Monday, September 30, 2019

All That You Give From Your Heart


All that you give from your heart is so incredibly remarkable to me,
You give your love and grace so abundantly to everyone complete and whole
Everything wonderful and good that comes from you is given so happily
It brings blessings and great promise that enlightens the heart and lifts up the soul.

All that you give from your heart is a seed planted for a new and brighter day,
It is nourished with your goodness, power, and love for great and mighty things
You enrich it and work on it in a fatherly and endearing way
So that it will bring a holy outcome at all times and with everything.

All that you give from your heart is a beautiful testimony to what we share,
It is a picture of great love from a father to his child forevermore
It is a beautiful representation of just how much you truly care
It is a breathtaking flow of your power to your children from Heaven's door.



Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mirror Of The Soul

I look inside and see something special and true,
It is a breathtaking beauty that is so rare
I want it to be picturesque in every thing I do
To let it speak to others with grandeur and great care.

It is such a beautiful mirror of my soul
It is a source of where all wonderful things are found
All things from the Lord are there to make me complete and whole
It is where his greatest peace and his love abound.

So come look at the mirror of my soul right now,
It is a picture of my Lord in me
I want it to be a treasure to all somehow
Let me learn to let it shine bright so perfectly.


Saturday, September 28, 2019


     Ok, so here is an interesting question to consider.  If someone gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it?  Well, I guess we all can come up with a variety of different answers.

     But, if we stop and think for a moment, perhaps that field of responses would narrow significantly.  If we knew that someone had a great need, wouldn't we help them?

     The majority of us deep within our hearts would answer a resounding 'yes'.  The greatest blessing is to use the gifts that you are given to help other lives.

     Ok so here is something else to consider.  Someone has given you something that is priceless.  It has a worth a hundred billion times greater than a million dollars.

     Wouldn't you whole-heartedly accept something like that?  I am talking about the gift of salvation and eternal life from the Lord.  When you accept this special gift and his love, and then use it to bless others you are blossoming the growth of his love more within you.

     So take your very special and priceless gift and use it to bless others today.  You'll be very glad you did. 
What Words Can I Use?


What words can I use to describe what you mean to me? 
 You are the beat of my heart that makes me who I am
You're the light of my soul and my breathe 
so perfectly
I yearn for the flow of your love by your powerful hands. 

When I think of strength I see you smiling so true
Happiness reveals your sweet heart in its brightest light
Your kindness and generosity I aspire to
Peace and positivity help me see with your sight.

So what words can I use to describe what you mean to me
You are my great father, my friend my everything
I want your greatness to be what everyone will see
Let your love and goodness be the songs my heart will sing.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Most Awesome Effort


I know that the greatest thing that I can do,
and never show any fear, worry or doubt
I can do my very best my whole life through
and remember what being yours is about.

You are in control and have it all in your hands
All I have to do simply is to believe
I have to place my trust in the power of your plan
Whenever I rest in you, I will receive.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Can I Hear Your Voice?

My heart so desperately wants to hear your voice so true,
I yearn to know your will and plan in a great way
How do I prepare my heart to hear now from you
and learn your guidance and direction for each new day.

I must remain silent and listen for your love
To humble my heart and give myself to you
and you will begin to speak from Heaven above
and be my directing light in all that I do.

You will be my hope and promise like never before
But I need to take heed with all of my might
You are watching at the edge of Heavens door
Waiting to speak to my heart with such great delight.

I Lift It All To You Lord

I lift it all to you Lord in every way,
I can't handle it by myself anymore
Can you hear my ❤ hearts cry from me each day
I'm sending my prayers and needs to Heavens door.

I'm down on my knees with great desire and praise,
I believe in your great power and might
You'll take care of it for me in such a great way
Let my 🎖 honor be so pleasing in your great sight.

I lift it all to you Lord in every way
Please send your miraculous power right now
Bring me to the light of a new and brighter day
I know you'll take care of it somehow.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

One Step To You Father

When the pathway seems long and 😕 confusing to me,
I feel so misdirected and that no one cares
Your perfect peace comes into my heart directly
and shows me that with one sweet 🚶 step you will be there.

