Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Window Of The Soul


I sit in the quiet stillness looking deep within at all that is me...
My spirit wonders and has questions about so many unanswered things
I search for the hope and inspiration that makes life function happily
But take the burdens, worries and stress that each very busy day brings.

My tired heart looks in the window of my soul to find an answer so true...
Tears fill my eyes wishing for peace and a joy that continues to grow
Jesus, your love begins to shine through that window with healing so new
Something so breathtaking begins to overtake me that I want to know.

I started realizing that the burden isn't mine but yours all the life long...
I don't ever have to carry such things that are unlike you any more
I simply have to look to you to brighten my spirit and life's great song
You bless me with strength and endurance for the foundation of my soul.

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