Saturday, January 23, 2021



When I sit and try to figure out things, my mind gets so clouded at best...
There isn't anything hopeful or inspirational in direct sight
My spirit searches for meaning, purpose and the purest of happiness
I don't see any direction or plan as I look with all of my might.

Your spirit and love begin to surround me so completely and perfectly...
You show me just how I have a very special place in your mighty heart 
And see something so extraordinary and picture perfect within me
Telling me you'll always be there and through it all never will depart.

The ruggedness of your power shows me how to see things as you do...
That wondrous grace reminds me that I can walk and not fear any more
You will be my lifeline and my pivotal strength my entire life through
All that I have to do is bring my heart and everything to heavens door.

So now I want to always remember this my special potpourri prayer...
Because the beautiful fragrance of your breathtaking love has truly showed me
That I am your unique and treasured child and how much you do care
By your anointing, my purpose is defined in Heavens great book so perfectly.

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