without the burden of fear
For I am your cherished child and you have it all in your hands.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Let The Honor Flow

My Jesus...

You have always been there for me every day through it all...
As I walk every step of my pathway under your great 💘 love
Guiding and protecting me and listening for when I call
Providing what I need and blessing me from Heaven above.

You keep me in your breathtaking care and nurture me so true...
Filling me with your precious spirit and your wondrous sweet grace
You light my pathway with your divine glory in everything I do
And reveal to me your miraculous power in every place.

So heart felt, gratitude filled, sweet praise is coming your way...
I magnify your mighty name above all things that is true
Sweet Majesty you are my everything I need for each day
My heart and all that I am will solely depend upon you!

A ๐ŸŽ Gift Of Love

   Clarice sat quietly at the kitchen counter sipping her coffee and thinking.  There is a special event coming up in her life.  Twenty five years ago God had blessed her ❤ heart and life.  He gave her her soul mate.

  David is a hard working and devoted man of God.  The two met through an introduction by her Pastor at a youth rally.  Now there have been ups and downs.

  But God has seen them through every step of the way and made them stronger for it.  Clarice 😃 smiled when she thought about the gift she got for David.

It is a breathtaking gold watch engraved "you are my heart 25 to forever."  It has 25 perfect gemstones.  She can't wait to give it to him at the party the church is planning.

  Just then the phone rang.  As Clarice answered it her smile quickly turned into shock and despair.  It was David's employer.  David had fallen off a high area where he was working.  He was unconscious and believed to have many injuries.

  Clarice immediately called the Pastor.  The Pastor called Clarices family and the deacons.  They all went to the hospital. 

  The doctor didn't give them much hope.  But Clarice wouldn't agree with it.  She called all of their friends and family and people in the church to form a non stop prayer group.

  Every day they pledged to go by his hospital bed and pray.  The doctor told Clarice not to expect much.  But Clarice wouldn't listen.  "I don't take negative advice." She said.  "I know my David.  I know my God."

  As the days passed nothing changed.  Clarice was diligent in her faith.  It was soon two days before their celebration.  Everyone was standing around David's bed and 🙏 praying.

  Suddenly Clarice could feel David's hand slowly reach for hers.  He began to open his eyes.  "Hello my 🌞 sunshine."  He said to her smiling.

  Clarice immediately called for the doctor.  He was stunned at what he saw.  "Why are you surprised?" Clarice said.  My awesome God took care of it.

  The doctor immediately ordered testing.  David had a clean bill of health.  He was allowed to go home. 

  The doctor said it was ok for him to go to the party.  Clarice even invited the doctor and hospital staff.

  Clarice gave David the watch.  "The Lord has seen us through once again." She said with a smile.  "He has blessed our love so mightily."

  Just then the doctor and some of the staff gave their hearts to the Lord.  This was better than Clarice could have ever imagined.  She looked up to Heaven with a big 😃 smile and a thumbs up!


Friday, September 11, 2020

Awesome Praise

My Breathtaking Jesus..

When I think of all you've done for me in the days gone by...
You've given from your heart with great abundance and delight
Even though I didn't deserve it you never asked why
Always ready to help me and keeping me in your sight.

So what do I do to show my gratefulness and true love..
I complain and gripe like nothing else matters at all
Instead I should send my thanks to your beautiful heart above
And realize that you are always right there whenever I call.

I should have an awesome adoration every day...
And not be fearful of all that I see around me
You are my inspiration who'll work things out in every way
Jesus you are my life that I embrace so happily.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Worry Lines

My Jesus...

I spend every moment of my life burdened with worry and fear...
Trying to figure out the answer to things along the narrow way
Yet I'm losing valuable things like peace and hope which I hold dear
Like the precious happiness that is the light of every new day.

Life is too short and before one knows it suddenly disappears...
The chance to make a difference has quickly gone away
Your heart fills with misery, sadness and tears
Your spirit reaches for positive things in a special way.

