Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Servant's Heart


Please take my heart into your hands in a very special way...
See in it all of the great things it can become so true
Mold it to reflect your love and everything from you each day
Make each and every part stronger, more humble and so brand new.

I want my heart to be your lighthouse that will shine and abound...
Serving others with grace and showing your care with certainty
So that others will know your kingdom and where all hope is found
Let them see your great presence just beaming so mighty in me.

Jesus I am your gentle servant ready to serve as you do...
I hear your heart calling mine to give the best effort I can
Make me your great instrument on a mission to follow you
Show me your desired thoughts according to your mighty plans.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

When The 🛎 Bells Toll

Precious Jesus...

When I stop to reflect on what everything means to me...
I begin to see an upsetting pattern so near and true
I've been giving things a special place that did not need to be
Instead of putting all of my attention Lord upon you.

You are the light of promise that leads to better hillsides...
The source of power that makes each moment refreshing and new
The comforting shelter of real peace in which I will abide
Jesus, I'm learning to walk in your glory in all I do.

I'm learning not to give other things a great place anymore...
But to come on bended knee before your mighty throne in prayer
And watching for the outflow of your spirit from Heavens door
Showing me that you are the most important source with great care.

Now I'm turning my focus on you with perfect trust so Grand...
You will always be there at the time that my heart starts to call
You will lead everything by the strength of your wondrous hands
I can take great confidence and pure assurance through it all.

Your love is a perfect foundation that strengthens my journey's way,
It is a beautiful source of hope in which to find peace and happiness
It is a light that gives me direction and promise every day
An inspiration that helps me to endure and do my best.
Your love is that extra footstep right beside me throughout it all,
Encouraging me and uplifting me to go that extra mile
It is the caring heart of grace that always has time when I call
The faithful and trusted best friend who always knows how to make me smile.
Your love is the perfect, sweet gift that I don't deserve to receive,
Yet it is always there for me whenever I need it to be
Ready to protect and provide, and to meet each and every need
But, there are never any great limitations or boundaries.
Father, teach me how to love other hearts every day as you do,
and to be humbled and thankful for all that you've bestowed to me
The journey would not be any thing without your great love so true
Father, help me to be a light for you in all that I can be.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

An Attitude Of Gratitude

My Jesus...

When I stop to examine how I look at everything, what is it that I'll find...
Does happiness always have a true place or is something so different in there?
I tend to see things in a very negative way and fear starts to fill my mind
I tend to feel so alone and beside myself like no one really does care.

Your love begins to surround all that I am and shows me to quickly change my ways...
Negative thoughts do not come from you just positive beliefs and much more
You will help me to make new strides and become a new person each day
I can expect such great and mighty things from your heart as I wait at heavens door.

So I am going to start thinking positively as you would have me to do.
I know it won't be easy but I'll trust in you as my mentor and best friend
I know that by your love and grace my dreams and all that I hope to be will come true
My Jesus the beautiful relationship and bond that we share will never end.

My Heart's Desire

Precious Jesus...

My ❤ heart has noticed something so beautiful that I've never seen before...
It is brilliant and perfect in every possible way
I begin to look at it closer because my spirit wants to know more
I cannot fully describe it now because there are no words to say.

It is a breathtaking light that seems to fill the essence of who I am...
A positive spirit of new life that takes over every part of me
As I study it further, I can hear your voice and see your mighty hands
"My child, come unto my presence for it is my perfect love that you see."

My Jesus, when I thought you were far away you've been there with me all along...
Now I will pay closer attention to the beauty inside of me so true
I give you all that I am to sing your precious, perfect song
The awesome beauty that lights up my heart is the perfect 💘 love that's you.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Healing Winds

The worst pain in the world is the pain of knowing no one really cares...
You feel like if you didn't really exist that it wouldn't matter much
Sometimes the life energy of every day can be too much to bear
You really need a caring lifeline that would inspire your heart so much.

Suddenly a beautiful light shines beyond the emptiness that is around...
A source of promise completely surrounds you where you thought nothing would be
A breathtaking, pure hope begins to quickly fill the void and soon abounds
A magnificent love that has never been known spreads so abundantly.

I love you and I care about you more than you will ever truly know
I am everything that you will ever need and I'll always be right there
Jesus you always let the greatest part of who you are perfectly show
And all of our greatest burdens and worries you delightfully bear.

Yes someone does care for every heart if you exist from day to day...
He wants to give you the best of everything and tell you that he loves you
Reach out for his grace and he will help you in every possible way
He wants to be your strength and bless you mightily in everything you do.



