Saturday, September 14, 2019


We are all unique individuals created by an awesome God.  He loves us so much and has given us the precious power of free will.  This means one of two things.

We can have good, wholesome thoughts about who we are and the world around us.

We can also have negative thoughts about everything.  Well let's break this issue down some.  It starts with where we see ourselves.

We are children of the most high God.  He created each one of us with such beauty and detail.  So our definition should be found in Him.

Now since He is the author of the universe and we are His how can we harbor anything negative?

Walk with your head held high.  Think the best thoughts always.  Your Father is right beside you.  He has you in the palms of His hands!

1 comment:

  1. It is important to have self-confidence no matter what! We all must work to get rid of negative thoughts!


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