Saturday, January 16, 2021

Perfect Peace

My Jesus..

My ❤ heart feels so broken, 😕 confused and lost in every possible way...
I feel like giving up and honestly don't know which way I should go
I wish I had the words to describe it all but just don't know what to say
My fear, doubt and heavy burdens just continue to get larger and grow.

I search for answers to fill the void, and give me closure so perfectly..
A beautiful, directing source of light that brings me everything I need
Something where I could find the meaning of life, great rest and total delight
It will lift me up with great encouragement, and inspire me to succeed.

Suddenly, I feel a tugging as my 💔 broken heart begins to break more...
A beautiful sense of tranquility begins to surround me so true
Something breathtaking begins to knock at the essence of my hearts real core
Jesus, when I take a closer look I discover that love is from you.

Your healing power begins to cover me like a perfect 🛡 shield so grand...
I can feel the troublesome heaviness becoming even lighter still
As I watch you working on my behalf by the glory of your great hands
I see the mighty breathtaking movement of your powerful, perfect will.

I begin to feel that perfect peace that I long for so much every day...
All I have to do is place my faith and complete trust in you
Although it may not seem like it you will always make the perfect, true way
And with the greatest tranquil peace and beautiful rest you will see me through.

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