Saturday, September 14, 2019

Heavenly Beauty

When I look up at all of the sparkling stars in the sky,
I think about your light shining so perfectly upon me
Everyone out there reminds me of your love way up high
and how it is always present no matter where I may be.
It reminds me of your angels who watch me so secure
and all of the sweet blessings from your heart that you send my way
Your presence and grace are with me to help me always endure
You give me hope to continue on to a brighter day.

Father, you are my guiding star there for me my whole life long,
I place my hand securely in yours and know I have the best
I am honored to be your child and in you I am strong
When I see the stars I know that in you I have peace and rest.



  1. What a beautiful post. It is uplifting and calming. I like the positivity that it spreads.

  2. I'm glad you found something to believe in that brings you joy and peace.

  3. This is so beautiful. It is certainly an honor to be His child, and to know that He loves us unconditionally.


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