Saturday, September 5, 2020

Perfect πŸ’˜ Love

My Loving Jesus...

Your perfect love is like a breathtaking light that shines brilliantly upon me..
It plants new hope and promise within my ❤ heart in a very special, new way
And when I reach out to learn more about it there are wondrous things I can see
I understand and draw more closer to you Lord each and every day.

I can see the awe and beauty of your presence working diligently for me...
Standing in the gap and being my foundation so powerful and so true
No matter the pathway, right next to me is where you'll be found so perfectly
Taking care of everything and helping me with all I need my whole life through.

I may not deserve things because I failed at times along the pathway...
But that's when a Saviour's mercy comes in with healing to make things whole again
Working with the compassion of a potter's hands every day
And offering the great care and understanding of a wonderful best friend.

How can I possibly say thank you enough for that pure and perfect, sweet love..
It is always there in abundance without limits for all eternity
This beautiful, breathtaking gift given from your throne room in Heaven above
It is a beautiful song of love and grace written especially just for me.

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