One step and I will see your power in action,
I will see your 💘 love flowing like a fountain pure
Moving with a great power that is never done
Lord right there beside me you will always endure.

You will always be just one step away from me,
All I have to do is lean on you every day
You are the greatest beauty that I can ever see
Lord wherever I may go you are one step away

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lord, You Are My Everything

You are the breath that fills my lungs and gives me life for each new day,
You are the beat that keeps my heart and fills it with your perfect 💘 love
You are the source that fills my words and guides me right along the way
Father, you are there when I need you caring for me from above.

You're the best friend by my side when I feel alone and in despair,
You are my healing source when I am not feeling my very best
Whenever I need my footsteps guided your grace is always there
At all times of life you are my source for great joy and happiness.

You are the answer to the questions I may have throughout the years,
You are my uplifter taking me to a new and brighter day
You are my comfort that stands by me and dries all of my tears
Father, thank you for everything.  I love you more than words can say.


Friday, September 20, 2019

Something Wonderful

Okay here is an odd question.  Do you remember what it was like at Christmas time when you were a kid?

The tree was all decked out in the most beautiful lights and ornaments.  There were colorful boxes all aligned around its base.

Now you were so curious about the mystery.  Now think about a relationship with and living for the Lord.

There is beauty uniqueness and the color of joy called love.  But there is a sense of mystery wonder and surprise that brings a beautiful light to life.

So thank God for His salvation.  There is no better gift!

Something To Ponder

When you feel like there is
no answer
When there seems like there is no way out

Please remember..

You are God's precious child

He will never leave you
He will never forsake you

There is nothing that you and He can't handle

He will take care of you!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

My Heart Aches Lord


You see the deep pain so intense within me,
The tears flow from my eyes with such hurt and distress
I don't know where to go or exactly where to be
I have lost all of my joy and sweet happiness.

Suddenly I feel as if I'm not quite alone,
I can feel a gentle warmth in my heart so true
You surround me with your love and the greatest peace I've known
I can feel your presence as I'm drawn closer to you.

I see the beauty of your face and tears in your eyes
You reach out to embrace and begin to speak to me
'Do not be afraid, scared or petrified'
'I will take care of it all.  Please trust in me.'

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How Much Can One Person Do?

A lot of people may ask that very question.  How can I make a significant difference in my world? Many may feel that it doesn't truly matter.  But if you look across the pages of time that is not the case.

Take a moment to examine your own life.  Think of things that have made your world a little better. 

Maybe someone held the door open for you.  Once you felt better then perhaps you were able to spread the goodness.

It's like a seed planted by God's hands that has eternal yielding results.  God creates us to be unique and special individuals and in His image.

What better way to make a difference than to spread the precious love of God.  Can one person make a difference?

You sure can!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Passage Of Time

Okay, here is an odd question.  If you could describe time, how would you do it?  Time is precious and fragile like a beautiful stained glass picture window.  Yet, it is rapid and dissolvable like the wind.

Have you ever wondered how quickly the year seems to pass by?  It seems like we are celebrating the holidays one minute.  Before you know it, it is that time of year again.

Life is a precious and fragile gift from God's heart of love.  Every moment is like a breathtaking story ready for the Master Artist's next words.

But none of us know how long our unique play will be.  So why worry or be fearful?  Why be stressed?

Make the most of your precious gift.  Do kind and courteous things for others.  Tell those you adore how much you love them.

Count the numerous blessings that God has given you.  Thank Him for always being there. 

You will find that special peace and everlasting happiness like you have never known before!😊

Beautiful Hope

There is something so special in my heart right now,
It is a beautiful light to which none can compare
I must have it blossom and shine brighter somehow
I search for the answers to it all with great care.

Suddenly the great light seems to grow brighter still
and I hear a sweet voice slowly whisper to me
I want the best and the brightest for you that is my will
I want you to be encouraged wherever you may be.

I knew the true meaning of beautiful hope that day
The moment my heart and yours bond so perfectly
You are my encouragement in every way
Lord you are the breathtaking hope that I will always see.