When I sit and try to figure out things, my mind gets so clouded at best...
There isn't anything hopeful or inspirational in direct sight
My spirit searches for meaning, purpose and the purest of happiness
I don't see any direction or plan as I look with all of my might.

Your spirit and love begin to surround me so completely and perfectly...
You show me just how I have a very special place in your mighty heart 
And see something so extraordinary and picture perfect within me
Telling me you'll always be there and through it all never will depart.

The ruggedness of your power shows me how to see things as you do...
That wondrous grace reminds me that I can walk and not fear any more
You will be my lifeline and my pivotal strength my entire life through
All that I have to do is bring my heart and everything to heavens door.

So now I want to always remember this my special potpourri prayer...
Because the beautiful fragrance of your breathtaking love has truly showed me
That I am your unique and treasured child and how much you do care
By your anointing, my purpose is defined in Heavens great book so perfectly.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

My Heart Aches


Sometimes I don't understand everything going on around me..
It just seems like mass confusion and great disarray at its best
Everyone is filled with great anger and extreme hostilit
No one knows what it feels like to be perfectly joyous and blessed.

My heart aches, Jesus because there is nothing in this world without you...
When people are walking in darkness without any hope in store
I quickly get on my knees like a great prayer warrior ought to do
And pray for a great revival of your spirit from Heavens door.

Peace will begin to flow and calm the anger that now plagues everyone..
There will be brotherhood once again to define the all in all
Love will work on every heart before the day is finally done
Every hurt spirit will listen to your very powerful call.

Jesus my heart aches and I now come before you by mercy and grace...
Please listen to the petition of my humbled hearts special prayer
Touch each yearning heart and life with the gentleness of your embrace
Spread the light of Heavens glory in the darkness everywhere.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Illuminations Of The Heart


My Saviour:

 I behold the breathtaking beauty of the morning light shining all about me...

 My heart fills with a wondrous delight that I have never experienced before

I take a deep breathe and close my eyes and at that moment can truly see

The power of your presence flowing so perfectly from Heavens great door.


I see the brilliant light of your great love and your blessings planted all about...

All that I am becomes stronger with faith and reaches out to touch you

My spirit becomes ignited by the fire of your anointing and wants to shout

I want to feel your great power working diligently in me my whole life through.


As I see the miracle of the morning light I give you my thanksgiving...

Thank you for your love and grace and for your perfect heart and being my all in all

I will walk beside you with dedication Jesus and serve you with everything

You are my life and my definition and the meaning of my journeys call. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Mini Adventure

  Grace walked out of her front door and shivered.  She knew that it was going to be cold this morning.  She just didn't believe just how much.

  She was running late for work.  It was the first time that she forgot to set her alarm.  So she didn't wear a heavier coat.  But what she really felt bad about was she didn't say her morning prayers.

  As she arrived at work, things seemed even more busy and fast paced than usual.  Suddenly two men and a woman appeared with guns.  They ordered everyone down.

  The woman then grabbed Grace and ordered her to fill their sacks.  Grace complied with what she was told.  She didn't want herself or anyone else getting hurt.

  Fearful of the situation, she began praying out loud.  The woman became irrate with her and demanded that she stop.  When Grace started praying for the woman, she shot her in the shoulder.

  Grace fell to the floor as the others screamed.  The trio exited the building and were immediately met by authorities.

  Grace and the others received care and were fine.  Grace knew that she would never begin another new day without the word and prayer.

  She asked God to forgive her.  One month later she received a note from the woman who shot her.  She thanked Grace for her prayers and apologized to her.  Because of her faithfulness she has now given her heart to the Lord!

Perfect Peace

My Jesus..

My ❤ heart feels so broken, 😕 confused and lost in every possible way...
I feel like giving up and honestly don't know which way I should go
I wish I had the words to describe it all but just don't know what to say
My fear, doubt and heavy burdens just continue to get larger and grow.

I search for answers to fill the void, and give me closure so perfectly..
A beautiful, directing source of light that brings me everything I need
Something where I could find the meaning of life, great rest and total delight
It will lift me up with great encouragement, and inspire me to succeed.

Suddenly, I feel a tugging as my 💔 broken heart begins to break more...
A beautiful sense of tranquility begins to surround me so true
Something breathtaking begins to knock at the essence of my hearts real core
Jesus, when I take a closer look I discover that love is from you.