Father I now lay everything before your throne so pure..
I just can't take the pressure or the pain of it anymore
I know you will take care of it all and help me to endure
And send me the peace and happiness that I crave from Heavens door.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Dear Lord...

Sometimes the hardest thing is trying to be gentle and kind..
I have to try and be a picture of love exactly like you
That kind of goodness would probably be hard for me to find
To be an example of a good heart that's humble and true.

But then you remind me of the bond we so closely share..
And how I have to work really hard to be my Saviour's child
This means not getting angry and showing others that I care
Always being delightful and offering others a smile.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Lost Heart


There are days when my heart feels so separated from you...
I feel like I'm walking this pathway without anyone
I look for purpose and meaning in everything I do
Starting in the early morning until the day is done.

Yet, your beautiful love reaches out for me even more...
And lifts the weights and worries that are burdening me
Showering me with your presence from Heavens door
And filling me with a perfect peace that will set me free.

Your grace works to ease the overwhelming thoughts that I feel...
And gives me assurance you're there every step of the way
To take care of my pain and help me to completely heal
Drawing closer to your heart every moment of each day.

I know now to simply bow my head and look up to you..
You are the perfect answer to my everything
I must have hope and ideal faith in everything I do
I know it's in your hands and all good things life may bring.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Perfect ๐Ÿ’˜ Love

My Loving Jesus...

Your perfect love is like a breathtaking light that shines brilliantly upon me..
It plants new hope and promise within my ❤ heart in a very special, new way
And when I reach out to learn more about it there are wondrous things I can see
I understand and draw more closer to you Lord each and every day.

I can see the awe and beauty of your presence working diligently for me...
Standing in the gap and being my foundation so powerful and so true
No matter the pathway, right next to me is where you'll be found so perfectly
Taking care of everything and helping me with all I need my whole life through.

I may not deserve things because I failed at times along the pathway...
But that's when a Saviour's mercy comes in with healing to make things whole again
Working with the compassion of a potter's hands every day
And offering the great care and understanding of a wonderful best friend.

How can I possibly say thank you enough for that pure and perfect, sweet love..
It is always there in abundance without limits for all eternity
This beautiful, breathtaking gift given from your throne room in Heaven above
It is a beautiful song of love and grace written especially just for me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lessons Of Faith๐Ÿ™


Why can't people see the true beauty that is inside of me...
And see the true core of my heart the way that you always do
But sometimes it is hard to know exactly what they do see
The greatest felt pain is not
Having a good friend to talk to.

They don't see the precious spirit your great hands made from within.
All they see is something ugly and not worth knowing at all
My heart breaks and feels despondent, knowing that I cannot win
Suddenly you hear the great sadness as you hear my spirit soon call.

You reach down and put your arms around me with grace that is tight..
And show me my beauty to you and in actuality
You fill me with all of your presence, hope and special delight
A Saviour's mightiest love for his child 🌈 rains down on me.

Suddenly I see myself in a different way it's true..
When others see me the ugliness is no longer around
If I need a mirror, I look to Jesus my whole life through That's where the greatest of perfect pure beauty is always found.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Escalator Of Life


I get on the escalator of another new day,
My feet travel the pathway expecting to see new heights
Yet to my surprise it is different more than words can say
I begin to feel very disheartened and want to quit onsite.

Lord you come to my side and lift my head so caringly..
And with a Saviour's touch you carefully dry every tear
On days that are sour I feel such intense misery
But you want me to know you're close, be of good cheer

You don't want me to focus on things that bring me sadness..
But instead close my eyes and focus completely on you
You are the perfect definition of pure happiness
You will uplift me on to the good stairs in all I do.

I'll try the up escalator with a smile one more time..
This time I will keep my thoughts focused on your perfect love
You will clear negative things so completely out of my mind
And keep me strongly bonded to your heart and faith above.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...