Monday, September 16, 2019

My Greatest Joy

My greatest joy comes when saying your name Lord of 💘 love,
It fills me with a fulfillment that I can't explain
and when I give my praise unto you sweetly above
It gives me everything that I will need to sustain.

I feel this precious wholeness I did not have before.
and that I'm a special and unique symbol of you
So with my greatest 💘 love I'm knocking on Heavens door
Asking for more of your presence in all that I do.

You are my breath, my lifeline and my everything
I adore you with my being and all that I am
When I think of you my soul and spirit want to sing
Thank you for taking care of me by your mighty ✋ hand.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Do I Say Thank You Enough?

How do I say thank you enough to someone who does so much?
He gives from His heart abundantly with such perfect love
and never asks anything in return for His caring touch
He blesses me even more with His presence from above.

He walks beside me along the way and keeps me safe and sound
He rejoices with me during my happy times each day
and when things don't go well His peace and love always abound
My Father's love is unchanging no matter come what may.

So how do I say thank you in the perfect words so true?
There is nothing that can take the place of simplicity
I need to say what's on my heart and that is I love you
Thank you my precious Father for doing so much for me.😊


I can see a hand reaching out for me,
It's like nothing that I have seen before
It is reaching out with love so tenderly
Just beyond a great big opening door.

My eyes widen with curiosity
I wonder and know I have to seek more
So I reach out with all that is within me
I have to know more of what's in store.

Suddenly there is a beautiful smile
Lord I behold your breathtaking sweet face
You are taking care of me all the while
I take great joy in your tender embrace.

When I see a beautiful sight before me
I know that it's you with a Father's love
You want to be there wherever I may be
Giving me your best from Heaven above.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Heavenly Beauty

When I look up at all of the sparkling stars in the sky,
I think about your light shining so perfectly upon me
Everyone out there reminds me of your love way up high
and how it is always present no matter where I may be.
It reminds me of your angels who watch me so secure
and all of the sweet blessings from your heart that you send my way
Your presence and grace are with me to help me always endure
You give me hope to continue on to a brighter day.

Father, you are my guiding star there for me my whole life long,
I place my hand securely in yours and know I have the best
I am honored to be your child and in you I am strong
When I see the stars I know that in you I have peace and rest.



We are all unique individuals created by an awesome God.  He loves us so much and has given us the precious power of free will.  This means one of two things.

We can have good, wholesome thoughts about who we are and the world around us.

We can also have negative thoughts about everything.  Well let's break this issue down some.  It starts with where we see ourselves.

We are children of the most high God.  He created each one of us with such beauty and detail.  So our definition should be found in Him.

Now since He is the author of the universe and we are His how can we harbor anything negative?

Walk with your head held high.  Think the best thoughts always.  Your Father is right beside you.  He has you in the palms of His hands!

Friday, September 13, 2019


So here is an important question to consider.  What do you do on those days when you feel like nothing is right?  You feel worthless and in some sense useless.

But take a moment to consider something.  If you had no importance you wouldn't be here.

You say well I don't see anything worth mentioning.  Sometimes in our own narrow vision we can't see true value.

But we have to rest in the love of the Lord and His awesome wisdom.  He knows our purpose.

So when there's not much sunshine hang out and smile.  The Son will see you through.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thought To Ponder

When you have the beautiful light of God's love,
Everything looks better and brighter than the human heart can imagine
There is a joy so perfect that infiltrates the soul to a new and brighter outlook.
How can you not want such breathtaking beauty in your life?

A Searching Heart

Have you ever had one of those days when you wonder ed why you even got out of bed? Most of the people you encounter are cranky.  Nothing really seems ideal.

Yet you keep marching onward.  Why?  Something inside of strives to make the best of every day.

But here is something to consider.  How can we use less than perfect days for good?  Here is one idea.  Do something nice for others who are unkind.

What?  The Lord said we are to pray for our enemies.  But it actually can help us by releasing tension.

We can try smiling more and speaking positively.  We can also release everything to the Lord through prayer.

This helps us to realize we are not alone.  Our Lord is always with us.  So when you have one of those blah kind of days remember something.

