Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lessons Of Faith🙏


Why can't people see the true beauty that is inside of me...
And see the true core of my heart the way that you always do
But sometimes it is hard to know exactly what they do see
The greatest felt pain is not
Having a good friend to talk to.

They don't see the precious spirit your great hands made from within.
All they see is something ugly and not worth knowing at all
My heart breaks and feels despondent, knowing that I cannot win
Suddenly you hear the great sadness as you hear my spirit soon call.

You reach down and put your arms around me with grace that is tight..
And show me my beauty to you and in actuality
You fill me with all of your presence, hope and special delight
A Saviour's mightiest love for his child 🌈 rains down on me.

Suddenly I see myself in a different way it's true..
When others see me the ugliness is no longer around
If I need a mirror, I look to Jesus my whole life through That's where the greatest of perfect pure beauty is always found.


  1. Beautiful poem. God has made you beautiful. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God bless

  2. This was beautiful and very thought provoking. Thanks for sharing!


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