Thursday, January 14, 2021

When I Look Into Your Beautiful Face


I think about that moment when I come before your throne on that day..
I'll fall before your feet in awe of everything you are to me
I'll wait with anticipation just to hear everything you would say
Because in your perfect delight sweet Master is where I want to be.

I'll walk attentively by your side and listen to your wise words and cares...
Studying your teachings and all your words of inspiration too
Resting in the knowledge that where I walk you are there
My Jesus, I long to spend that quality time forever with you.

But until that beautiful day I know that you will lift me up so true..
You will keep me wrapped in your loving arms every day and much more
And whenever I have a yearning heart and want to clearly see you
I'll keep my eyes focused upon the beautiful light at heavens door.

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