Sunday, September 15, 2019


I can see a hand reaching out for me,
It's like nothing that I have seen before
It is reaching out with love so tenderly
Just beyond a great big opening door.

My eyes widen with curiosity
I wonder and know I have to seek more
So I reach out with all that is within me
I have to know more of what's in store.

Suddenly there is a beautiful smile
Lord I behold your breathtaking sweet face
You are taking care of me all the while
I take great joy in your tender embrace.

When I see a beautiful sight before me
I know that it's you with a Father's love
You want to be there wherever I may be
Giving me your best from Heaven above.


  1. Oh wow, this is beautiful. I'm not very religious but can feel your strength in what you believe in. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  2. This is really amazing. God is really always beside us wherever we are and He never leaves us alone


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