You can use it as a stepping stone to build something special.  Hand in hand with your Heavenly Father everything is possible.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

In My Father's Arms

I close my eyes and suddenly a perfect peace fills my soul,
I envision being in your arms in peace and rest above
Your presence fills me with a joy that makes me complete and whole
I am enriched by the beauty of your mighty, perfect love.
There are no worries, burdens, or great pain to weigh down my heart,
But instead there is a great feeling that it has all gone away
My Father has taken it all in full right from the start
And He is opening up doors for a new and brighter day.
I envision myself in your arms Lord forever more
There is no greater place that I can ever think of to be
I don't ever want to leave the power of Heavens core
Please keep me in the center of your presence for eternity.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Most Favorite Moment

My favorite moment is when I find the very best
Of things that bring out the greatest part of all that is in me
I find tranquility, true peace  and pure happiness
And strive to be the very best of all God wants for me.
My favorite moment is when my heart reaches out for you,
Your love flows in like a beautiful light of grace for me
Together we bond with wonder for a lifetime through
And nothing can separate us for eternity.

My favorite moment is when I am called your child adored
And no one can ever take that special love away
You are mine and I am yours forevermore
You are the essence of my moments each and every day.

Monday, September 9, 2019

When I feel Like Quitting

When I feel like giving up on any given day,
Love reaches down and tries to help me with one more step
A beautiful light begins to shine along the way
Peace begins to come in and takes all of my distress.

I may not realize what is going on then and there,
But a miracle of grace is suddenly at hand
Good things are occurring now by a Father's great care
Everything is handled by his will and his great plan.

He doesn't want me to quit but instead hang on tight
For good things are coming if I believe in him true
He wants me to have victory with all of his might
For I'm a Kingdom Kid and I'll always make it through.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Sometimes I feel so lost Lord, quite scared and alone
I want to run away but don't know where to go
You reach down with love and remind me I am your own
There are so many good things that you want me to know.

You remind me I am your child precious and loved
You wrap me in your mighty arms so warm and tight
I can feel something awesome from Heaven above
The beauty of your great presence is now in sight.

Something wonderful is working right now in me
I never have to feel scared or alone again
You are always with me for all of eternity
You are my everything and my faithful best friend.



You are the tie that holds my life together each day,
The anchor that keeps me structured and so true
Your light is my guiding force that shows me the way
Lord where would I be at any time without you.

You are my source that gives me hope and promise with love
My happiness that makes my life a pure delight
I send all my devotion to Heaven above
And praise you Lord with all of my will and might.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Reflection Of The Day

God is the strong bond
Holds the threads of life together
He then weaves them
The most beautiful and breathtaking tapestry
No one can ever destroy.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Greatest Delight


The greatest thing is knowing I can come to you,
with my concerns at any time of the day
You'll be there with love, grace, and great care so true
Sorting through everything in an awesome way.

You help me to feel better and peaceful too
I can always depend on you through anything
I will lean on you my whole life through
You are my wonderful best friend and my King.

You bring me delight in so many ways
and give me hope, sunshine and such happiness
I want to pledge my all to you every day
By your hand of goodness I am always blessed.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Praise And Thanksgiving


There is a shadow right by my side each day,
I feel the true warmth and I know
That you love me more than words can say
You are with me Wherever I go.

You are my foundation upon which I stand strong
My reason for everything I do
I depend on you Lord all the day long
You are my joy and happiness so true.

I send you my joy and Thanksgiving
I lift you up and praise you on high
You are my true reason for living
Father you give me hope and purpose to try




A woman of faith stands strong, and courageous & perseveres no matter how rugged the pathway....

Her faith is her anchor, the word of God is her compass and comfort and his presence is her shield as she walks her journey............

She is devoted to and is the precious creation of her Father's heart...the beautiful rose of his love......

A woman of faith is self-assured, wise and blessed, knowing of and grateful for all things from her Father.......

She is creative and hard-working, ready to use the gifts her Father has given her to bless others........

She is a trailblazer and a light of happiness........

She strives to do her best at everything for the glory of her Father.....

A woman of Faith is a Woman After God's Own Heart............

