Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Escalator Of Life


I get on the escalator of another new day,
My feet travel the pathway expecting to see new heights
Yet to my surprise it is different more than words can say
I begin to feel very disheartened and want to quit onsite.

Lord you come to my side and lift my head so caringly..
And with a Saviour's touch you carefully dry every tear
On days that are sour I feel such intense misery
But you want me to know you're close, be of good cheer

You don't want me to focus on things that bring me sadness..
But instead close my eyes and focus completely on you
You are the perfect definition of pure happiness
You will uplift me on to the good stairs in all I do.

I'll try the up escalator with a smile one more time..
This time I will keep my thoughts focused on your perfect love
You will clear negative things so completely out of my mind
And keep me strongly bonded to your heart and faith above.

1 comment:

  1. Really beautifully written! This definitely came from the heart ��


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