Sunday, September 13, 2020


Precious Jesus...

I look at all the things around me and my heart begins to cry...
There doesn't seem to be any happiness or peace anywhere
I reach out for something to hold onto with sadness and a sigh
But when you think about it all it seems like no one truly cares.

Suddenly I hear "Stop!", and a light begins to shine so greatly...
I look around and your love is pouring in with great happiness
You draw me unto you saying "keep your eyes always upon me!"
For I will take care of it all and protect you and keep you blessed.

So I let go of everything burdening me and lean on you...
Sometimes it gets very difficult more than I thought it would be
But you shadow my footsteps in everything I set out to do
You keep your true word and are always there watching out for me.

All at once my great burdens and worries began to disappear...
I felt a perfect peace when I began to lean on your great plan
There's joy knowing I can take each step without the burden of fear
For I am your cherished child and you have it all in your hands.

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