Your healing power begins to cover me like a perfect 🛡 shield so grand...
I can feel the troublesome heaviness becoming even lighter still
As I watch you working on my behalf by the glory of your great hands
I see the mighty breathtaking movement of your powerful, perfect will.

I begin to feel that perfect peace that I long for so much every day...
All I have to do is place my faith and complete trust in you
Although it may not seem like it you will always make the perfect, true way
And with the greatest tranquil peace and beautiful rest you will see me through.

Friday, January 15, 2021

My Precious Jesus

I want to present something so wonderful before your throne right now...
It has to be something unbelievable and special just for you
An example of my love and gratitude all to you I'd endow
And send my true adoration and greatest appreciation too.

But, when I stop for a moment and take a look at everything..
There is not one thing that would perfectly fit that description at all
My spirit became overwhelmed at the thought of what I would now bring
I could feel the strong yearning and desire of my heart start to call.

Lord you own everything we see bestowed from your heart with sweet love...
You are the ruler of the earth that owns all wealth large and small
Moving like a mighty force of promise from the throne room gates above
The source and deliverer we turn to through everything all in all.

So then I look deeply into my heart and see your presence move there too...
I realize you own every essence of who I say I am
But you give me the precious gift of free will in everything I do
Then you light up my world and guide every footsteps by your Master hands.

So I freely give my heart and all that I am as my real gift today..
I don't only ask you to come in and start taking complete control
I want you to be my guiding force and foundation in every way
And let your anointing come in and make me humble, complete and whole.

The greatest gift I can lay before you is who you now can see..
Praise and exhault you with every essence of who I am and more
And watch your Potters hands do a wonderful new work in me
As your love and blessings overflow so perfectly from Heavens door.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

When I Look Into Your Beautiful Face


I think about that moment when I come before your throne on that day..
I'll fall before your feet in awe of everything you are to me
I'll wait with anticipation just to hear everything you would say
Because in your perfect delight sweet Master is where I want to be.

I'll walk attentively by your side and listen to your wise words and cares...
Studying your teachings and all your words of inspiration too
Resting in the knowledge that where I walk you are there
My Jesus, I long to spend that quality time forever with you.

But until that beautiful day I know that you will lift me up so true..
You will keep me wrapped in your loving arms every day and much more
And whenever I have a yearning heart and want to clearly see you
I'll keep my eyes focused upon the beautiful light at heavens door.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


When I think about the most important parts of my life every day..
I reflect upon what makes the greatest changes large or small even more
Then I pay closer attention to where I am or especially what I say
Jesus I want the greatest movement of your sweet spirit from Heavens door.

I start to look at everything in my own definition plain and true..
Trying to figure out all of the details and how I'd handle it all
Then I can see a grand reflection of your love in everything I do
I can hear the beauty of your dedication as your perfect love calls.

You remind me how strong the word 'I' can be in my vocabulary...
Figuring things out by myself will never work at all
You want me to come before your throne with peace, joy and great humility
Together we will achieve success with dignity and hope standing tall.

From now on the word 'I' will be used always and forever just for you...
The move of your spirit is the only thing I want to see
I will serve you and love you in every thing I ever do
Jesus you are my life, my breath, and my only true vocabulary.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

🚶 Walking Among The Clouds

Jenna sat at her desk and stared aimlessly into space.  Her heart felt so empty, and her mind clouded with pain and confusion.

Things seemed to be going so well.  She grew up in a big, loving Christian family.  Her father was one of the head deacons in their church.   Her mother played the organ.  She was a straight A student with an awesome boyfriend.  They grew up together.

Jenna was always devoted to the Lord.  She could feel his presence so strongly with her.  But suddenly the sun began to dim.  Things just didn't feel the same anymore.

Her parents announced after thirty years of marriage they were getting a divorce.  This 💔 broke Jennas spirit.  Their love always seemed so strong.  It seemed like it would last forever.

Her boyfriend Rick then broke up with her.  They had known each other all of their lives.  Jenna could see the sun fading quickly in her minds eye.  ☁ Clouds were setting in.  She just couldn't feel the Lord with her anymore.

Jennas strong foundation had been destroyed.  Her grades began to plummet.  She was in great danger of losing the scholarship that she had worked so hard to get.

One day she received notification that one of the substitute counselors wanted to talk to her.  She was fearful and knew it couldn't be good.

She made an appointment and went to the office.  He greeted her and invited her to sit down. 

As she did, she noticed something different about him.  He had this brilliant smile and an aura of joy about him that she had never seen before.

