Sunday, September 27, 2020


  A young boy sat on his front stoop with tears streaming from his face.  He held in his hands something that was obviously very precious to him.

  Person after person walked by.  No one stopped for even one moment despite hearing the cries of pain. 

  Suddenly, two feet slowly shuffled past the young boy.  They stopped, and someone sat down beside him.  "What is wrong son?"  The gentleman asked.

  The young boy opened his hands.  "My Mom gave me this toy.  I was told to take care of it.  Now I broke it.  She may not be back."  He answered crying louder.

  "Calm down son." The man said with a big smile.  "Let me have it."  The elderly man took the toy.  He turned for a moment.  When he turned around the toy was as good as new.

  The boy smiled brightly and leaped for joy.  "But what about my Mom?" He asked.  "She'll be alright."  The man answered smiling.

  The boy quickly ran inside to tell everyone the good news.  But when they came out again, the old man was gone.

  Just then,  his Mom arrived home from the hospital.  The little boy simply looked up and 😃 smiled.


  This is similar to present day life.  You may be hurting so badly.  It may seem like you can't go on.  No one seems to care.

  But then a beautiful miracle begins to slowly unwind.  You may not even be aware of it.  God comes in with his love and grace.

  Sometimes we don't stop to look for the little things.  We see the problem not the one who holds the solution.


  Most gracious Lord, please bless all of my friends.  Help them to see your presence always with them.  Amen

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