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Gifts of The Heart*****

The beauty of a perfect masterpiece created with great care
A brilliant portal of discovery given by the Father's grace
Guided by a bright foundation that is solid, unique and rare
Motivated to grow, and inspired to learn and embrace.

Seeds of hope are firmly planted upon that foundation so true
The eternal lights of love, peace, strong faith, and inspiration's song
A dream begins to take its place and new inroads are opening too
Discovering purpose, new talents, and gifts and where they belong.

Suddenly, as the journey's set with everything in its right time
These lights become gifts of hope as the doors are opening wide
Bestowed upon other hearts whose direction they're trying to find
and as it does the dream becomes a vision with joy and great pride.

For when the great gifts of your heart and your time are given away
Your heart will begin to grow and blossom in ways you can't think of
It's the most precious gift that makes life sweeter and a brighter day
as the journey is illuminated with the power of love.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Prayer Of Devotion

My Lord...

I dedicate this new day to you
Please fill it with everything wonderful from above
May I see your power in all I do
and be surrounded by your awesome love.

Give me all that I need to succeed and more
Be by my side with your guidance and care
Let your hand be on the lever of every open door
Help me to feel you are always there.
Give me wisdom to know what I need and when
Help me place my feet along the way
I can do anything with you my dear friend
You are the reason for every day.

Prepare My Heart
Touch my heart with Your precious spirit of grace,
Help me not to be fearful of what I see
But, to keep my sight on Your beautiful face
and keep my faith strong, wherever I may be.

Your love is the light that shines in the darkness,
Your hope is our foundation on which we stand
No matter what is in the world around us
You will watch over us with your mighty hand.

Prepare us to draw closer to You each day,
and to know more of Your great presence, so true
Father, without You, we will not have a way
You are the promise and guide in all we do.

So, as the storm clouds now form so mightily,
Take my hand, and prepare my heart with Your love
In Your great glory is where I want to be
My focus is on You in Heaven above.


Monday, September 2, 2019

Thoughts To Reflect Upon

Don't give up!

Don't give in!


When you have God

You always win!

My Heavenly Home

My Heavenly Home is beautiful and reserved just for me,
It is like nothing I have ever seen in this life before
There is perfect peace, happiness, and wondrous tranquility
Worries and concerns of life are gone and won't be anymore.

My Father is waiting at the threshold preparing things with love
I can see His breathtaking smile as I close my eyes tight
and as I send my praise and Thanksgiving to His heart above
I can envision giving a hug with all of my might.

Though that day maybe far away it gives me warmth to know
That it is my special place to cherish and be blessed
I can keep that thought always with me wherever I may go
That one day I'll live with my Father in pure love and happiness.

The Purest Love

How grateful am I to have a love that never will go away
It is pure, genuine, and whole and gives a lot so perfectly
It surrounds me, comforts me, and restores me each and every day
The breathtaking beauty is the brilliant light of hope that I see.

I can always depend on its mighty power to see me through
and to make everything so much better than it was before
I want to sing its praises and reflect it so in all I do
Lord, my heart cries out with yearning and joy for you to send me more.

Thank you Father for the perfect love that you so greatly bestow
I thank you with gratitude from deep in my heart for the blessing
It is the greatest gift in my lifetime that I will ever know
I can't wait to see all of the wondrous joys from you that it brings.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

What Is The Answer?

Sometimes as you journey through your path, you may come to a ✝ crossroad along the way.  You may feel desolate and confused because you don't know where to go.

It is at that point when you should be silent and pray.  Your Heavenly Father will come and give you peace.  He will take you into His arms of grace and love and carry you to the right way.

You can always lean on Him.  He is a lighthouse of love.

Please Help Me Dear Lord

Help me dear Lord to forever be
Place my feet on the right path to you
I want you to find your greatness in me
And see true goodness in all I do.

I want others to know I am your child
and see your sweet and special Father's love
You are the reason for my great smile
I reach out for you in Heaven above.

Please help me dear Lord is my greatest prayer
I want to be your greatest delight
Mold me and shape me with special care
I want to serve you with all of my might.


You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...