Friday, January 15, 2021

My Precious Jesus

I want to present something so wonderful before your throne right now...
It has to be something unbelievable and special just for you
An example of my love and gratitude all to you I'd endow
And send my true adoration and greatest appreciation too.

But, when I stop for a moment and take a look at everything..
There is not one thing that would perfectly fit that description at all
My spirit became overwhelmed at the thought of what I would now bring
I could feel the strong yearning and desire of my heart start to call.

Lord you own everything we see bestowed from your heart with sweet love...
You are the ruler of the earth that owns all wealth large and small
Moving like a mighty force of promise from the throne room gates above
The source and deliverer we turn to through everything all in all.

So then I look deeply into my heart and see your presence move there too...
I realize you own every essence of who I say I am
But you give me the precious gift of free will in everything I do
Then you light up my world and guide every footsteps by your Master hands.

So I freely give my heart and all that I am as my real gift today..
I don't only ask you to come in and start taking complete control
I want you to be my guiding force and foundation in every way
And let your anointing come in and make me humble, complete and whole.

The greatest gift I can lay before you is who you now can see..
Praise and exhault you with every essence of who I am and more
And watch your Potters hands do a wonderful new work in me
As your love and blessings overflow so perfectly from Heavens door.


1 comment:

  1. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Beautiful words!


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