He asked her to tell him a little about herself.  Jenna started to describe things and then stopped as tears streamed down her face.

The gentleman stopped, took her hands and began to pray with her.  Jenna began to cry even more.  He told her that the Lord did not leave her.

He was working diligently on everything and loved her dearly.  She just needed to look to him and trust and not look at the clouds.

Jenna smiled for the first time in a long time.  She thanked him and went home to pray.  She began to feel more peace. 

As the weeks progressed, things got better.  Her parents worked things out and didn't get a divorce.  She met a wonderful new guy in her bible class.  Her grades began to improve.  Her scholarship was saved.

Jenna wanted to thank the counselor for his kindness.  But when she went down to the office she was in shock.  No one by that name was ever on staff.

Jenna went home smiling even more.  She knew just how much God truly loves her to send an angel to remind her!


Friday, January 8, 2021


Sometimes the hardest thing is just 🚶 stepping back..
Wanting to fix everything
But knowing
You have no power
Standing on the foundation of faith
Can move the greatest mountains
And calm the greatest seas

Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Window Of The Soul


I sit in the quiet stillness looking deep within at all that is me...
My spirit wonders and has questions about so many unanswered things
I search for the hope and inspiration that makes life function happily
But take the burdens, worries and stress that each very busy day brings.

My tired heart looks in the window of my soul to find an answer so true...
Tears fill my eyes wishing for peace and a joy that continues to grow
Jesus, your love begins to shine through that window with healing so new
Something so breathtaking begins to overtake me that I want to know.

I started realizing that the burden isn't mine but yours all the life long...
I don't ever have to carry such things that are unlike you any more
I simply have to look to you to brighten my spirit and life's great song
You bless me with strength and endurance for the foundation of my soul.

My Yearning Heart

My Awesome Jesus...

I come now with a humbled heart full of wonder seeking all of you..
And kneel with attentiveness and desire to see rebirth now
I want to be your instrument of hope and promise in all I do
Come now by your sweet spirit and love and show me all this somehow.

Let your spirit fall now like fire and ignite me with your energy..
I want to feel you move and my heart be ablaze with your precious love
Let me be encouraged and inspired as you move with joy so mightily
May grace perform a mighty new work of promise from Heaven above.

Jesus I want to be your instrument in a dark World of today..
Showing people that happiness and peace can only come Lord from you
Let me be full of your spirit in every possible true way
Jesus I want to make a real difference in this hurting world for you.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Time Steps

My Awesome Jesus..

I sit for a moment and think about all of the great things that can be...
My ❤ heart fills with great wonder when I think about the new journey to come
Yet, just as I start to take a first 🚶 step, I realize that I can't see
And all of my happiness and expectations quickly become undone.

A beautiful source of 💘 love reaches for my heart and spirit so true..
My Jesus, you want me to have the best foundation, and perfect, real success
So, you want to be there beside each 🚶 step in everything I do
You want to make sure I am safe in your presence and always have the best.

Before I take that first new time step, I rededicate my life to you...
Knowing with such peace that together we will do it all so happily
I trust that you will take care of me and be my bright light each new day through
Now, suddenly I am beginning to clearly envision and to see.

Jesus, you are my hope, my pure joy and everything that I could ask for...
My ❤ heart does not ever want to do anything without you
I am waiting with anticipation as I stand before Heavens 🚪 door
Come take my hand and by your grace let's make your plan for my life come true!

Friday, January 1, 2021

*******NEW YEAR'S BLESSING.......A PRAYER************

Father, I dedicate this new year to you,
Please take control of everything from the start.
Fill it with your presence, as only you can do,
and all of the beautiful things that come from your heart.

Help me to be the person you want me to be
A beautiful ray of hope and bright star of light
When I look at myself, it is you that I'll see
and always know that I am pleasing in your sight.

Give me a joy that fills me to overflowing
and a pure heart to see so clearly  and so true
Let me be humble and grateful in everything
and always give my best in all that I may do.

Please see amazing promise within me
and help me to see a glimpse of your wonderful plan
Give me the strength, courage, and health that I will need
to live each day with success, guided by your hand.

Be the central part of each moment that goes by,
Make me an instrument for others every day
Let this be a groundbreaking year so glorified
Where pure hope prevails in every single way.

Father, I ask you to bless this new year right now
Let's be a team, and work hard to make it the best
Give me Faith to always know without asking 'how'
For when I am close to you, I am always blessed.

AMEN.   ***********

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...