Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Do I Say Thank You Enough?

How do I say thank you enough to someone who does so much?
He gives from His heart abundantly with such perfect love
and never asks anything in return for His caring touch
He blesses me even more with His presence from above.

He walks beside me along the way and keeps me safe and sound
He rejoices with me during my happy times each day
and when things don't go well His peace and love always abound
My Father's love is unchanging no matter come what may.

So how do I say thank you in the perfect words so true?
There is nothing that can take the place of simplicity
I need to say what's on my heart and that is I love you
Thank you my precious Father for doing so much for me.😊


  1. It sounds like you have a great father that cares so much about you. It's nice how appreciative you are of him.

  2. Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad. I really like this. Thanks for sharing

  3. Thank you's are really so important. Showing appreciation for someone really goes a long way. reciprocated for Sondra Barker

  4. Awe this is so sweet! I’m a daddy’s girl and love and appreciate everything my dad has done for me as well!

  5. This is so beautiful post. Thank you for sharing it with us x



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